Evaluation of beer deterioration by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry/ multivariate analyis: a rapid tool for assessing beer composition


Flavor science is continually evolving. Remaining current with the latest research and establishing a broad and sound understanding of the major developments and breakthroughs can be a challenge. The Weurman Flavour Research Symposium has long been regarded as the premier professional meeting focused on the science of flavor. Flavour Science, an extensive review of the most recent symposium, presents the latest in flavor research, enriching the chemistry-based vision of most flavorists and flavor chemists with understanding from a broad range of fields, including human physiology, ethology, psychophysics, genetics, bioinformatics or metabolomics. This book is ideal for all flavor scientists, food chemists and sensory scientists and has a strong audience among enologists as well.


Rodrigues, J.A, Barros, A.S., Carvalho, B., Brandão, T., Gil AM, Silva Ferreira, A.C.

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