Rob Pullar


Scientific Interests

Principal Area of Scientific Interest:

Ceramics and composites processing and its affects upon microstructure, properties and applications.

Dr Pullar is now developing this to make SUSTAINABLE MULTIFUNCTIONAL MATERIALS.


Current Research Interests:


Magnetic Ceramics: Ferro- & Ferrimagnetic, especially Hexagonal and Spinel Ferrites. Hexaferrites: 34 papers, 2 book chapters; Spinel ferrites: 10 papers, 1 book chapter; Magnetic NPs: 3 papers

Multiferroic Ceramics: Magnetoelectric, dielectric, ferroelectric and piezoelectric ceramics and composites. 19 papers, 2 book chapters

Microwave Ceramics: GHz / millimetre wave / THz dielectric and magnetic ceramics. Microwave Ceramics and Measurements:  50 papers, 1 book chapter


Sustainable Chemistry and "Green" nanosynthesis: Sol-gel synthesis and processing. 30 papers, 1 book chapter.

Sustainable Materials and Waste valorisation: For use as biomaterials, and magnetic and electronic ceramics, and anti-pollution construction materials. 40 papers.

Biomimetic materials using natural, sustainable templates: Wood-based composites and ecoceramics, especially using cork. 15 papers


Sustainable Materials for Cultural Heritage Preservation and Construction: Sustainable materials and biomaterials produced from green nanosynthesis, natural precursors and industrial/agricultural wastes. 6 papers


Photocatalysis: for antipollution, self-cleaning and antibacterial self-sterilising materials. Photocatalysis & Pollution Abatement: 32 papers, 1 book chapter

Multifunctional photocatalysts: With tuneable/coupled optical-magnetic-electrical properties.

Inorganic Visible Light Photochromic Nanomaterials. 5 papers

Energy Materials and Sustainable Hydrogen and Fuels generation: 7 papers


Titania & Titanates: dielectric and photocatalytic. 35 papers, 1 book chapter

Niobates: especially columbites. 9 papers, 1 book chapter

Biomaterials and Bioceramics: for use as bone replacements, implants and scaffolds. 39 papers, 2 book chapters


Nanosynthesis: aqueous and solvothermal, self-assembly of magnetic and multiferroic nanocrystals, colloidal nanoclusters, and hybrid / core-shell nanoparticles. 24 papers


Ceramic Fibres: 22 papers, 1 book chapter


LTCC: Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramics for integrated chips and devices. 5 papers


Combinatorial & High-Throughput: Synthesis, processing and measurement of bulk ceramic and composite libraries. 7 papers, 1 book chapter


Robocasting and 3D Printing: 6 papers




Scopus Author ID:

