Susana Isabel Fonseca de Almeida Santos Braga


Perfil biográfico

Licenciada em Ciéncias Farmaceuticas pela Universidade do Porto em 1998 e Doutora em Química pela Universidade de Aveiro em 2003. Desenvolveu estudos em sistemas supramoleculares hóspede-hospedeiro baseados em ciclodextrinas e especies organicas e metalo-orgânicas de interesse farmacológico.
Nos ultimos cinco anos, foram desenvolvidos novos complexos de coordinação de ruténio, cobre e európio para aplicação em quimioterapia, desinfecção de superfícies e electrónica.

Interesses científicos

I.  Ciclodextrinas como capsulas moleculares de nanométricas para
    i.  antitumorais biomiméticos de Ru(II)
    ii.  agentes antimicrobianos
    iii. complexos organometálicos funcionais

II. Ciclodextrinas como veículos e estabilisantes de formulações
    i. com oleo de thymus spp
    ii. com oleo de occimum basilicum 

III.  Ciclodextrinas como isoladores eléctricos moleculares para compostos emissores de luz
    i. complexos de lantanídeos
    ii. corantes naturais funcionalizados com Ru(II)

Principais colaboradores

Coimbra - FCTUC
Maria Paula Marques

Lisboa - ITQB
Maria de Fátima Silva Lopes

Covilhã - UBI
Luiza Granadeiro
Aveiro - DECV
Rui Correia 
Helena Fernandes

Aveiro - CICECO
Filipe Almeida Paz
Teresa Margarida Santos
Isabel Gonçalves 
Martyn Pillinger

Projectos financiados


Publicações seleccionadas

1. A potentiometric biosensor for D-amygdaline based on a consolidated biocomposite membrane 
Arben Merkoçi, Susana Braga, Esteve Fàbregas, Salvador Alegret, Anal. Chim. Acta 391 (1999) 65-72 

2. Encapsulation of half sandwich complexes of molybdenium with beta-cyclodextrin 
Susana S. Braga, Isabel S. Gonçalves, André D. Lopes, Martyn Pillinger, João Rocha, Carlos C. Romão, José J.C. Teixeira-Dias, J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans. (2000) 2963-2968 

3. Experimental and theoretical study of the interaction of molybdenocene dichloride (Cp2MoCl2) with beta-cyclodextrin 
Susana S. Braga, Isabel S. Gonçalves, Martyn Pillinger, Paulo Ribeiro-Claro, José J.C. Teixeira-Dias, J. Organom. Chem. (2001) 11-16 

4. Encapsulation of cyano(cyclopentadienyl) complexes of iron with beta-cyclodextrin 
Susana S. Braga, Isabel S. Gonçalves, Paulo Ribeiro-Claro, André D. Lopes, Martyn Pillinger, José J.C. Teixeira-Dias, João Rocha, Carlos C. Romão, Supramol. Chem. 14 (2002) 359-366 

5. Structure of the beta-Cyclodextrin.p-Hydroxybenzaldehyde Inclusion Complex in Aqueous Solution and in the Crystalline State 
Susana S. Braga, Thammarat Aree, Kayo Imamura, Pierre Vertut, Isabel Boal-Palheiros, Wolfram Saenger, José J.C. Teixeira-Dias, J. Incl. Phenom. Macro. Chem. 43 (2002) 115-125 

6. Synthesis, characterization and luminescence of beta-cyclodextrin inclusion compounds containing europium (III) and gadolinium (III) tris(beta-diketonates) Susana S. Braga, Rute A.S. Ferreira, Isabel S. Gonçalves, Martyn Pillinger, João Rocha, José J.C. Teixeira-Dias, Luís D. Carlos, J. Phys. Chem. B 106 (2002) 11430-11437 

7. Study of the inclusion compound formed between a luminescent europium (III) beta-diketonate complex and gamma-cyclodextrin 
Susana S. Braga, Rute A. S. Ferreira, Isabel S. Gonçalves, Paulo Ribeiro-Claro, Martyn Pillinger, João Rocha, José J.C. Teixeira-Dias, Luís D. Carlos, J. Incl. Phenom. Macro. Chem. 44 (2002) 261-265 

8. Solid State Inclusion Compound of S-Ibuprofen in beta-Cyclodextrin: Structure and Characterization 
Susana S. Braga, Isabel S. Gonçalves, Eberdardt Herdtweck, José J.C. Teixeira-Dias, New J. Chem. 27 (2003) 597-601 

