Allyl, glycidyl methacrylate and cyclodextrin-modified nanocelluloses. Preparation, characterisation and adsorption-release specific properties


Oxidized (ONC) and hydrolyzed (HNC) nanocelluloses were prepared from high-grade pure cotton fibers (CFT), too short to be spun. They maintained the CFT crystallinity (IC=0.59). ONC and HNC were fully O-allylated affording ONC-ALL and HNC-ALL, respectively. ONC-ALL and HNC-ALL became completely amorphous. Bacterial nanocellulose (BNC) and ONC were graphted with glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) affording BNC-GMA and ONC-GMA, respectively. Substitution degree (DS=GMA residue versus glucose unit) range in BNC-GMA and ONC-GMA is 0.4-0.6. As GMA grafting forms a new C-C bond between cellulose and GMA and keeps OH cellulose groups unchanged, GMA nanocellulose maintains the cristallinity of the starting nanocellulose. The non polar allyl and GMA appendages decrease the hydrophilicity of cellulose. ONC-ALL and HNC-ALL were further functionalized by mono 6-[(mercaptotetramethylene) thiol]-_-cyclodextrin (CySH). GMA epoxide group was opened by water and by _-cyclodextrin (Cy) affording BNC-GMA-OH and BNC-GMA-Cy. GMA and allyl appendages induce nanocellulose capability to adsorb 2-naphthol (2N) and amoxicillin (A).


Acrylic monomers; Cyclodextrins; Hydrophilicity; Spinning (fibers); Allyl chlorides; Amoxicillin; Beta-cyclodextrin; Crystallinities; Glycidyl methacrylate; Nano-cellulose; Specific properties; Substitution degree; Cellulose


Vismara E., Zarattini M., Bemardi A., Nanni D., Bertini S., Freire C.

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