Waste-based geopolymeric mortars with very high moisture buffering capacity


In this study, lightweight waste-based geopolymeric mortars were evaluated for the first time regarding their potential to passively adjust indoor relative humidity (RH) levels. Geopolymer mortars were prepared using a mixture of fly ash (FA) and metakaolin (MK) as a binder, in a proportion of 75:25 wt% (FA:MK), construction and demolition waste as the fine aggregate and a pore forming agent in varying amounts. The results showed that the addition of a pore-forming agent to the compositions considerably increased the moisture buffer value (MBV) of the mortars, that is, from 0.80 (reference mortar) to 5.61 g/m2 A%RH (mortar with highest porosity). The moisture buffering capacity shown by these ecofriendly mortars is higher than values reported for other binder materials and can be classified as excellent (MBV > 2 g/m2 A%RFI). The porous FA-based mortars also presented low thermal conductivity (as low as 0.19 W/m"K), which suggests that these innovative binders could be simultaneously used for indoor moisture buffering and as low thermal conductivity materials. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.




Construction & Building Technology; Engineering; Materials Science


De Rossi, A; Carvalheiras, J; Novais, RM; Ribeiro, MJ; Labrincha, JA; Hotza, D; Moreira, RFPM

nossos autores


This study was conducted within the scope of the project CAPES/FCT 88887.125458/2016-00. The funding agencies CAPES (Brazil) and FCT (Portugal) are gratefully acknowledged.

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