The infrastructure aims to develop research internationally competitive in the characterization of materials combining optical and hyperspectral spectroscopy in different technological areas (e.g., optics and photonics, micro/nanoelectronics, quantum information, luminescent single-ion and single molecule magnets, energy and lighting, aerospace, military, biomedicine, and environmental monitoring). It also provides the thermometric characterization of luminescent micro and naonothermometers, the radiometric and photometric characterization of light-emitting materials, as well as the photoluminescence characterization of luminescent solar concentrators and luminescent layers coupled to photovoltaic cells under solar illumination (AM1.5) and the cell performance (external quantum efficiency and the power conversion efficiency). The infrastructure, in line with UN sustainable development goals 3, 4, 6, 7 and 9 and with the 2030 Agenda, is dedicated to providing specialized services to the UA and external scientific community, technological entities and companies, promoting the dissemination and transfer of knowledge.
About Optical Spectroscopy and Spectral Imaging in Photonics Facility
High spectral resolution photoluminescence.
Photoluminescence of bulk and low-dimensional materials, including liquids, at the micro and nano scale in the UV-VIS range between 80 K and 800 K with spectral resolution <1 nm and in the UVC-NIR range between 14K and 450 K with high spectral resolution (0.1 nm)
High temporal resolution photoluminescence.
Time resolved emission and decay of bulk materials, low dimensional systems and liquids in the VIS (230-920 nm) and NIR (980-1400 nm) ranges, with 10-9-1 s and 10-12-10-1 s time resolutions, respectively.
Hyperspectral microscopy.
Hyperspectral imaging (vis-NIR) and optical microscopy (dark field and bright field, fluorescence). Spectral (<10-6 m) mapping of fluorescent materials, plasmons, living cells and tissues.
Absolute quantum yield of emission.
Quantification of energy up-conversion, downshifting and down-conversion emission through integrating spheres in the UV-VIS-NIR emission range with excitation in the UV-VIS (Xe lamp) or NIR (808 and 980 nm laser diodes) regions.
Radiometry, photometry.
Photometric and radiometric characterization using calibrated CCDs and integrating spheres of voluminous materials and low-dimensional systems and small devices (LEDs, OLEDS, etc.) between 280 K and 380 K. Optical dispersion of surfaces. Photobiological risk of exposure to non-ionizing radiation (2006/25/EC (EN 62471).
Optical absorption.
Spectroscopy of absorbance, transmittance, diffuse and specular reflectance, of low dimensional systems and liquids in a wide range of wavelengths (UV-NIR) combined, if useful, with integrating sphere.
Spectroscopic ellipsometry.
Determination of thickness and refractive index dispersion curve (400-800 nm).
Emission spectra under AM1.5.
Emission spectra in the temperature range 0-50 ºC under standard solar irradiation.
Optical conversion efficiency (OCE) under AM1.5.
The OCE of luminescent solar concentrators and of the luminescent layers quantified in the temperature range 0-50 ºC for distinct solar cells.
External quantum efficiency (EQE) under AM1.5.
The EQE of the solar cells quantified in the temperature range 0-50 ºC for distinct solar cells under standard solar irradiation.
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Luís Carlos
Scientific Coordinator
Full Professor in the Department of Physics at the University of Aveiro, Portugal. Current research interests include luminescent nanothermometers, luminescent solar concentrators, and organic-inorganic hybrids for green photonics (solid-state lighting and integrated optics).
Rute Ferreira
Scientific Coordinator
Scientific interests are focused on the optoelectronic studies on sol-gel derived organic/inorganic hybrids without metal activator centres and doped with lanthanide ions, processed as bulk and nanostructured monoliths and thin films. Her current research interests include mobile optical sensing, optical physical unclonable function (PUF), photovoltaics (converting layers and luminescent solar concentrators) solid-state lighting (novel single phase white LEDs), single ion magnets, and integrated optics (photonic circuits).
+351 234 370 946
+351 234 378 103
Room and 32.1.39
Solar Simulator
Abet Solar simulator 1050
Ligth source that simulates the solar irradiation spectra.
LED and LASER Sources
Laser diodes emitting at 980 nm with adjustable nominal power values (1-10 W) operating in CW (1-10W, CNI instruments, CrystaLasers) and pulsed (1W, BRIXX) modes
Laser diode emitting at 808 nm (CrystaLasers) with a fixed power (5 W) operating in CW mode.
LEDs at 325, 365, 380 and 405 nm (OceanOptics) adjustable power (<1 mW) operating in CW mode.
UV/VIS& NIR Spectrometer
Lambda 950 Perkin Elmer
Spectrometer for measurements of absorbance and reflectance of liquid and powdered samples and also surfaces.
Fluorimeter I
Spectrofluorimeter for measurement of emission, and excitation spectra (steady state) in the UV-VIS-NIR spectral range. It also allows to measure time-resolved photoluminescence in the millisecond to microsecond time range.
Fluorimeter II
Fluorolog TSCP Horiba
Spectrofluorimeter for measurement of emission, and excitation spectra (steady state) in the UV-VIS spectral range. It also allows to measure time-resolved photoluminescence in the millisecond to nanosecond time range.
Fluorimeter III
FluoTime 300 PicoQuant
Spectrofluorimeter for measurement of emission spectra (steady state) in the UV-VIS-NIR spectral range. It also allows to measure time-resolved photoluminescence in the millisecond to picosecond time range. Excitation by pulsed lasers at 808 nm and 980 nm.
Integrating Sphere UV-VIS
C9920-02 Hamamatsu
Integrating spere for determination of the absolute quantum yield in the UV-VIS spectral range.
Integrating Sphere UV-VIS-NIR
Quantaurus QY C13534 Hamamatsu
Integrating spere for determination of the absolute quantum yield in the UV-VIS-NIR spectral range, including excitation CW lasers at 808 and 980 nm
Top 100
TOP100 Instrument Systems
Optical detection system for determination of the absolute radiance measurements in the UV-VIS spectral range.
Hyperspectral microscope
Cytoviva Hyperspectral microscope system
Optical microscope including CCDs for conventional imaging and a hyperspectral detector for spectral mappings (UV-VIS spectral range) with lateral resolution up to 128 nm. Time resolved abilities and 3D image reconstruction allowed.