Strontium Titanate: Synthesis, Properties and Uses


Strontium titanate (STO) is a classical high-permittivity perovskite material known since the 1940s. Although incipient ferroelectric behaviour of SrTiO3 was thoroughly studied during several decades, many new physical phenomena in STO and its solid solutions have been predicted theoretically and observed experimentally in past few years. The obtained results were successfully applied for the development of modern electronic devices on the basis of macroscopic and nanostructured samples. Besides the incipient ferroelectricity, properties of STO include a structural phase transition, semiconductivity, superconductivity, and thermoelectricity, among others. This book provides the latest information on the developments of preparation, characterization, and application of STO and the materials based on it, with perspectives on future research. It collects the contributions of several established researchers from around the world on the fundamental mechanisms, processing, and possible uses for STO-based materials in the form of single crystals, thin films, and ceramics. This book covers a broad range of topics related to STO and materials based on it, including an overview of lattice dynamics and magnetic resonance characterization, Sr/Ti ratio, and stress induced modification of the properties, modelling, and simulation of improper ferroelectricity and multiferroic phases, dielectric responses and thermoelectric performance for tunable devices, and energy harvesting applications, respectively.

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Materials Science; Physics


Tkach, A; Vilarinho, PM

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