9. Encapsulation of sodium nimesulide and precursors in beta-cyclodextrin Susana S. Braga, Paulo Ribeiro-Claro, Martyn Pillinger, Isabel S. Gonçalves, Florbela Pereira, Ana C. Fernandes, Carlos C. Romão, Pedro B. Correia, José J.C. Teixeira-Dias, Org. Biomol. Chem. 1 (2003) 873-878 

10. Interactions of Omeprazole and Precursors with beta-Cyclodextrin Host Molecules 
Susana S. Braga, Paulo Ribeiro-Claro, Martyn Pillinger, Isabel S. Gonçalves, Ana C. Fernandes, Florbela Pereira, Carlos C. Romão, Pedro B. Correia, José J.C. Teixeira-Dias, J. Incl. Phenom. Macro. Chem. 47 (2003) 47-52. 

11. Synthesis of ferrocenyldiimine metal carbonyl complexes and an investigation of the Mo adduct encapsulated in cyclodextrin 
Željko Petrovski, Susana S. Braga, Sandra S. Rodrigues, Cláudia C. L. Pereira, Isabel S. Gonçalves, Martyn Pillinger, Cristina Freire, Carlos C. Romão, New J. Chem. 29 (2005) 347–354 

12. Synthesis and characterization of the inclusion compound of a ferrocenyldiimine dioxomolybdenum complex with heptakis-2,3,6-tri-O-methyl-beta-cyclodextrin 
Željko Petrovski, Susana S. Braga, Ana M. Santos, Sandra S. Rodrigues, Isabel S. Gonçalves, Martyn Pillinger, Fritz E. Kühn, Carlos C. Romão, Inorg. Chim. Acta 358 (2005) 981-988. 

13. Inclusion of molybdenocene dichloride (Cp2MoCl2) in 2-hydroxypropyl- and trimethyl-beta-cyclodextrin: structural and biological properties 
Susana S. Braga, Maria P.M. Marques, Joana B. Sousa, Martyn Pillinger, José J.C. Teixeira-Dias, Isabel S. Gonçalves, J. Organomet. Chem. 690 (2005) 2905-2912 
14. Inclusion complex formation of diferrocenyldimethylsilane with beta-cyclodextrin 
José A. Fernandes, Sérgio Lima, Susana S. Braga, Paulo Ribeiro-Claro, José E. Rodriguez-Borges, Cátia Teixeira, Martyn Pillinger, José J.C. Teixeira-Dias, Isabel S. Gonçalves, J. Organomet. Chem. 690 (2005) 4801-4808. 

15. Inclusion complexation of dimeric and trimeric oligo(ferrocenyl-dimethylsilanes) with gamma-cyclodextrin 
José A. Fernandes, Sérgio Lima, Susana S. Braga, Martyn Pillinger, Paulo Ribeiro-Claro, José E. Rodriguez-Borges, André D. Lopes, José J. C. Teixeira-Dias, Isabel S. Gonçalves, Organometallics 24 (2005) 5673-5677. 

16. Experimental and theoretical study of the encapsulation of a linear oligo(ferrocenyl-silane) trimer with beta-cyclodextrin 
José A. Fernandes, Sérgio Lima, Susana S. Braga, Martyn Pillinger, José E. Rodríguez-Borges, Paulo Ribeiro-Claro, José J. C. Teixeira-Dias, Isabel S. Gonçalves, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 23 (2005) 4729-4734. 

17. Beta-cyclodextrin inclusion of europium(III) tris(beta-diketonate)-bipyridine José A. Fernandes, Susana S. Braga, Martyn Pillinger, Rute A. S. Ferreira, Luís D. Carlos, Alan Hazell, Josua Jepsen, Paulo Ribeiro-Claro, Isabel S. Gonçalves, Polyhedron 25 (2006) 1471-1476. 

18. Modification of the luminescence properties of a europium(III) tris(beta-diketonate) complex by inclusion in gamma-cyclodextrin and 2,3,6-trimethyl-gamma-cyclodextrin 
José A. Fernandes, Susana S. Braga, Rute A. Sá Ferreira, Martyn Pillinger, Luís D. Carlos, Paulo Ribeiro-Claro, Isabel S. Gonçalves, J. Inc. Phenom Macro. Chem. 55 (2006) 329-333. 