Professional History:
2020-Present:  Professore Associato (Senior Lecturer) in the Dipartimento di Scienze Molecolari e Nanosistemi (DSMN), Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia, Venice, Veneto, Italy.
2009–2020:     Dept. Engenharia de Materiais e Cerâmica / CICECO, Universidade de Aveiro (UA), 3810-193 Aveiro, PORTUGAL. Investigador Principal.
2020-Present: Now a Visiting Professor at Aveiro University.
2008-Present:      Department of Materials, Imperial College London (IC), Exhibition Road, London, SW7 2AZ, UK. Visiting Fellow in Materials at Imperial College, London.
2008-2009:      IESL, Foundation for Research & Technology - Hellas (FORTH) P.O. Box 1385, Vassilika Vouton, 711 10 Heraklion, Crete, GREECE. Marie Curie Research Fellowship; synthesis and self assembly of magnetic ferrite nanocrystals and colloidal nanoclusters.
2007-2008:      Department of Materials, Imperial College London (IC), Exhibition Road, London, SW7 2AZ, UK. Research Fellow; combinatorial ceramics and multiferroic composites.
2000-2007:      Faculty of Engineering, Science and the Built Environment, London South Bank University (LSBU), London, SE1 0AA, UK. 2004 - 2007 Senior Research Fellow, 2000 - 2004 Research Fellow; combinatorial ceramics, microwave dielectric ceramics, ferroelectric ceramics, hexaferrites and multiferroic composites.
1994-2000:      Warwick Manufacturing Group, School of Engineering, University of Warwick (UW), Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK. Research Associate; hexaferrite sol-gel, ceramics, fibres and composites, other magnetic, dielectric and structural ceramics as sol-gel and fibres.
Academic History:
1995-1999:      School of Engineering, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK.
PhD in Materials Engineering.
1991-1993:      Department of Chemistry, Bangor University (UCNW), Bangor, Gwynedd, UK.
MSc by research in Inorganic Chemistry.
1987-1991:      Department of Chemistry, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK
BSc (Hons) in Chemistry.
Publications, Conferences and Invited Lectures:
Prof Pullar has published 179 papers. He is first author, lead writer and principal contributor on 48 of them, and last author on another 30 articles. 95 of these papers are published in JCR SCI journals in the top quartile in their areas (Q1), 63 are in the top 10%, and 43 are in journals in the top 3 of their areas.
In 2012 he published a major invited review on hexaferrites in Progress in Materials Science, which has an Impact Factor of 39.6 (vol 57, p.1191-1334, ref 56 below). This was their 9th most downloaded article in 2012, despite only being published in September of that year, was the 3rd most cited PMS article over its first 5 years, and has over 32,000 views. It has already been cited more than 1500 times, and is ranked as a Highly Cited Paper from Essential Science Indicators on Web of Science. It is the 9th most cited Portuguese Materials Science paper on Scopus, and is the 2nd most cited published since 2007. It is now the most cited hexaferrites publication of the last 50 years. He has also published a review on geopolymer foams in Prog. Mat. Sci in 2020 (Ref. 159 below). In 2009 he published an invited review on columbite niobate ceramics for the Journal of the American Ceramic Society (vol 92, p.563-77, ref. 50 below), then the premier ceramics journal. His work on cork-based Ecoceramics was selected as the cover image for Materials Today (IF = 31.0) Vol. 20, Issue 1, 2017, and the work on wastes-derived geopolymer spheres was on the cover of Materials Today Vol. 23, March 2019.
He has a large number of citations (>6400), an h index of 41 (Scopus), and a g index of 74. His most cited research paper, on cobalt ferrite nanoparticles, has >300 citations, and he has another six with >100 citations, and a further 23 with >50 citations. His papers have over 146,000 views on Mendley/Science Direct, and have been averaging ~16,000 views per year since 2016, with over 18,000 in 2019.
