Yevgeniy Naumovich


Short CV

Education and academic degrees:

1991 Doutoramento, Physical Chemistry, Belarus State University, Minsk, Belarus

1986 Licenciatura, Chemistry, Belarus State University, Minsk, Belarus



2003-present: Invited researcher in CICECO, Dept. Ceramic and Glass Eng., University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal

1996-2003: Executive Chief of Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solids, Research Institute for Physical Chemical Problems, BSU, Minsk

1993-1996: Senior Researcher, Research Institute for Physical Chemical Problems, BSU, Minsk

1991-1993: Researcher, Research Institute for Physical Chemical Problems, BSU, Minsk

1988-1991: Junior Researcher, Research Institute for Physical Chemical Problems, BSU, Minsk

1981-1986: student, Belarus State University, Minsk

Scientific Interests

Scientific specialization:  

Solid state ionics, including:

Elaboration of the new approaches for description of the of point defects interaction, oxide ion and electron mobility in complex oxides in wide range of oxygen chemical potentials and temperatures.

Analysis and simulation of conjugate transport phenomena in mixed conductors (permeability, faradaic efficiency, polarization).

Application of the indicated above approaches to elaboration of novel materials with high oxygen mobility on a basis of complex oxides with perovskite, fluorite and derived structures, including cobaltites, ferrites and nikelates.

Selected Publications

Number of papers in refereed journals and issues: >120 including: 
reviews 4 
number of communications to scientific meetings: > 40
 books and textbooks: 1 
patents: 4 

Papers prepared in CICECO:


