Pure and erbium (Er) doped ZnO nanostructures were prepared by simple and cost effective wet chemical precipitation method. The successful doping with phase purity of prepared ZnO nanostructure was confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and their Rietveld analysis. The change in structural morphologyof nanoscale features of prepared ZnO nanopowders on Er doping was observed from their scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images. The presence of Er in prepared ZnO nanopowder was further confirmed from corresponding energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) spectra of scanned SEM images. Piezoelectric properties of before (green samples) and after sintering of consolidated compact of synthesized nanopowders were successfully measured. The out-of-plane (effective longitudinal) and in-plane(effective shear) coefficients of the samples were estimated from the local piezoresponse. (C) 2016 The Ceramic Society of Japan and the Korean Ceramic Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
subject category
Materials Science
Zamiri, R; Kaushal, A; Rebelo, A; Singh, B; Bdikin, I; Shabani, M; Ferreira, JMF
our authors
G3 - Electrochemical Materials, Interfaces and Coatings
G5 - Biomimetic, Biological and Living Materials
The authors, Budhendra Singh and Ajay Kaushal, would liketo thank FCT, Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, Portugal for financial assistance under post-doctoral research grants with references SFRH/BPD/76184/2011 and SFRH/BPD/77598/2011, respectively.