WC-Co Versus Ticn/WC-Co, Ni For New Cutting Tools


Advanced cutting tools are required for the new challenge of the machining industry to make more sustainable solutions. Material extrusion (MEX), as an indirect additive manufacturing technology, could be used to process hardmetals (WC-Co) and, also, the designated cermets (TiCN/WC and Co, Ni). While versatile for different feedstock possibilities, it is capable to produce complex internal structures that could lead to more efficient cooling solutions. However, it is not yet easy to replicate the main MEX parameters developed for organic or metallic materials when the feedstocks are based on hardmetal and cermet powder. The main objective of this study is to add a better understanding of these materials processed by MEX, considering that the defects, from shaping to debinding and sintering, have a significant role in the performance of the tool. © European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA)


Cermets; Feedstocks; Nickel; Powder metallurgy; Sintering; Additive manufacturing technology; Cooling solutions; Debinding; Extrusion parameter; Hard metals; Internal structure; Metallic material; Organic materials; Performance; Sustainable solution; Cutting tools


Oliveira G.; Mineiro R.; Rocha Senos A.M.; Fernandes C.; Figueiredo D.; Vieira M.T.

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