Phytophthora xalni and Phytophthora lacustris associated with common alder decline in Central Portugal


Since the early 1990s, an emerging disease induced by the highly aggressive oomycete Phytophthora xalni has caused widespread alder decline across Europe. In parallel, P.lacustris, a recently described species associated with riparian habitats, has been subject of increasing interest. A field survey conducted in 2014 showed high mortality rates in alder stands located in the riparian gallery along two rivers in Central Portugal. The pathogens isolated from necrotic alder stem base during this study were identified as P.xalni and P.lacustris. This paper is the first to report the occurrence of P.lacustris in Portugal and presents the first finding of P.xalni affecting mature trees in natural ecosystems located in Central Portugal.






Kanoun-Boule, M; Vasconcelos, T; Gaspar, J; Vieira, S; Dias-Ferreira, C; Husson, C

nossos autores



This work was funded by the Portuguese National Funds through FCT - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under project UID/AMB/00681/2013. We are grateful to Aimee Orsini for English language editing of the manuscript. The UMR1136 is supported by a grant overseen by the French National Research Agency (ANR) as part of the 'Investissements d'Avenir' programme (ANR-11-LABX-0002-01, Laboratory of Excellence ARBRE).

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