Formation of optically active multilayered composite structures based on semiconductor nanocrystalls of different spacial confinement


The aim of work is to develop methods for preparation of mono- and poly-layered thin films with controlled spatial orientation of anisotropic nanoparticles. As a result of the studies techniques for the preparation of thin films of nanocrystals of different morphology on the water surface were developed, as well as methods of transfer of thin films on the substrate. A strong effect of the amount and type of surfactant in the process of spreading the film and its final structure were discovered. Using luminescent microscopy and transmission electron microscopy it was confirmed that nanoplatelets have lateral orientation in thin film area up to 3 cm2. The study of fluorescent properties of films made of nanoplatelets of different quantum confinement regyme demonstrated the ability of Förster resonance energy transfer between nanoplates, preliminary estimated to be 30-60%. The results of this work can be used for the development of electro-optical, photovoltaic and electroluminescent devices.


A.I. Mikhailau

nossos autores


M.V. Artemyev


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