Célia Maria Dias Ferreira

Bolseiro de pós-Doutoramento

LIFE PAYT - Tool to reduce Waste in South Europe

Financiado pelo programa LIFE, da Comissão Europeia (LIFE15 ENV/PT/000609).

Investigator Principal: Celia Dias Ferreira

Inicio: 01-sep-2016; fim 31-dez-2019

Orçamento: 2,577,909 €

Entidades beneficiárias:

(i) Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra;

(ii) University of Aveiro;

(iii) National Technical University of Athens;

(iv) Câmara Municipal de Lisboa; 

(v) Câmara Municipal de Aveiro; 

(vi) Câmara Municipal de Condeixa a Nova

(vii) Municipality of Vrilissia, Greece

(viii) Municipality of Larnaka, Cyprus.

NanoDC Electrokinetic Remediation of soil contaminated with persistent organic pollutants using iron nanoparticles

Funded by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e para a Tecnologia (PTDC/AGR-AAM/101643/2008)

Principal Investigator: Célia Dias Ferreira

Start: 15 March 2011; end: 31 December 2014.

Budget: 167000€.

Coordinated by IPC - Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra, Partners: University of Coimbra, Technical University of Denmark, University of Utrecht. Funding by FCT - Fundação Nacional par aa Ciência e para a Tecnologia.


Heavy metal and PCB spatial distribution pattern in sediments within an urban catchment-contribution of historical pollution sources

Dias-Ferreira, C; Pato, RL; Varejao, JB; Tavares, AO; Ferreira, AJD
2016, JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS, 16, 11, 2594-2605.

Electrochemical desalination of historic Portuguese tiles Removal of chlorides, nitrates and sulfates

Ottosen, LM; Dias-Ferreira, C; Ribeiro, AB
2015, JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE, 16, 5, 712-718.

Ammonium citrate as enhancement for electrodialytic soil remediation and investigation of soil solution during the process

Dias-Ferreira, C; Kirkelund, GM; Ottosen, LM
2015, CHEMOSPHERE, 119, 889-895.

Treatment of a suspension of PCB contaminated soil using iron nanoparticles and electric current

Comes, HI; Ottosen, LM; Ribeiro, AB; Dias-Ferreira, C

Electroremediation of PCB contaminated soil combined with iron nanoparticles: Effect of the soil type

Gomes, HI; Dias-Ferreira, C; Ottosen, LM; Ribeiro, AB
2015, CHEMOSPHERE, 131, 157-163.

Numerical prediction of diffusion and electric field-induced iron nanoparticle transport

Gomes, HI; Rodriguez-Maroto, JM; Ribeiro, AB; Pamukcu, S; Dias-Ferreira, C
2015, ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 181, 5-12.

Biowaste separate collection and composting in a Small Island Developing State: The case study of SAo Tome and Principe, West Africa

Vaz, JM; Ferreira, JS; Dias-Ferreira, C
2015, WASTE MANAGEMENT & RESEARCH, 33, 12, 1132-1138.

Door-to-Door Collection of Food and Kitchen Waste in City Centers Under the Framework of Multimunicipal Waste Management Systems in Portugal: The Case Study of Aveiro

Rodrigues, J; Oliveira, V; Lopes, P; Dias-Ferreira, C

Hospital food waste and environmental and economic indicators - A Portuguese case study

Dias-Ferreira, C; Santos, T; Oliveira, V
2015, WASTE MANAGEMENT, 46, 146-154.

Electrodialytic upgrading of three different municipal solid waste incineration residue types with focus on Cr, Pb, Zn, Mn, Mo, Sb, Se, V, Cl and SO4

Jensen, PE; Kirkelund, GM; Pedersen, KB; Dias-Ferreira, C; Ottosen, LM
2015, ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 181, 167-178.

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