Electrophoretic deposition of Bi1.5Zn1.0Nb1.5O7 thick films on metal foils for flexible electronic devices


Cubic bismuth zinc niobate (c-BZN) thick films were fabricated on flexible platinum foils by electrophoretic deposition technique. The X-ray diffraction studies reveal that the films are under tensile stress. The permittivity of the c-BZN thick film sintered at 850 and 950 degrees C, measured at an applied frequency of 1 MHz were 114 and 125, respectively. The corresponding values of dissipation factors were 0.004 and 0.0038. The films were also exhibiting voltage-dependent dielectric properties. The biaxial tensile stress, which is developed as a result of substrate constraints during the sintering, leads to significant change in the relaxation and dielectric characteristics of the films compared to that of ceramics. From this study, it is expected that large tensile stress in c-BZN thick films can bring down the dielectric loss and the variation of the dielectric permittivity with temperature, which will make them attractive, low loss and temperature stable applications.



subject category

Materials Science


Sudheendran, K; Vilarinho, PM



KS is grateful to SERB, DST-FIST, KSCSTE, Thiruvananthapuram, and UGC New Delhi, for funding support. We also acknowledge FCT Portugal for funding support (SFRH/BPD/66918/2009).

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