He has published three book chapters, on "Combinatorial Materials Science, and a Perspective on Challenges in Data Acquisition, Analysis and Presentation" in “Information Science for Materials Discovery and Design" (Springer, 2016), “Hexagonal Ferrite Fibres and Nanofibres” in “Solid State Phenomenon – Ferrites and Ceramic Composites Vol II” (TransTech, 2016), and “Multiferroic and Magnetoelectric Hexagonal Ferrites” in “Mesoscopic Phenomena in Multifunctional Materials” (Springer, 2014). He has also co-authored six further book chapters, for Springer, Wiley, Nova and Materials Research Forum LLC: see the publication list below for details.
He has presented at over 85 conferences on five continents (>85 oral, >30 invited), and has given >30 invited lectures in the UK, Italy, Portugal, Germany, Turkey, Morocco, USA, Japan, Brazil, Argentina, Dubai and India. He was a Key-Note Speaker at the V Congreso Hispano-Luso de Cerámica y Vidrio (5th Joint Congress of the Spanish and Portuguese Ceramic Societies) in October 2018, and was a Key-Note Speaker at the Green Conservation of Cultural Heritage 2017 conference. He has chaired >20 sesions, and has been a poster judge. He was Publications Chair for the 21st International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics / 11th European Conference on Polar Dielectrics / 4th Conference on Piezoresponse Force Microscopy and Nanoscale Phenomena in Polar Materials – ISAF-ECAPD-PFM-2012, 9th-13th July 2012, University of Aveiro, Portugal (>500 abstracts submitted). He was also Publications Chair for the Materiais2017 conference in Aveiro in 2017 (>400 abstracts submitted). He was on the Scientific Committee of the 2nd Green Conservation of Cultural Heritage Conference 2017 in Palermo, Italy (, and was on the Scientific Committee of the 3rd Green Conservation of Cultural Heritage Conference 2019 in Porto, Portugal ( He was the General Co-Chair of the CICMT2018 conference in Aveiro (, and also acted as Moderator for the Debate on Processing Towards Room Temperature. He was on the Organising Committee of the 2nd International Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2018 in Budapest, Hungary, and for the coming 3rd International Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2019 in Barcelona, Spain ( Co-Chair of the Virk International Symposium (Intl Symposium on Physics, Technology and Interdisciplinary Research for Sustainable Development) at the SIPS 2020 &2021 Conference, 28th November-2nd December 2021, Phuket, Thailand (9 Nobel laureates speaking). He is a member of the International Advisory Board for the Microwave Materials and their Applications (MMA) conferences.
He has established a wide circle of national and international collaborations leading to many publications, joint proposals, and visits. He has also obtained Royal Society, Royal Academy of Engineering, FCT and FLAD (Fundação Luso-Americana para o Desenvolvimento) travel grants to give invited lectures overseas, in Asia, Africa and the Americas.
He has reviewed well over 300 papers for many journals (, including Nature Physics, Prog. Mat. Sci., Adv. Mat., J. Amer. Ceram. Soc., J. Euro. Ceram. Soc., J. Mat. Chem., Appl. Phys. Lett., ACS Sus. Chem. Eng., RSC Adv., ACS Combi. Sci., NPG Asia Mat., Sci. Rep., J. Phys. Chem. C, ACS Appl. Mat. Interf., Appl. Phys. Lett., CrystEngComm, Acta Mat., J. Electroceram., J. Appl. Phys., J. Phys. D & CM, Mat. Design, J. Mat. Res., Mat. Chem. Phys., Mat. Sci. Bull., Mat. Sci. Eng. A & B, Mat. Lett., J. Magn. Mag. Mat., J. Alloy Comp., J. Mat. Sci., J. Nanotechnology, etc. He has also reviewed proposals, and sometimes acted as Raporteur/Consolidator, for the ERC, EU H2020, EPSRC, EU COST programmes, LEaDing Fellows Programme for Delft and Leiden Universities, Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS), Latvian Post-Doc grants, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation), the Academy of Finland and the Czech Science Foundation, and several book proposals for Elsevier.
He is on the Editorial Advisory Board of Nano-Micro Letters (Springer, IF = 12.3,, and is on the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Composite Materials ( and the new journal Ceramics ( He was an Associate Editor of the Royal Society of Chemistry journal RSC Advances (IF = 3.1). He was the Guest Editor of special issues of IEEE Trans. UFFC (Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control), Ferroelectrics and Ciência e Tecnologia dos Materiais, a special section of Materials Research Bulletin, and was the Editor of Multiferroic Materials.

