Effects of Spherical Metallic Nanoparticle Plasmon on 4f-4f Luminescence: A Theoretical Approach


In this chapter, we review the main theoretical points of our work on the influence of spherical metallic nanoparticles on the 4f-4f luminescence of rare-earth ions in bulk materials. Two aspects are emphasized: (i) the balance between local field enhancement due to surface plasmons, nonradiative energy transfer from the rare-earth ions to the nanoparticles, and nonradiative decays between 4f levels, which may result in luminescence enhancement or luminescence quenching, and (ii) the role that may eventually be played by the width of the bulk material sample, once the nanoparticle absorption coefficient is very high. An experimental case is treated under the viewpoint of these theoretical aspects.


Albano N.Carneiro Neto, Marcos A. Couto dos Santos, Oscar L. Malta, Renata Reisfeld

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