Synthetic (bio)degradable polymers - when does recycling fail?
Agostinho, B; Silvestre, AJD; Coutinho, JAP; Sousa, AF
2023, GREEN CHEMISTRY, 25, 1, 13-31.
From PEF to rPEF: disclosing the potential of deep eutectic solvents in continuous de-/re-polymerization recycling of biobased polyesters
Agostinho, B; Silvestre, AJD; Sousa, AF
2022, GREEN CHEMISTRY, 24, 8.
Synthetic (bio)degradable polymers – when does recycling fail?
Beatriz Agostinho, Armando J. D. Silvestre, João A. P. Coutinho, Andreia F. Sousa
2022, Green Chemistry.
Impact of the pinewood nematode on naturally-emitted volatiles and scCO2 extracts from Pinus pinaster branches: a comparison with P. pinea
M.C. Gaspar, B. Agostinho, L. Fonseca, I. Abrantes, H.C. de Sousa, M.E.M. Braga,
2020, The Journal of Supercritical Fluids , 159.
A Perspective on PEF Synthesis, Properties, and End-Life
Loos, K; Zhang, RY; Pereira, I; Agostinho, B; Hu, H; Maniar, D; Sbirrazzuoli, N; Silvestre, AJD; Guigo, N; Sousa, AF