Dr Pullar was the winner of a highly prestigious Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship. This is awarded to the best scientists in Europe to establish themselves as fully independent researchers.

Winner of the Materials Today cover competition 2016 for his image of cork-derived ecoceramics:

Winner of the Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences cover competition 2018 for his image of cork-derived magnetic ecoceramics:

Winner of the Materials Today cover competition 2018 for an image of wastes-derived geopolymer spheres:

Winner of the National Wiki Science Competition for Portugal in 2019, in the microscopy section, for the image "Micropear" - pear-shaped crystal (5 microns high) made of hydroxyapatite (HAp) nanoparticles grown on Si-Ca-Na-P bioglass.

He is a Visiting Fellow at Imperial College, London.

He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC).

Present Research Group

Prof Pullar is now a Visiting Ptofessor ar Aveiro, and works closely with Prof João Labricnha's group, although he also collaborates with other academics in Aveiro. He is in the “Multifunctional Ferroic Ceramics and Nanostructures” and “Sustainability, Recycling and Biomaterials” research lines in CICECO.

He was the University of Aveiro Researcher of the Month on their website in November 2016:

Teaching Activity

Lecture Courses:

2D and 3D Nanostructured Materials (Materiais 2D e 3D Nanoestruturados):  Lecturer and Coordinator

Advanced Preparation Techniques (Métodos de Preparação Avançados): Lecturer

Advanced Materials Characterisation Techniques (Técnicas Avançadas de Caracterização de Materiais): Lecturer and co-coordinator

Design of Multifuncational and Composite Structures (Design de Estruturas Compósitas Multifuncionais): Lecturer and co-coordinator

Undergraduate Materials Projects (Projectos com Materiais):
2010   Magnetoelectric ceramic composites

2011   Synthesis of hexagonal ferrite nanoparticles

2011   Investigation of the effects of grain size on columbite niobate microwave ceramics

2011   Magnetoelectric  / multiferroic SrCoZ ferrite

2011   Magnetoelectric ceramic composites

2012   Ceramic-cork composites for EM, thermal and acoustic shielding

2012   Ecoceramics derived from cork

2014   Ecoceramic high-surface-area photocatalysts derived from cork

2014   Development of novel ferromagnetic ceramic bodies

2015   Study of modified mortars for use as photocatalytic and antibacterial construction materials

2016   Study of photochromic nanoparticles operating under visible light


Three Erasmus Project students from the University of Limoges, France, in 2018-2019

Masters Degree Projects: 
2011-2013   Synthesis and characterisation of magnetoelectric and multiferroic ceramics (Síntese e caracterização de cerâmicos magnetoelétricos e multiferróicos)

 2007-2008   Magnetoelectric Composites based on Hexagonal Ferrites


International Board and Scientific Committee Member of Masters Course in Nanotechnology and Nanotech for Cultural Preservation, Universitá degli Studi di Palermo, Italy

Main collaborators

Imperial College London, UK

UCL (University College London), UK

Queen Mary University London, UK

University of Oxford, UK

NPL (National Physical Laboratory), UK

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA

Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA

Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Porto, Portugal

University of Porto, Portugal

Coimbra University, Portugal

Universidade de Lisboa, Portual

Amorim Cork Composites, Portugal

Relvas Cork, Portugal

LNEG - Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia, Portugal

CIMAR, Portugal

Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), Brazil

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brazil

Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA) / Instituto de Estudos Avançados (IEA), São José dos Campos, Brazil

Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology RAS, Moscow, Russia

University of the Pais Vasco (UPV), San Sebastian, Spain

CNR-IRSA, Bari, Italy

CNR Nanotec, Lecce, Italy

CNR-ISTEC, Faenza, Italy

Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy

Università degli studi di Palermo, Sicily, Italy

Universitá di Trento, Italy

University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Fraunhofer Institute, Germany

Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Riga Technical University, Latvia

National Institute of Materials Science, Romania

University of Oulu, Finland

Processes, Materials and Solar Energy Laboratory - PROMES-CNRS, France

Regional Research Laboratory, NIIST, Trivandrum, India

The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), Delhi, India

IIT - Dehli, India

Gujarat University, India

Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India

Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Morocco

Centre of Water Research and Technology (CERTE), Tunisia

The University of Sydney, Australia

Bragg Institute, Australia

Hitachi Metals - Global Research & Innovative Technology center (GRIT), Japan

Present projects

Dr Pullar had a 3-year FCT research project on the preservation of cultural heritage which started in 2018, and was a Core Team Member and the lead UA member. This funded a researcher at UA for 2 years, and was worth €240K:
2018-2021 Bio4MURAL - Inovative biotechnological solutions for the removal of pigments and preventative conservation of historically and culturally relevant paintings and murals.
Partners: UA; Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP), Porto, PT.


He was a member of the UA tem on another FCT project:

2018-2021 NOTARGAS - Novel catalyst concepts for tar-free oxy-steam gasification of biomass


He had an FCT Investigador Development Grant for five years, from 2016-2021, on sustainable materials science.


He had a Short Term Mobility (STM) Grant in 2020 with CNR-IRSA (Bari, Italy) for the "Wastes-derived porous geopolymer spheres as sustainable absorbents for the removal of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) / emerging contaminants from water", and also held STMs in 2018-19 with CNR-IRSA for the "Photocatalytic testing of novel sustainable photocatalysts", and in 2014 with CNR-ISTEC (Faenza, Italy) on mangetoelectric ceramics.


He was the UA member of a 2 year MIT Exploration grant to develop novel magnetic solutions to clean up seas polluted with oil spills.

2018-2020 FerroCLEAN - Rheological extensional response of ferrofluids to clean the oceans.

Partners: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA; University of Porto (UP), PT; Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental (CIIMAR/CIMAR), PT.