V.V. Kharton, A.V. Kovalevsky, M. Avdeev, E.V. Tsipis, M.V. Patrakeev, A.A. Yaremchenko, E.N. Naumovich and J.R. Frade, Chemically induced expansion of La2NiO4+d - based materials, Chemistry of Materials, 2007, vol. 19, pp. 2027-2033. A.V. Kovalevsky, V.V. Kharton, A.A. Yaremchenko, Y.V. Pivak, E.N. Naumovich and J.R. Frade, Stability and oxygen transport properties of Pr2NiO4+d ceramics, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2007, vol. 27, pp. 4269-4272. S. Yakovlev, V. Kharton, A.A. Yaremchenko, A. Kovalevsky, E. Naumovich and J. Frade, Mixed conductivity, thermal expansion and defect chemistry of A-site deficient LaNi0.5Ti0.5O3-δ, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2007, vol. 27, pp. 4279-4282. E.V. Tsipis, E.N. Naumovich, M.V. Patrakeev, J.C. Waerenborgh, Y.V. Pivak, P. Gaczyński and V.V. Kharton, Oxygen non-stoichiometry and defect thermodynamics in La2Ni0.9Fe0.1O4+d, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2007, vol. 68, pp. 1443-1455. Y.V. Pivak, V.V. Kharton, E.N. Naumovich, J.R. Frade and F.M.B. Marques, Ionic and electronic transport in La2Ti2SiO9-based materials, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2007, vol. 180, pp. 1259-1271. E.V. Tsipis, M.V. Patrakeev, J.C. Waerenborgh, Y.V. Pivak, A.A. Markov, P. Gaczyński, E.N. Naumovich and V.V. Kharton, Oxygen non-stoichiometry of Ln4Ni2.7Fe0.3O10-d (Ln = La, Pr), Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2007, vol. 180, pp. 1902-1910. A.V. Kovalevsky, V.V. Kharton, A.A. Yaremchenko, Y.V. Pivak, E.V. Tsipis, S.O. Yakovlev, A.A. Markov, E.N. Naumovich and J.R. Frade, Oxygen permeability, stability and electrochemical behavior of Pr2NiO4+d – based materials, Journal of Electroceramics, 2007, vol. 18, pp. 205-218. E.N. Naumovich, V.V.Kharton, A.A. Yaremchenko, M.V. Patrakeev, D.G. Kellerman, D.I. Logvinovich and V.L. Kozhevnikov, Defect formation in LaGa(Mg,Ni)O3-d: a statistical thermodynamic analysis validated by mixed conductivity and magnetic susceptibility measurements, Physical Review B, 2006, vol. 74, article No. 064105 A.L. Shaula, V.V. Kharton, F.M.B. Marques, A.V. Kovalevsky, A.P. Viskup and E.N. Naumovich, Oxygen permeability of mixed-conducting composite membranes: effects of phase interaction, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2006, vol. 10, pp. 28-40. A.A. Yaremchenko, V.V. Kharton, E.N. Naumovich, D.I. Shestakov, V.F. Chukharev, A.V. Kovalevsky, A.L. Shaula, J.R. Frade and F.M.B. Marques, Mixed conductivity, stability and thermomechanical properties of Ni-doped La(Ga,Mg)O3-d, Solid State Ionics, 2006, vol. 177, pp. 549-558. M.V. Patrakeev, V.V. Kharton, Yu.A. Bakhteeva, A.L. Shaula, I.A. Leonidov, V.L. Kozhevnikov, E.N. Naumovich, A.A. Yaremchenko and F.M.B. Marques, Oxygen nonstoichiometry and mixed conductivity of SrFe1-xMxO3-d (M= Al, Ga): effects of B-site doping, Solid State Sciences, 2006, vol. 8, pp. 476-487. V.V. Kharton, I.P. Marozau, G.C. Mather, E.N. Naumovich and J.R. Frade, Transport numbers and oxygen permeability of SrCe(Y)O3-based ceramics under oxidising conditions, Electrochimica Acta, 2006, vol. 51, pp. 6389-6399. E.V. Tsipis, V.V. Kharton, J.C. Waerenborgh, D.P. Rojas, E.N. Naumovich and J.R. Frade, Redox behavior of acceptor-doped La(Al,Fe)O3-δ, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2006, vol. 413, pp. 244-250. E.V. Tsipis, J.C. Waerenborgh, V.V. Kharton, E.N. Naumovich and J.R. Frade, Defect formation and transport in mixed-conducting La0.90Sr0.10Al0.85-xFexMg0.15O3-δ, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2006, vol. 67, pp. 1882-1887 A.V. Kovalevsky, D.V. Sviridov, V.V. Kharton, E.N. Naumovich and J.R. Frade, Oxygen evolution on perovskite-type cobaltite