Ongoing Supervisions
A Metabolomics-guided Bioreactor for Improved Engineered Bone Implants (BioImplant)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
A Nuclear Magnetic Resonance(NMR)- based metabonomic study of health disorders of fetus and mother during pregnancy: towards biochemical characterisation and early diagnostics (PTDC/QUI/66523/2006)
CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
biofluids metabonomics NMR spectroscopy pregnancyAge-related macular degeneration - can metabolomic profile distinguish progressors? (HMSP-ICJ/0006/2013)
Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
age-related macular degeneration disease progression metabolomics Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopyASTHMA: Future asthma management helped by non-evasive sampling: contributes for the definition of a rapid and non-evasive diagnostic tool (PTDC/QUI-QUI/117803/2010)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Asthma Non-invasive sampling Chromatographic and 1H NMR-based methodologies Metabolomic patternsBiochemical Impact of Platinum and Palladium-based Anticancer Agents (BIOIMPACT)
Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
anticancer Pt(II) and Pd(II) agents;spectral cyto- and histopathology;metabolomics;cellular biodistributionCellulose: surface properties, interaction with binding domains and enzymatic modification (POCTI/QUI/44368/2002)
Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
surface energy cellulose transesterification CBDEffects of environmental hazards of the Estarreja region on pregnancy metabolism (CERN (France)-OHMI Estarreja (Portugal))
CoordinatorOther International
Implantable scaffolds for local osteo-sarcoma chemotherapy (PTDC/SAU-BEB/66896/2006)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Osteosarcoma Implantable drug scaffolds Cyclodextrin-templated silicates Molecular capsulesMetabolic profiling: a novel tool for evaluation of the toxicological and biological effects of nanomaterials (PTDC/SAU-TOX/120953/2010)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
metabolic profiling and metabonomics silver nanoparticles toxicological and biological effects nanotoxicologyMetabolomic study of lung cancer: metabolic signatures in tissues and biofluids (CIMAGO 04/12)
PartnerOther National
Mould proteome regulation by substrate bioavailability: depolymerising enzymes likely to alter biopolymer nanostructure (POCI/QUI/56229/2004)
Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Mould proteome biopolymers nanostructure depolymerising enzymes corkNanochemistry of magnetic/luminescent composites for in vitro medical diagnosis applications (PTDC/QUI/67712/2006)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Nanoparticles Nanocomposites Magnetism/Luminescence Antibodies bioconjugationRole of the intestine in promoting the lipogenic effects of fructose (PTDC/SAU-MET/111398/2009)
Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
ApoB48 steatosis endotoxin lipogenesisUpgrade and Expansion of the NMR Facility at the University of Aveiro (REEQ/934/QUI/2005)
CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
This project entailed the upgrade/expansion of the 3 existing Nuclear Magnetic Resonance-NMR spectrometers (300 to 500MHz, solids and liquids) at the University of Aveiro (UA). In 2000, the UA supported an initial upgrade of this equipment; however, many items which would enable the full use of the existing facilities in areas like solid-state N...Publications
Can nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy reveal different metabolic signatures for lung tumours?
Duarte, IF; Rocha, CM; Barros, AS; Gil, AM; Goodfellow, BJ; Carreira, IM; Bernardo, J; Gomes, A; Sousa, V; Carvalho, L
2010, VIRCHOWS ARCHIV, 457, 6, 715-725.
Suberin of Potato (Solanum tuberosum Var. Nikola): Comparison of the Effect of Cutinase CcCut1 with Chemical Depolymerization
Jarvinen, R; Silvestre, AJD; Holopainen, U; Kaimainen, M; Nyyssola, A; Gil, AM; Neto, CP; Lehtinen, P; Buchert, J; Kallio, H
Analytical Approaches toward Successful Human Cell Metabolome Studies by NMR Spectroscopy
Duarte, IF; Marques, J; Ladeirinha, AF; Rocha, C; Lamego, I; Calheiros, R; Silva, TM; Marques, MPM; Melo, JB; Carreira, IM; Gil, AM
2009, ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 81, 12, 5023-5032.
NMR metabonomics for mammalian cell metabolism studies
Duarte, IF; Lamego, I; Rocha, C; Gil, AM
2009, BIOANALYSIS, 1, 9, 1597-1614.
Identification of metabolites in human hepatic bile using 800 MHz H-1 NMR spectroscopy, HPLC-NMR/MS and UPLC-MS
Duarte, IF; Legido-Quigley, C; Parker, DA; Swann, JR; Spraul, M; Braumann, U; Gil, AM; Holmes, E; Nicholson, JK; Murphy, GM; Vilca-Melendez, H; Heatond, N; Lindon, JC
2009, MOLECULAR BIOSYSTEMS, 5, 2, 180-190.
Biofunctionalized magnetic hydrogel nanospheres of magnetite and kappa-carrageenan
Daniel-da-Silva, AL; Fateixa, S; Guiomar, AJ; Costa, BFO; Silva, NJO; Trindade, T; Goodfellow, BJ; Gil, AM
2009, NANOTECHNOLOGY, 20, 35.
Specific Solvation Interactions of CO2 on Acetate and Trifluoroacetate Imidazolium Based Ionic Liquids at High Pressures
Carvalho, PJ; Alvarez, VH; Schroder, B; Gil, AM; Marrucho, IM; Aznar, M; Santos, LMNBF; Coutinho, JAP
2009, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, 113, 19, 6803-6812.
H-1 NMR Based Metabonomics of Human Amniotic Fluid for the Metabolic Characterization of Fetus Malformations
Graca, G; Duarte, IF; Barros, AS; Goodfellow, BJ; Diaz, S; Carreira, IM; Couceiro, AB; Galhano, E; Gil, AM
2009, JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH, 8, 8, 4144-4150.
Analysis of Non-Aromatic Organic Acids in Beer by CE and Direct Detection Mode with Diode Array Detection
Erny, GL; Rodrigues, JEA; Gil, AM; Barros, AS; Esteves, VI
2009, CHROMATOGRAPHIA, 70, 11-12, 1737-1742.
Metabolite profiling of human amniotic fluid by hyphenated nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Graca, G; Duarte, IF; Goodfellow, BJ; Carreira, IM; Couceiro, AB; Domingues, MD; Spraul, M; Tseng, LH; Gil, AM
2008, ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 80, 15, 6085-6092.
Urine metabolomics and proteomics in prenatal health