Dr Pullar had two 3-year FCT research projects from 2016-2019, one as PI (H2CORK) and one as Core Team Member and lead UA member (BIONANOSCULP). These funded researchers at UA for 5 man years, and were worth €400K.

2016-2019 H2CORK - Solar thermochemical production of hydrogen based on cork Ecoceramics.
Partners: UA; LNEG - Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia, Lisbon, PT; Amorin Cork Composites, PT; PROMES-CNRS, Odeillo, FR.

2016-2019 BIONANOSCULP - Development of BIONANOmaterials for anti-microbial coating of metal and stone-based outdoor SCULPtures.
Partners: UA; Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP), Porto, PT; Lab. Servicio de Conservación, Restauración y Análisis científicos del Patrimonio Arqueológico- Universidade Autónoma de Madrid (SECYR-UAM), ES; Division of Urban Parks /Division of Culture of Porto City Council, Porto, PT.


He was also a co-investigator on a new 3-year industrial collaboration project (with Recer on strengthening reinforcement for ceramics, which had 5-years of funding for two post-docs.

2016-2019 CERU4 - Pavimentos cerâmicos de elevada resistência ao desgaste (Ceramic floor tiles with high wear resistance)

Partners: Recer (Companhia Industrial de Cerâmica, SA), PT; CTCV (Centro Tecnológico de Cerâmica e do Vidro), Coimbra, PT.


2013-2017 ECO-SEE – ECO-innovative, Safe and Energy Efficient wall panels and materials for a healthier indoor environment - EU FP7.
Partners: UA; University of Bath, UK; Acciona Infraestructuras SA, ES; Bangor University, UK; BCB, FR; Building Research Establishment LTD (BRE), UK; Claytec eK, DE; Envipark SPA, IT; Fraunhofer IBP, DE; Greenovate! Europe, BE; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, IN; Lime Technology LTD, UK; Nesocell SRL, IT; Skanska UK PLC, UK; Tecnalia, ES; Wood Technology Institute (ITD), PL; Kronospan LTD, UK; Black Mountain Insulation LTD, UK; ModCell LTD, UK.

RP was a co-investigator on this large EU project looking at environmentally sustainable construction materials, including photocatalytic coatings and surfaces. This was worth €300K to UA, and funded a postdoc expert in photocatalysis for 3 years.


Dr Pullar was PI of a four year Luso-India Collaboration grant on multiferroic composites (2014-2017).

He was also PI of a two year Luso-Morocco Collaboration Grant to develop magnetic photocatalysts to combat industrial pollution (2015-2016).


He had a FCT post-doc grant from 2014-2016 to develop ferrite-based multifunctional magnetic materials and photocatalysts.

He was co-PI in 2014-15 on a QREN industrial collaboration proposal (INDUCER, €200K) with the ceramic company Grestel, which funded a postdoc for 1.5 years to develop ceramic prototypes for use on induction cookers.
2014-2015 INDUCER – Development of ceramic cookware for induction plates
Partners: UA; GRESTEL (Companhia Industrial de Cerâmica, SA), PT; CTCV (Centro Tecnológico de Cerâmica e do Vidro), Coimbra, PT.


Book Chapters


“Novel Route for Rapid Sol-Gel Synthesis of Bioglass & Bioceramics, Using Fast Drying with a 100-Fold to 200-Fold Reduction in Processing Time”. Basam A. E. Ben-Arfa and Robert C. Pullar, Chapter in 4 Advances in Materials Science Research: Volume 32, editor Maryann C. Wythers, Nova,  New York, NY, 2018, pp. 171-200. ISBN 978-1-53613-329-5


“Synthesis and Characterisation of Magnetoelectric Ceramic Composites based on M-type Strontium and Barium Hexagonal Ferrites and Barium Titante”. Marco S. A. Medeiros, João S. Amaral and Robert C. Pullar, Chapter 1 in “Magnetic Oxides and Composites”, editors Rajshree B. Jotania and Sami H. Mahmood, Materials Research Forum LLC, Millersville, PA, 2018, pp. 1-48. ISBN 978-1-945291-68-5


