Effect of the Composition of Silver Doped M-Si Oxide Systems (M: Mg, Zr, La) on their Catalytic Properties in the Conversion of Ethanol to 1,3-Butadiene


The effect of the acid-base characteristics of M-Si oxide systems (M: Mg, Zr, La), including those doped with silver, on their catalytic properties during the conversion of ethanol and an ethanol-water mixture to produce 1,3-butadiene (BD) is described. The highest yield of BD is obtained in the presence of the Ag/Zr-Si catalyst, which is characterized by the predominance of Lewis acid sites on its surface.






Kyriienko, PI; Larina, OV; Balakin, DY; Sergiienko, SA; Soloviev, SO

nossos autores


The investigations were carried out with partial financial support from research programs of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Support of priority directions of scientific research (KPKVK 6541230) and Fundamental problems of creation of new substances and materials of chemical production. P. I. Kiriienko and D. Yu. Balakin thank the CERIC-ERIC Consortium for support in the execution of the researches by XPS at Charles University (Proposal 20172060).

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