19. Structural Studies of beta-Cyclodextrin and Permethylated beta-Cyclodextrin Inclusion Compounds of Cyclopentadienyl Metal Carbonyl Complexes 
Susana S. Braga, Filipe A.A. Paz, Martyn Pillinger, João D. Seixas, Carlos C. Romão, Isabel S. Gonçalves, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. (2006) 1662-1669. 

20. Structure of Cyclopentadienyl Molybdenum Carbonyl Complexes bearing acetonitrile and bis-imine ligands and their Encapsulation in Cyclodextrins Claudia C.L. Pereira, Susana S. Braga, Filipe A. Almeida Paz, Martyn Pillinger, Jacek Klinowski, Isabel S. Gonçalves, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem (2006) 4278-4288. 

21. beta-Cyclodextrin and permethylated beta-cyclodextrin inclusion compounds of a cyclopentadienyl molybdenum tricarbonyl complex and their use as cyclooctene epoxidation catalyst precursors 
Susana S. Braga, Sandra Gago, João D. Seixas, Anabela A. Valente, Martyn Pillinger, Teresa M. Santos, Isabel S. Gonçalves, Carlos C. Romão, Inorg. Chim. Acta 359 (2006) 4757-4764.

22. Influence of cyclodextrins on catalytic olefin epoxidation with metal-carbonyl compounds. Crystal structure of the TRIMEB complex with CpFe(CO)(2)Cl
Salete S. Balula, Ana C. Coelho, Susana S. Braga, Alan Hazell, Anabela A. Valente, Martyn Pillinger, Joao D. Seixas, Carlos C. Romão), Isabel S. Goncalves, Organometallics 26 (2007) 6857-6863.

23. (2,2\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'-bipyridine)tetracarbonylmolybdenum(0)
Susana S. Braga, Ana C. Coelho, Isabel S. Goncalves, Filipe A. Almeida Paz, Acta Crystallogr. E - Struct. Rep. Online 62 (2007) m780-m782.

24. A combined theoretical-experimental study of the inclusion of niobocene dichloride in native and permethylated beta-cyclodextrins
Claudia C. L. Pereira, Mariela Nolasco, Susana S. Braga, Filipe A. Almeida Paz, Paulo Ribeiro-claro, Martyn Pillinger, Isabel S. Goncalves, organometallics 26 (2007) 4220-4228.

25. Cyclodextrin encapsulation of biomimetic organometallic cancer drug candidates
Susana S. Braga, Filipe A. Almeida Paz,  Vijaya Mokal, Martyn Pillinger, Maria Paula M. Marques, Carlos C. Romão, Isabel S. Goncalves, Drugs Futur. 23 Suppl. A (2007) 101.

26. Synthesis, characterization and antitumour activity of 1,2-disubstituted ferrocenes and cyclodextrin inclusion complexes
Željko Petrovski, Marta R. P. N. de Matos, Susana S. Braga, Claudia C. L. Pereira, Marcia L. Matos, Isabel S. Goncalves, Martyn Pillinger, Paula M. Alves, Carlos C. Romão, J. Organomet. Chem. 693 (2008) 675-684.

27. Luminescence properties of the TRIMEB inclusion compound of a europium tris-β-diketonate
Susana S. Braga, Ana C. Coelho, Isabel S. Gonçalves, Gerson Santos, Fernando J. Fonseca, A. M. Andrade, Marco Peres, Wilson Simões, Teresa Monteiro, Luiz Pereira, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 354 (2008) 2736-2739.

28. Organic light emitting diodes with europium (III) emissive layers based on β-diketonate complexes: The influence of the central ligand
Gerson Santos, Fernando J. Fonseca, A. M. Andrade, V. Deichmann, L. Akcelrud, Susana S. Braga, Ana C. Coelho, Isabel S. Gonçalves, Marco Peres, Wilson Simões, Teresa Monteiro, Luiz Pereira, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 354 (2008) 2897-2900.

29. Structural Studies on Supramolecular Adducts of Cyclodextrins with the Complex [Ru([9]aneS3)(bpy)Cl]Cl

Joana Marques, Lúcia Anjo, Maria Paula M. Marques, Teresa M. Santos, Filipe A. Almeida Paz, Susana S. Braga, J. Organomet. Chem. 693 (2008) 3021-3028.

