Growth, crystal structure and stability of Ag-Ni/Cu films


AgxNi1-x (x=0.0-1.0) films were grown on Cu substrates by electrodeposition method. The films were found to be a nanocrystalline mixture of pure silver and nickel. The grain sizes were determined by X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy techniques. The minimal value was 3.3 nm for the alloy with 70 wt% concentration of Ni. The stability of the grown films upon heating in air and in vacuum was examined. An increase in the grain size was found to begin at 150 degrees C.




Materials Science


Bdikin, IK; Strukova, GK; Strukov, GV; Kedrov, VV; Matveev, DV; Zver'kov, SA; Kholkin, AL

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