Release behavior of trans,trans-farnesol entrapped in amorphous silica capsules


Farnesol, a compound widely found in several agro-food by-products, is an important bioactive agent that can be exploited in cosmetics and pharmaceutics but the direct bioapplication of this compound is limited by its volatility. Here the entrapment of farnesol in silica capsules was investigated to control the release of this bioactive compound in the vapor phase and in ethanol solutions. The preparation of silica capsules with oil cores was obtained by employing a sol–gel method using O/W/O multiple emulsions. Two distinct chemical vehicles for farnesol have been investigated, retinol and oleic acid, that afterwards have been emulsified as internal oil phases. The volatile release of farnesol from the as-prepared SiO2 capsules was investigated by headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) followed by gas chromatographic analysis (GC), and the release to ethanol was carried out by direct injection of the ethanolic fraction into the GC system. It is demonstrated that these capsules are efficient for the long controlled release of farnesol and that the respective profiles depend on the chemical parameters employed in the synthesis of the capsules.


Filipa L. Sousa, Sara Horta, Magda Santos, Sílvia M. Rocha, Tito Trindade

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