anodes: an assessment of materials science-related aspects, Materials Science Forum, 2006, vol. 514-516, pp. 377-381. E.N. Naumovich, M.V. Patrakeev, V.V. Kharton, A.A. Yaremchenko, E.V. Tsipis, D.I. Logvinovich, J.R. Frade and F.M.B. Marques, Defect formation in La2Ni(M)O4+d (M= Co, Cu): modelling and coulometric titration study, Materials Science Forum, 2006, vol. 514-516, pp. 397-401. S.O. Yakovlev, V.V. Kharton, E.N. Naumovich, J. Zekonyte, V. Zaporojtchenko, A.V. Kovalevsky, A.A. Yaremchenko and J.R. Frade, Defect formation and transport in La0.95Ni0.5Ti0.5O3-d, Solid State Sciences, 2006, vol. 8, pp. 1302-1311 V.V. Kharton, E.V. Tsipis, A.A. Yaremchenko, I.P. Marozau, A.P. Viskup, J.R. Frade and E.N. Naumovich, Oxygen permeability, electronic conductivity and stability of La0.3Sr0.7CoO3-based perovskites, Materials Science and Engineering B, 2006, vol. 134, pp.80-88 E.N. Naumovich, M.V. Patrakeev, V.V. Kharton, M.S. Islam, A.A. Yaremchenko, J.R. Frade and F.M.B. Marques, Defect interactions in La0.3Sr0.7Fe(M\\\\\\\')O3-d (M\\\\\\\'= Al, Ga) perovskites: atomistic simulations and analysis of p(O2)-T-d diagrams, Solid State Ionics, 2006, vol.177, pp. 457-470 F.M.B. Marques, V.V. Kharton, E.N. Naumovich, A.L. Shaula, A.V. Kovalevsky and A.A. Yaremchenko, Oxygen ion conductors for fuel cells and membranes: selected developments, Solid State Ionics, 2006, vol. 177, pp. 1697-1703 M.V. Patrakeev, E.N. Naumovich, V.V. Kharton, A.A. Yaremchenko, E.V. Tsipis, P. Núñez and J.R. Frade, Oxygen nonstoichiometry and electron-hole transport in La2Ni0.9Co0.1O4+d, Solid State Ionics, 2005, vol. 176, pp. 179-188. E.N. Naumovich, M.V. Patrakeev, V.V. Kharton, A.A. Yaremchenko, D.I. Logvinovich and F.M.B. Marques, Oxygen nonstoichiometry in La2Ni(M)O4+d (M = Cu, Co) under oxidizing conditions, Solid State Sciences, 2005, vol. 7, pp. 1353-1362 V.V. Kharton, E.V. Tsipis, I.P. Marozau, A.A. Yaremchenko, A.A. Valente, A.P. Viskup, J.R. Frade, E.N. Naumovich and J. Rocha, Transport and electrocatalytic properties of La0.3Sr0.7Co0.8Ga0.2O3-d membranes, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2005, vol. 9, pp.10-20. E.V. Tsipis, V.V. Kharton, I.A. Bashmakov, E.N. Naumovich and J.R. Frade. "Cellulose-precursor synthesis of nanocrystalline Ce0.8Gd0.2O2-d  for SOFC anodes." Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry.8 (2004): 674-680. J.R. Frade, V.V. Kharton, A.A. Yaremchenko and E.N. Naumovich. "Methane to syngas conversion. Part I. Equilibrium conditions and stability requirements of membrane materials." Journal of Power Sources 130 (2004): 77-84. J.R. Frade, V.V.Kharton, A.A. Yaremchenko, E.V. Tsipis, A.L. Shaula, E.N. Naumovich, A.V. Kovalevsky and F.M.B. Marques. "Mixed conducting materials for partial oxidation of hydrocarbons." Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Ceramica y Vidrio 43 (2004): 640-643. A.A. Yaremchenko, A.L. Shaula, V.V.Kharton, A.V. Kovalevsky, E.N. Naumovich, J.R. Frade and F.M.B.Marques. "Oxygen permeability of transition metal-containing La(Sr,Pr)Ga(Mg)O3-d  ceramic membranes." Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Ceramica y Vidrio 43 (2004): 769-774. V.V. Kharton, A.A. Yaremchenko, A.L. Shaula, A.P. Viskup, F.M.B. Marques, J.R. Frade, E.N. Naumovich, J.R. Casanova and I.P. Marozau. "Oxygen permeability and thermal expansion of ferrite-based mixed conducting ceramics." Defect and Diffusion Forum 226-228 (2004): 141-160. V.V. Kharton, F.M.B. Marques, E.V. Tsipis, A.P. Viskup, N.P. Vyshatko, M.V. Patrakeev, E.N. Naumovich and J.R. Frade. "Interfacial effects in electrochemical cells for oxygen ionic conduction measurements. III. Transference numbers vs. grain-boundary resistivity." Solid State Ionics 168 (2004): 137-151. V.V. Kharton, A.A. Yaremchenko, A.L. Shaula, M.V. Patrakeev, E.N. Naumovich, D.I. Logvinovich, J.R. Frade and F.M.B. Marques. "Transport properties and stability of Ni-containing mixed conductors with perovskite- and K2NiF4-type structure." Journal of Solid State Chemistry 177 (2004): 26-37. F.M. Figueiredo, M.R. Soares, V.V. Kharton, E.N. Naumovich, J.C. Waerenborgh and J.R. Frade, Properties of CaTi1-xFexO3-d ceramic membranes, Journal of Electroceramics, 2004, vol. 13, pp. 627-636. A.L. Shaula, V.V. Kharton, F.M.B. Marques, A.V. Kovalevsky, A.P. Viskup and E.N. Naumovich, Phase interaction and oxygen transport in oxide composite materials, British Ceramic Transactions, 2004, vol. 103, pp. 211-218. F.M. Figueiredo, V.V Kharton, J.C. Waerenborgh, A.P. Viskup, E.N. Naumovich and J.R. Frade, Influence of microstructure on the electrical properties of iron-substituted calcium titanate ceramics, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2004, vol. 87, pp. 2252-2261. A.L. Shaula, A.P. Viskup, V.V. Kharton, D.I. Logvinovich, E.N. Naumovich, J.R. Frade and F.M.B. Marques. "Oxygen permeability of LaGa0.65Ni0.20Mg0.15O3-d  ceramics: effect of synthesis method." Materials Research Bulletin 38 (2003): 353-362. A.L. Shaula, A.A. Yaremchenko, V.V. Kharton, D.I. Logvinovich, E.N. Naumovich, A.V. Kovalevsky, J.R. Frade and F.M.B. Marques. "Oxygen permeability of LaGaO3-based ceramic membranes." Journal of Membrane Science 221 (2003): 69-77. V.V. Kharton, I.P. Marozau, N.P. Vyshatko, A.L. Shaula, A.P. Viskup, E.N. Naumovich and F.M.B. Marques. "Oxygen ionic conduction in brownmillerite CaAl0.5Fe0.5O2.5+d ." Materials Research Bulletin 38 (2003): 773-782. J.C. Waerenborgh, D.P. Rojas, N.P. Vyshatko, A.L. Shaula, V.V. Kharton, I.P. Marozau and E.N. Naumovich. "Fe4+ formation in brownmillerite CaAl0.5Fe0.5O2.5+d." Materials Letters 57 (2003): 4388-4393. V.V. Kharton, A.P. Viskup, I.P. Marozau and E.N. Naumovich. "Oxygen permeability of perovskite-type Sr0.7Ce0.3MnO3-d ." Materials Letters 57 (2003): 3017-3021. V.V. Kharton, E.V. Tsipis, A.A. Yaremchenko, N.P. Vyshatko, A.L. Shaula, E.N. Naumovich and J.R. Frade. "Oxygen ionic and electronic transport in Gd2-xCaxTi2O7-d  pyrochlores." Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 7 (2003): 468-476. V.V. Kharton, A.V. Kovalevsky, A.P. Viskup, A.L. Shaula, F.M. Figueiredo, E.N. Naumovich and F.M.B. Marques. "Oxygen transport in Ce0.8Gd0.2O2-d  - based composite membranes." Solid State Ionics 160 (2003): 247-258. V.V. Kharton, A.L. Shaula, E.N. Naumovich, N.P. Vyshatko, I.P. Marozau, A.P. Viskup, F.M.B. Marques. "Ionic transport in Gd3Fe5O12- and Y3Fe5O12-based garnets." Journal of the Electrochemical Society 150 (2003): J33-42. V.V. Kharton, A.A. Yaremchenko, M.V. Patrakeev, E.N.Naumovich and F.M.B. Marques. "Thermal and chemical induced expansion of La0.3Sr0.7(Fe,Ga)O3-d  ceramics." Journal of the European Ceramic Society 23 (2003): 1417-1426. A.A. Yaremchenko, A.A. Valente, V.V. Kharton, E.V. Tsipis, J.R. Frade, E.N. Naumovich, J. Rocha and F.M.B. Marques. "Oxidation of dry methane on the surface of oxygen ion-conducting membranes." Catalysis Letters 91 (2003): 169-174. A.A. Yaremchenko, A.L. Shaula, D.I. Logvinovich, V.V. Kharton, A.V. Kovalevsky, E.N. Naumovich, J.R. Frade and F.M.B. Marques. "Oxygen ionic conductivity of perovskite-type La1-xSrxGa1-yMgyM0.20O3-d  (M = Fe, Co, Ni)." Materials Chemistry and Physics 82 (2003): 684-690. N.P. Vyshatko, V.V. Kharton, A.L. Shaula, E.N. Naumovich and F.M.B. Marques. "Structural characterization of mixed conducting perovskites La(Ga,M)O3-d  (M = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni)." Materials Research Bulletin 38 (2003): 185-193.