“Magnetic and Nanostructural Properties of Cobalt–Zinc Ferrite for Environmental Sensors”. A.-H. El Foulani, R. C. Pullar, M. Amjoud, K. Ouzaouit and A. Aamouche, in “Handbook of Environmental Materials Management”, editor C. M. Hussain, Springer, Cham, 2018, pp. 1-18. ISBN 978-3-319-58538-3


“Other Important Materials”. M. T. Sebastian and R. C. Pullar, Chapter 6 in “Microwave Materials and Applications”, editors M. T. Sebastian, R. Ubic and H. Jantunen, Wiley, Chichester, 2017, pp. 267-346. ISBN 978-1-119-20852-5


“Combinatorial Materials Science, and a Perspective on Challenges in Data Acquisition, Analysis and Presentation”. Robert C. Pullar, Chapter 13 in “Information Science for Materials Discovery and Design”, editors T. Lookman, F. Alexander and K. Rajan, Springer, Heidelberg, 2016, pp. 241-270. ISBN 978-3-319-23870-8


“Hexagonal Ferrite Fibres and Nanofibres”. Robert C. Pullar, Chapter 1 in “Solid State Phenomenon – Ferrites and Ceramic Composites Vol II”, Solid State Phenomena Vol. 241, editors R. B. Jotania and H. S. Virk, TransTech, Zurich, 2016, pp 1-68. ISBN 978-3-03835-618-9


"Multiferroic and Magnetoelectric Hexagonal Ferrites”. Robert C. Pullar, Chapter 7 in “Mesoscopic Phenomena in Multifunctional Materials”, Editors A. Saxena and A. Planes, Springer, Heidelberg, 2014, pp 159-200. ISBN 978-3-642-55374-5


"Titania nanostructures for environmental remediation". D. M. Tobaldi, R. C. Pullar, C. Piccirillo, P. M. L. Castro, M. M. Pintado, M. P. Seabra and J. A. Labrincha, Chapter 4 in "Handbook of Functional Nanomaterials, Vol. 4”, editor Mahmood Aliofkhazraei, Nova, New York, 2013, pp. 69-91. ISBN 978-1-62948-232-3{5}10&osCsid


“Piezoelectricity and Ferroelectricity in Biomaterials: From Proteins to Self-assembled Peptide Nanotubes”.

V. S. Bystrov, I. Bdikin,  A. Heredia, R. C. Pullar  and A. L. Kholkin, Chapter 7 in “Piezoelectric Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications”, editors. G. Ciofani and A. Menciassi, Springer, Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 187-211.  ISBN 978-3-642-28043-6


Refereed Articles

180.   “High colouring efficiency, optical density and inserted charge in sol-gel derived electrochromic titania nanostructures”.

Robert C. Pullar, Roberto Giannuzzi, Tania Prontera, David M. Tobaldi, Marco Pugliese, Luisa De Marco, Pierluigi Cossari, Giuseppe Gigli and Vincenzo Maiorano, online at Energy Advances 1 (2022).


179.   “Robocasting of 3D Printed and Sintered Ceria Scaffold Structures with Hierarchical Porosity for Solar Thermochemical Fuel Production from the Splitting of CO2”.

Basam A. E. Ben‎–‎Arfa, Stéphane Abanades, Isabel M. Miranda Salvado, José M. F. Ferreira and Robert C. Pullar, Nanoscale 14 (2022) 4994-5001.


178.   “Cork derived TiO2 biomorphic ecoceramics”.

Robert C. Pullar, Anais Accaries, Dimitri H. G. Scheffer, Ana P. F. Caetano, Rui M. Novais, Open Ceramics 9 (2022) 100243.


177.   “Green synthesis based X-type Ba-Zn Hexaferrites: Their structural, Hysteresis, Mӧssbauer, Dielectric and Electrical properties”.

Amrin R. Kagdi, Robert C. Pullar, Sher Singh Meena, Francisco E. Carvalho, Charanjeet Singh Sandhu, Rajshree B. Jotania, C. L. Prajapa, C. B. Basakh, Materials Chemistry and Physics 282 (2022) 125914.


176.   “Unravelling the affinity of alkali activated fly ash cubic foams towards heavy metals sorption”.

