In situ preparation of weakly flocculated aqueous anatase suspensions by a hydrothermal technique


Weakly flocculated aqueous anatase suspensions were prepared in situ by hydrothermally treating amorphous titania particles peptized with different amounts of tetraethylammonium hydroxide (TENOH). The simultaneous formation of hydrous TiO2 polyanions in the presence of OH- and tetraethylammonium cations are two essential conditions for the peptization process to occur. The absence of either of these conditions will cause reprecipitation. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed that the morphology of the particles formed at low TENOH concentrations consisted of well-dispersed anatase crystals, changing to asterisk-like structured particles with increasing concentrations of TENOH. Because of the extremely high absolute zeta potential (over -70 mV in all the samples) and ionic strength values, nontouching particle networks may be formed in situ in the mother solution in all samples, as predicted by DLVO theory. A trend to coagulation was observed in the suspensions with increasing concentrations of TENOH due to a more pronounced secondary minimum in the particle pair potential curves. Assuming the particles remained in the secondary minimum throughout the hydrothermal treatment may lead to the formation of the asterisk-like hard agglomerates. This may arise from the condensation of the -OH-rich TiO2 particles or from the deposition of material in the interparticle gap during the particle growth process. The green packing density of slip-cast bodies from a suspension containing 20 wt% solids was around 46%. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.






Yang, J; Mei, S; Ferreira, JMF

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