Papers prepared in collaboration with DECV and CICECO


V.V.Kharton, A.P.Viskup, F.M.Figueiredo, E.N.Naumovich, A.L.Shaulo and F.M.B.Marques. "Electrochemical properties of Pr-doped Ce(Gd)O2-d." Materials Letters 53 (2002): 160-164. V.V.Kharton, A.V.Kovalevsky, A.A.Yaremchenko, F.M.Figueiredo, E.N.Naumovich, A.L.Shaulo and F.M.B.Marques. "Surface modification of La0.3Sr0.7CoO3-d ceramic membranes." Journal of Membrane Science 195 (2002): 277-287. V.V.Kharton, A.A.Yaremchenko, A.P.Viskup, M.V.Patrakeev, I.A.Leonidov, V.L.Kozhevnikov, F.M.Figueiredo, A.L.Shaulo, E.N.Naumovich, and F.M.B. Marques. "Oxygen permeability and ionic conductivity of perovskite-related La0.3Sr0.7Fe(Ga)O3-d." Journal of the Electrochemical Society 149 (2002): (E)125-135. V.V. Kharton, A.A. Yaremchenko, A.P. Viskup, F.M. Figueiredo, A.L. Shaulo, A.V. Kovalevsky, E.N. Naumovich and F.M.B. Marques. "p-type electronic conduction in CeO2- and LaGaO3-based solid electrolytes." Ionics 8 (2002): 215-222. V.V. Kharton, A.L.Shaulo, A.P. Viskup, M.Yu. Avdeev, A.A. Yaremchenko, M.V. Patrakeev, A.I. Kurbakov, E.N.Naumovich and F.M.B. Marques. "Perovskite-like system (Sr,La)(Fe,Ga)O3-d: structure and ionic transport under oxidizing conditions." Solid State Ionics 150 (2002): 229-243. A.A.Yaremchenko, M.Avdeev, V.V.Kharton, A.V.Kovalevsky, E.N.Naumovich and F.M.B.Marques. "Structure and electronic conductivity of Bi2-xLaxV0.9Cu0.1O5.5-d ." Materials Chemistry and Physics 77 (2002): 552-558. V.V.Kharton, A.V.Kovalevsky, E.V.Tsipis, A.P.Viskup, E.N.Naumovich, J.R.Jurado and J.R.Frade. "Mixed conductivity and stability of A-site-deficient Sr(Fe,Ti)O3-d  perovskites." Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 7 (2002): 30-30. V.V.Kharton, F.M.Figueiredo, A.V.Kovalevsky, A.P.Viskup, E.N.Naumovich, A.A.Yaremchenko, I.A.Bashmakov and F.M.B.Marques. "Processing, microstructure and properties of LaCoO3-d ceramics." Journal of the European Ceramic Society 21 (2001): 2301-2309. V.V.Kharton, F.M.Figueiredo, L.Navarro, E.N.Naumovich, A.V.Kovalevsky, A.A.Yaremchenko, A.P.Viskup, A.Carneiro, F.M.B.Marques and J.R.Frade. "Ceria-based materials for solid oxide fuel cells." Journal of Materials Science 36 (2001): 1105-1117. D.P. Fagg, V.V. Kharton, A.V. Kovalevsky, A.P. Viskup, E.N. Naumovich and J.R. Frade. "The stability and mixed conductivity in La and Fe doped SrTiO3 in the search for potential SOFC anode materials." Journal of the European Ceramic Society 21 (2001): 1831-1835. V.V.Kharton, A.A.Yaremchenko, A.P.Viskup, G.C.Mather, E.N.Naumovich and F.M.B.Marques. "Synthesis, physicochemical characterization and partial ionic conductivity of LaGa0.4Mg0.2M0.4O3-d (M= Cr, Mn, Fe, Co)."  Journal of Electroceramics 7 (2001): 57-66. V.V.Kharton, E.N.Naumovich, A.A.Yaremchenko and F.M.B.Marques. "Research on the electrochemistry of oxygen ion conductors in the former Soviet Union. IV. Bismuth oxide-based ceramics." Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 5 (2001): 160-187. V.V.Kharton, A.V.Kovalevsky, A.P.Viskup, F.M.Figueiredo, A.A.Yaremchenko, E.N.Naumovich  and F.M.B.Marques. "Oxygen permeability and Faradaic efficiency of Ce0.8Gd0.2O2-d - La0.7Sr0.3MnO3-d composites." Journal of the European Ceramic Society 21 (2001): 1763-1767. V.V.Kharton, A.P.Viskup, F.M.Figueiredo, E.N.Naumovich, A.A.Yaremchenko and F.M.B. Marques. "Electron-hole conduction in Pr-doped Ce(Gd)O2-d by faradaic efficiency and emf measurement." Electrochimica Acta 46 (2001): 2879-2889. V.V.Kharton, A.P.Viskup, A.V.Kovalevsky, E.N.Naumovich and F.M.B.Marques. "Ionic transport in oxygen-hyperstoichiometric phases with K2NiF4-type structure." Solid State Ionics 146 (2001): 337-353. V.V.Kharton, A.V.Kovalevsky, A.P.Viskup, J.R.Jurado, F.M.Figueiredo, E.N.Naumovich and J.R.Frade. "Transport properties and thermal expansion of Sr0.97Ti1-xFexO3-d (x= 0.2-0.8)." Journal of Solid State Chemistry 156 (2001): 444. -444. V.V.Kharton, A.A.Yaremchenko, E.N.Naumovich and F.M.B.Marques. "Research on the electrochemistry of oxygen ion conductors in the former Soviet Union. III. HfO2-, CeO2- and ThO2- based oxides." Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 4 (2000): 243-226. V.V.Kharton, F.M.Figueiredo, A.V.Kovalevsky, A.P.Viskup, E.N.Naumovich, J.R.Jurado and J.R.Frade. "Oxygen diffusion in, and thermal expansion of, SrTiO3-d- and CaTiO3-d-based materials."  Defect and Diffusion Forum 186-187 (2000): 119-136. V.V.Kharton, E.N.Naumovich, A.V.Kovalevsky, A.P.Viskup, F.M.Figueiredo, I.A.Bashmakov and F.M.B.Marques. "Mixed electronic and ionic conductivity of LaCo(M)O3 (M= Ga, Cr, Fe or Ni). IV. Effect of preparation method on oxygen transport in LaCoO3-d." Solid State Ionics 138 (2000): 135-148. V.V.Kharton, A.A.Yaremchenko, A.P.Viskup, G.C.Mather, E.N.Naumovich and F.M.B.Marques. "Ionic and p-type electronic conduction in LaGa(Mg,Nb)O3-d perovskites." Solid State Ionics 128 (2000): 79-90. V.V.Kharton, A.P.Viskup, A.V.Kovalevsky, F.M.Figueiredo, J.R.Jurado, A.A.Yaremchenko,  E.N.Naumovich and J.R.Frade. "Surface-limited ionic transport in perovskites Sr0.97(Ti,Fe,Mg)O3-d,, 2000, vol.10, pp. 1161-1169. ." Journal of Materials Chemistry 10 (2000): 1161-1169. V.V.Kharton, A.V.Kovalevsky, A.P.Viskup, F.M.Figueiredo, J.R.Frade, A.A.Yaremchenko and E.N.Naumovich. "Faradaic efficiency and oxygen permeability of Sr0.97Ti0.60Fe0.40O3-d perovskite." Solid State Ionics 128 (2000): 117-130. V.V.Kharton, A.P.Viskup, A.A.Yaremchenko, R.T.Baker, B.Gharbage, G.C.Mather, F.M.Figueiredo, E.N.Naumovich and F.M.B.Marques. "Ionic conductivity of La(Sr)Ga(Mg,M)O3-d (M = Ti, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni):  Effects of transition metal dopants." Solid State Ionics 132 (2000): 119-130. V.V.Kharton, A.P.Viskup, A.V.Kovalevsky, J.R.Jurado, E.N.Naumovich, A.A.Vecher and J.R.Frade. "Oxygen ionic conductivity of Ti-containing strontium ferrite." Solid State Ionics 133 (2000): 57-65. V.V.Kharton, A.V.Kovalevsky, A.P.Viskup, F.M.Figueiredo, A.A.Yaremchenko, E.N.Naumovich  and F.M.B.Marques. "Oxygen permeability of Ce0.8Gd0.2O2-d - La0.7Sr0.3MnO3-d composite membranes." Journal of the Electrochemical Society 147 (2000): 2814-2821. A.A.Yaremchenko, V.V.Kharton, E.N.Naumovich and F.M.B.Marques. "Physicochemical and transport properties of BICUVOX-based ceramics."  Journal of Electroceramics 4 (2000): 235-244.




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