Designing of bioceramics with bonelike structures tailored for different orthopaedic applications


Innovative methods for the production of porous bioceramics for implants with tailored pore volume fractions, pore sizes, pore size distributions and pore interconnectivity have been developed. The average pore sizes can vary from a few micrometers to more than one millimeter, therefore fulfilling all the needs required for components used in implantology. The methods combine in a suitable way the knowledge coming from different areas in the field of colloid and interface science, namely, on the processing of ceramic materials by traditional colloidal shaping techniques such as slip casting with a number of new direct consolidation techniques, which transform the fluid hydroxyapatite (HA) based suspensions into rigid bodies, and particularly the expertise in the production of porous ceramics by different techniques. Slip casting was preferably used for designing the cortical part of the bone, while direct consolidation techniques were used to "freeze" tailored foamy structures or suspensions containing different kinds of organic inclusions of suitable sizes and amounts that generate pores after burning out.




Engineering; Materials Science


Lemos, AF; Ferreira, JMF

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