Ana P. F. Caetano, João Carvalheiras, Luciano Senff , Maria P. Seabra, Robert C. Pullar, João A. Labrincha and Rui M. Novais, Materials 15 (2022) 1453.


175.   "Preparation of Silica Gel Obtained From Early Cretaceous Sidi Aich Sands (Central Tunisia) and its potential to remove pollutant dye anionic from wastewaters".

Khalil Lazaar, Robert Pullar, Walid Hajjaji, Samir Mefteh, Mounir Medhioub and Fakher Jamoussi, Silicon 14 (2022) 2351–2362.


174.   “Synthesis and characterisation of lead free BaFe12O19–(K0.5Na0.5)NbO3 magnetoelectric composites, and the comparison of various synthetic routes”.

Marco S. A. Medeiros, Indrani Coondoo, Filipe J. S. Oliveira, Andrei L. Kholkin, João S. Amaral and Robert C. Pullar, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 883 (2021) 160819.


173.   “Cork-derived hierarchically porous hydroxyapatite with different stoichiometries for biomedical and environmental applications”.

Francesca Scalera, Alessandra Quarta, David M. Tobaldi, Robert C. Pullar and Clara Piccirillo, Materials Chemistry Frontiers 5 (2021) 5071-5081.


172.   "Efficiency of natural clay and titania P25 composites in the decolouring of methylene blue (MB) from aqueous solutions: dual adsorption and photocatalytic processes".

Khalil Lazaar, Hajer Chargui, Walid Hajjaji; Robert C. Pullar, Bechir Moussi, João A. Labrincha, Fernando Rocha and Fakher Jamoussi, Arabian Journal of Geosciences 14 (2021) 400.


171.   “Pseudocapacitive behaviour in sol-gel derived electrochromic titania nanostructures”.

Roberto Giannuzzi, Tania Prontera, David M. Tobaldi, Marco Pugliese, Luisa De Marco, Sonia Carallo, Giuseppe Gigli, Robert C. Pullar and Vincenzo Maiorano, Nanotechnology 32 (2021) 045703.


170.   “Design and Development of Ga-substituted Z-type Hexaferrites for Microwave Absorber Applications: Mössbauer, Static and Dynamic properties”.

Preksha N. Dhruv, Robert C. Pullar, Charanjeet Singh, Francisco E, Carvalho, Rajshree B. Jotania, Sher Singh Meena and Jasbir Singh, Ceramics International 47 (2021) 1145-1162.


169.   “Bonded ferrite-based exchange-coupled nanocomposite magnet produced by warm compaction".

Farzin Mohseni, Robert C. Pullar, Joaquim Vieira and João S. Amaral, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 53 (2020) 494003.


168.   “Highly efficient lead extraction from aqueous solutions using inorganic polymer foams derived from biomass fly ash and metakaolin”.

Rui M. Novais, João Carvalheiras, Maria P. Seabra, Robert C. Pullar, João A. Labrincha, Journal of Environmental Management 272 (2020) 111049.


167.   “Nanostructured titanium dioxide coatings prepared by Aerosol Assisted Chemical Vapour Deposition (AACVD)”.

Megan Taylor, Robert C. Pullar, Ivan P. Parkin and Clara Piccirillo, Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology A: Chemistry 400 (2020) 112727.


166.   “Solar redox cycling of ceria structures based on fiber boards, foams and biomimetic cork-derived ecoceramics for two-step thermochemical H2O and CO2 splitting".

Anita Haeussler, Stéphane Abanades, Fernando A. Costa Oliveira, M. Alexandra Barreiros, Ana P.F. Caetano, Rui M. Novais and Robert C. Pullar, Energy & Fuels 34 (2020) 9037–9049.


165.   “Films of chitosan and natural modified hydroxyapatite as effective UV-protecting, biocompatible and antibacterial wound dressings”.

Carla S. Cunha, Pedro J. Castro, Sérgio C. Sousa, Robert C. Pullar, David M. Tobaldi, Clara Piccirillo and Maria M. Pintado, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 159 (2020) 1177-1185.


164.   “High performance cork-templated ceria for solar thermochemical hydrogen production via two-step water-splitting cycles”.

