The infrastructure on vibrational spectroscopy and optical measurements provides a set of optical techniques mainly directed, though not exclusively, to chemical analysis and quality control, materials characterization, environmental monitoring and nanotechnological applications. The infrastructure aims to offer competitive services, including research oriented and advanced training on vibrational (Raman and infrared spectroscopies) and electronic spectroscopies (UV/VIS absorption and by circular dichroism, fluorescence), also combining imaging techniques such as Raman confocal microscopy. The infrastructure provides these services to internal and external users, following the procedures in place for the respective contexts, thus contributing for scientific dissemination and transfer of knowledge to diverse audiences.
About Vibrational Spectroscopy and Optical Masurements Facility
Raman spectroscopy of solid and liquid samples, in the range 9000-20 cm-1 with possibility of analysis at low temperatures, and in the range 3600-50 cm-1
FT-Infrared spectroscopy of solid (e.g. films) and liquid samples (range 8000 to 340 cm-1) in transmission and ATR modes.
Raman spectroscopy and Raman imaging of solid samples, with possibility for combining AFM analysis and Nearfield-Raman (Raman-SNOM) imaging.
Optical measurements (UV/VIS absorption and fluorescence) of solid and liquid samples, with accessory for temperature control and integrating sphere for analysis of solids by visible diffuse reflectance spectroscopy.
UV/VIS (163-950 nm) spectroscopy by circular dichroism, measuring the relative transmission of circularly polarized light (dextrogyre/levogyrate), with an accessory for temperature control (up to 130oC).
Services (internal and external) are provided for all the above techniques depending on previous authorization by the equipment responsible, with mandatory booking.
Routine tasks using easy operational techniques (e.g. UV/VIS absorption measurements) can be implemented either with technical support or after advanced training (internal only). The more sophisticated techniques (e.g. confocal
Raman microscopy) require specialized technical support and previous agreement with scientific responsible.
Scientific responsible provides advisement and clarify issues for all techniques, which might be particularly helpful for services required from the exterior on a cost-payment basis.
Submit the form below with your enquiry.
Tito Trindade
Scientific Coordinator
Tito Trindade is Full Professor in the Chemistry Department and CICECO-Aveiro Materials Institute of the University of Aveiro, where he coordinates the research laboratory nanoLAB@UA. Among other positions, he was elected President of the Inorganic Chemistry Division of the Portuguese Chemical Society (2007-2009) and was former Director of the Department of Chemistry (2015-2019). Following his PhD at Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine in London (1996), he returned to the University of Aveiro where he implemented a pioneer research line in Portugal, with focus on the synthesis, characterization, surface modification and impact of inorganic nanomaterials. In this context, new materials for Raman methods and for vibrational spectroscopy, in general, have been developed. Other research interests include studies on hybrid materials and inorganic pigments, including their optical characterization by electronic spectroscopy.
Helena I. S. Nogueira
Scientific Coordinator for WITec alpha300 RAS+ equipment
Sara Fateixa
Researcher and confocal Raman microscopy operator
Celeste Azevedo
Laboratory Technician
+351 234 370 726
+351 234 370 727 (WITec alpha300 RAS+)
Email (WITec alpha300 RAS+)
15.3.11 and 15.3.33
Bruker RFS/100S equipped with a Nd:YAG laser (1064 nm).
Equipped with Nd:YAG laser (1064 nm) with high-performance optical system with liquid N2-cooled Ge diode detector, provides ultra-low signal detection with minimal noise, ensuring excellent sensitivity.
Combined Raman-AFM-SNOM microscope WITec alpha300 RAS+, with the option for simultaneous Raman-AFM analysis and Nearfield-Raman (Raman-SNOM) imaging.
FT-IR spectrometer Bruker TENSOR 27 equipped with ATR Golden Gate diamond accessory for solid, liquid and film samples.
FT-IR spectrometer JASCO - 4X + with diffuse reflectance measurement - DR PRO 410MX Diffuse Refection accessory.
Spectrophotometers (GBC Cintra 303 and Jasco V-780) with integrating sphere accessory.
Spectrometer JASCO J-1500 UV/VIS by circular dichroism with Xe lamp and double prism monochromator.
Spectrofluorimeter JASCO FP-8300 equipped with Xe lamp (150 W), automatic and operational cut-off in the 200-750 nm range, 1 nm resolution, with accessory for liquid and solid analysis, including module for phosphorescence measurement.