In Moshe Hod, Vincenzo Berghella, Mary D'Alton, Gian Carlo Di Renzo, Eduard Gratacos, Vassilios Fanos (Eds.), New Technologies and Perinatal Medicine: Prediction and Prevention of Pregnancy Complications
Duarte, D; Almeida, M.C.; Domingues, P.; Gil, A.M.
2019, CRC Press.
Metabolomics in Biomaterial Research

In Roger Narayan (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Biomedical Engineering
Gil AM, Fernandes MH, Duarte IF
2018, 432-442, Elsevier.
Metabolómica e complexos metálicos: aliados no combate ao cancro

In Manuel A. Coimbra (Eds.), Bioquímica e Bem-Estar
Martins AS, Marques MPM, Gil AM.
2017, 77-88, Lisboa, Edições Afrontamento.
Blood metabolomics in human prenatal and newborn health studies

Global Metabolic Profiling: Clinical Applications
Pinto J, Domingues MR, Gil AM
2014, London, Future Science Ltd.
Evaluation of beer deterioration by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry/ multivariate analyis: a rapid tool for assessing beer composition

Flavour Science: Proceedings from XIII Weurman Flavour Research Symposium
Rodrigues, J.A, Barros, A.S., Carvalho, B., Brandão, T., Gil AM, Silva Ferreira, A.C.
2014, San Diego, Elsevier.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Methods for Metabolomic Investigation of Amniotic Fluid

Methodologies for Metabolomics: Experimental Strategies and Techniques
Gil AM, Graça G
2013, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Techniques for analyzing wheat protein

In Stanley P. Cauvain, BakeTran, UK (Eds.), Breadmaking: Improving quality
Gil, AM
2012, Cambridge, Woodhead Publishing Limited.
0 85709 060 7
Metabonomics in Food Science

Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy and Spectrometry
Gil AM
2010, 1513-1520, Oxford, Elsevier.
Methods for the characterization of beer by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

Beer in Health and Disease Prevention
Gil AM, Rodrigues J
2008, 935-942, Elsevier.
high resolution nmr tools for the analysis of beer and wine

In I A Farhat, Peter S Belton, G Webb (Eds.), Magnetic Resonance in Food Science: From Molecules to Man
Gil AM, Rodrigues J
2007, 96-104, Cambridge, RSC Pub.
Techniques For Analyzing Wheat Proteins

In Cauvain SP (Eds.), Bread Making – Improving Quality
Gil A M
2004, 97-120, Woodhead Publishing Limited.
Application of NMR and Hyphenated Nmr Spectroscopy for the Study of Beer Components

In Webb GA, Belton PS, Gil AM, Rutledge DN (Eds.), Magnetic Resonance In Food Science - Latest Developments
P. S. Belton, A. M. Gil, G. A. Webb, D. Rutledge, I. F. Duarte, M. Spraul, M. Godejohann, U. Bruumann and A. M. Gil
2003, 151-157, Cambridge, The Royal Society Of Chemistry.
Spectroscopy: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

In Caballero B, Finglas P, Toldrá F (Eds.), Encyclopedia Of Food Sciences And Nutrition
Gil AM
2003, 545-547, Academic Press.
Techniques For Analysing Wheat Proteins

In Cauvain SP (Eds.), Bread Making – Improving Quality
Gil AM
2003, 97-120, Woodhead Publishing Limited and CRC Press.