Development and incorporation of lightweight waste-based geopolymer aggregates in mortar and concrete


Using industrial side streams as artificial aggregate precursors could increase waste utilization and save natural reserves. In this study, lightweight geopolymer aggregates were manufactured from fluidized bed combustion fly ash and mine tailings using high shear granulation and alkali activation. The results showed that geopolymer aggregates had physical properties comparable to commercial lightweight expanded clay aggregates (LECAs). Mortar and concrete prepared with geopolymer aggregates had higher mechanical strength, a higher dynamic modulus of elasticity, and higher density than concrete produced with LECAs, while the rheology and workability was the same. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.




Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials Science


Yliniemi; Paiva; Ferreira; Tiainen; Illikainen

nossos autores


This work was carried out as part of the GEOSULF ERA-MIN Project, which is supported by the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation (Tekes), the Portuguese National Funding Agency for Science, Research and Technology (FCT), the National Center for Research and Development (BR), and various companies (Outotec, Agnico Eagle, and First Quantum Minerals). The authors would like to thank the Renlund Foundation for its financial support. Eng. Maria Carlos Figueiredo, Mr. Victor Rodrigues, Mr. Jarno Karvonen, Mrs. Elisa Wirkkala, and Mr. Jani Osterlund are acknowledged for their contributions to the laboratory analyses. We also acknowledge the contributions of the personnel of the Center of Microscopy and Nanotechnology to the FESEM analyses.

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