Susana Raquel de Sousa Pereira

Estudante de doutoramento


Two-Stage Aeration Fermentation Strategy to Improve Bioethanol Production by Scheffersomyces stipitis

Henriques, TM; Pereira, SR; Serafim, LS; Xavier, AMRB
2018, FERMENTATION, 4, 4, 97.

Xylose fermentation by Scheffersomyces stipites for 2nd generation bioethanol: Optimization of bioprocess aeration strategy

Xavier, AMRB; Henriques, TM; Pereira, SR; Serafim, LS
2016, NEW BIOTECHNOLOGY, 33, S113-S113.

Adaptation of Scheffersomyces stipitis to hardwood spent sulfite liquor by evolutionary engineering

Pereira, SR; Nogue, VSI; Frazao, CJR; Serafim, LS; Gorwa-Grauslund, MF; Xavier, AMRB

Effect of cell immobilization and pH on Scheffersomyces stipitis growth and fermentation capacity in rich and inhibitory media

Portugal-Nunes,D., Sönchez-i-Nogu_,V., Pereira,S.R., Craveiro,S.C., Calado,A.J., Xavier A.M.R.B.
2015, Advances in Applied Ceramics.

Bioethanol Production: Adaptation of Scheffersomyces stipitis to Hardwood Spent Sulfite Liquor

Xavier, AMRB; Frazao, CJR; Pereira, SR; Nogue, VSI; Serafim, LS; Gorwa-Grauslund, MF
2014, NEW BIOTECHNOLOGY, 31, S101-S101.

Advances in ethanol production from hardwood spent sulphite liquors

Pereira, SR; Portugal-Nunes, DJ; Evtuguin, DV; Serafim, LS; Xavier, AMRB
2013, PROCESS BIOCHEMISTRY, 48, 2, 272-282.

Biological treatment of eucalypt spent sulphite liquors: A way to boost the production of second generation bioethanol

Pereira, SR; Ivanusa, S; Evtuguin, DV; Serafim, LS; Xavier, AMRB
2012, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 103, 1, 131-135.

Second-generation bioethanol from eucalypt sulphite spent liquor

Xavier, AMRB; Correia, MF; Pereira, SR; Evtuguin, DV
2010, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 101, 8, 2755-2761.

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