30. Complex Formation Between Heptakis(2,6-di-O-methyl)-ß-cyclodextrin and Cyclopentadienyl Molybdenum(II) Dicarbonyl complexes: Structural Studies and Cytotoxicity Evaluations

Cláudia C.L. Pereira, Cátia V. Diogo, Ana Burgeiro, Paulo J. Oliveira, Maria Paula M. Marques, Susana S. Braga, Filipe A. Almeida Paz, Martyn Pillinger, Isabel S. Gonçalves, Organometallics 27 (2008) 4948-4956.

31. Cyclodextrins improve the Antimicrobial Activity of the chloride salt of Ruthenium(II) Chloro-phenanthroline-trithiacyclononane

Joana Marques, Teresa M. Braga, Filipe A. Almeida Paz, Teresa M. Santos, Maria de Fátima Silva Lopes, Susana S. Braga, Biometals 22 (2009) 541-556.

23. Triclosan

Ana I. Ramos, Susana S. Braga, Filipe A. Almeida Paz, Acta Cryst. C65 (2009) o404-o405.

33. A glycine ruthenium trithiacyclononane complex and its molecular encapsulation using cyclodextrins

Joana Marques, Teresa M. Santos, Maria Paula Marques, Susana S. Braga, Dalton Trans. (2009) 9812-9819.


34. Diaquabis(ethylenediamine-κ2NN\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\')Copper(II) Bis(4-phenylbenzoate) 2.66-hydrate 

José A. Fernandes, Ana I. Ramos, Patrícia Silva, Susana S. Braga, Paulo Ribeiro-Claro, João Rocha, Filipe A. Almeida Paz, Acta Cryst. E66 (2010) m626-m627.



Analysis of the microcrystalline inclusion compounds of triclosan with beta-cyclodextrin and its tris-O-methylated derivative

Ramos, AI; Braga, TM; Fernandes, JA; Silva, P; Ribeiro-Claro, PJ; Paz, FAA; Lopes, MFS; Braga, SS

Ru(II)-Based Antimicrobials: Looking Beyond Organic Drugs

Ramos, AI; Braga, TM; Braga, SS

Isolation, crystal structure, and cytotoxicity on osteosarcoma of a ruthenium(III) complex with coordinated acetonitrile

Marques, J; Fernandes, JA; Paz, FAA; Marques, MPM; Braga, SS

Structural Studies and Cytotoxicity of Trimethyl(ferrocenylmethyl)ammonium Iodide Encapsulated in beta-Cyclodextrin

Bruno, SM; Fernandes, JA; Marques, J; Neto, SC; Ribeiro-Claro, PJ; Pillinger, M; Paz, FAA; Marques, MPM; Braga, SS; Goncalves, IS

Modern Alchemy with Metal Complexes Inside Cyclodextrins, The Molecular Cauldrons

Braga, SS
2010, CURRENT ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 14, 13, 1356-1361.

Cyclodextrins improve the antimicrobial activity of the chloride salt of Ruthenium(II) chloro-phenanthroline-trithiacyclononane

Marques, J; Braga, TM; Paz, FAA; Santos, TM; Lopes, MDS; Braga, SS
2009, BIOMETALS, 22, 3, 541-556.

A glycine ruthenium trithiacyclononane complex and its molecular encapsulation using cyclodextrins

Marques, J; Santos, TM; Marques, MP; Braga, SS
2009, DALTON TRANSACTIONS, 44, 9812-9819.

Synthesis and catalytic properties of manganese(II) and oxovanadium(IV) complexes anchored to mesoporous MCM-41

Fernandes, TA; Nunes, CD; Vaz, PD; Calhorda, MJ; Brandao, P; Rocha, J; Goncalves, IS; Valente, AA; Ferreira, LP; Godinho, M; Ferreira, P

Luminescence properties of the TRIMEB inclusion compound of a europium tris-beta-diketonate

Braga, SS; Coelho, AC; Goncalves, IS; Santos, G; Fonseca, FJ; Andrade, AM; Peres, M; Simoes, W; Monteiro, T; Pereira, L
2008, JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS, 354, 19-25, 2736-2739.

Structural studies on supramolecular adducts of cyclodextrins with the complex [Ru([9]aneS(3))(bpy)Cl]Cl

Marques, J; Anjo, L; Marques, MPM; Santos, TM; Paz, FAA; Braga, SS

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