2 Bacterial  Cellulose-Based  Nanocomposites: Roadmap for Innovative Materials


Biorenewable polymers based nanomaterials are rapidly emerging as one of the most fascinating materials for multifunctional applications. Among biorenewable polymers, cellulose based nanomaterials are of great importance due to their inherent advantages such as environmental friendliness, biodegradability, biocompatibility, easy processing and cost effectiveness, to name a few. They may be produced from biological systems such as plants or be chemically synthesised from biological materials. This book summarizes the recent remarkable achievements witnessed in green technology of cellulose based nanomaterials in different fields ranging from biomedical to automotive. This book also discusses the extensive research developments for next generation nanocellulose-based polymer nanocomposites. The book contains seventeen chapters and each chapter addresses some specific issues related to nanocellulose and also demonstrates the real potentialities of these nanomaterials in different domains.


A. R. P. Figueiredo, C. Vilela, C. Pascoal Neto, A.J.D. Silvestre and C.S.R. Freire

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