Fernando A. Costa Oliveira, M. Alexandra Barreiros, Anita Haeussler, Ana P. F. Caetano, Ana I. Mouquinho, Pedro M. Oliveira e Silva, Rui M. Novais, Robert C. Pullar and Stéphane Abanades, Sustainable Energy & Fuels 4 (2020) 3077-3089.


163.   “Studies of structural, magnetic and Dielectric properties of X-type Barium Zinc hexaferrite Ba2Zn2Fe28O46 powder prepared by combustion treatment method using ginger root extract as a green reducing agent”.

Amrin R. Kagdi, Robert C. Pullar, Sher Singh Meena, Rajshree B. Jotania and Khalid M. Batoo, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 842 (2020) 155120.


162.   “A comparison of bioactive glass scaffolds made by sol–gel and melt quenching methods, and then fabricated ‎by robocasting”.

Basam A. E. Ben‎-Arfa and Robert C. Pullar, Processes 8 (2020) 615 (18 pp).


161.   “Effective decolouration of cationic dyes by silica gel prepared from Tunisian sands and TiO2/silica gel composites: dual adsorption and photocatalytic processes”.

Khalil Lazaar, Walid Hajjaji, Robert C. Pullar, Hajer Chargui, Bechir Moussi, João Labrincha, Fernando Rocha and Fakher Jamoussi, Desalination and Water Treatment 179 (2020) 368-377.


160.   “Investigation of structural, magnetic and dielectric properties of gallium substituted Z-type Sr3Co2-xGaxFe24O41 hexaferrites for microwave absorbers”.

Preksha N. Dhruv, Sher Singh Meena, Robert C. Pullar, Francisco E. Carvalho, Rajshree B. Jotania, Pramod Bhatt, C. L. Prajapat, João Paulo Barros Machado, T. V. Chandrasekhar Rao and C. B. Basak, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 822 (2020) 153470.


159.   “Geopolymer foams: an overview of recent advances”.

Rui M. Novais, Robert C. Pullar and João A. Labrincha, Progress in Materials Science 109 (2020) 100621.


158.   “Synthesis of red mud derived M-type barium hexaferrites with tuneable coercivity”. 

João Carvalheiras,  Rui M. Novais, Farzin Mohseni, João S. Amaral, Maria P. Seabra, João A. Labrincha and Robert C. Pullar, Ceramics International 46 (2020) 5757-5764.


157.   “Biomimetic Calcium Carbonate with Hierarchical Porosity Produced Using Cork as a Sustainable Template Agent”.

Francesca Scalera, Luigi Carbone, Simona Bettini, Robert C. Pullar and Clara Piccirillo, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (2020) 103594.


156.   “The role of calcium (content & source) on the in vitro behaviour of sol-gel quaternary glass series”.

Basam A. E. Ben-Arfa, Ilaria E. Palamá, Isabel M. Miranda Salvado, José M. F. Ferreira and Robert C. Pullar, Ceramics International 46 (2020) 1065-1075.


155.   “Pyrolysed cork-geopolymer composites: a novel and sustainable EMI shielding building material”.

Rui M. Novais, Manfredi Saeli, Ana P. F. Caetano, Maria P. Seabra, João A. Labrincha, Kuzhichalil P. Surendran and Robert C. Pullar, Construction and Building Materials 229 (2019) 116930.


154.   “Employment of phosphate solubilising bacteria on fish scales – turning food waste into an available phosphorus source”.

C. A. Santana, C. Piccirillo, S. I. A  Pereira, R. C. Pullar, P. M. L. Castro and S. M. Lima, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7 (2019) 103403.


153.   “Cytotoxicity and bioactivity assessments for Cu2+ and La3+ doped high-silica sol-gel derived bioglasses: The complex interplay between additive ions revealed”.

Basam A. E. Ben-Arfa, Ilaria E. Palamá, Isabel M. Miranda Salvado, José M. F. Ferreira and Robert C. Pullar, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research A 107 (2019) 2680-2693.


152.   “A review of solar thermochemical CO2 splitting using ceria-based ceramics with designed morphologies and microstructures”.

Robert C. Pullar, Rui M. Novais, Ana P. F. Caetano, Maria Alexandra Barreiros, Stéphane Abanades and Fernando A. Costa Oliveira, Frontiers in Chemistry 7 (2019) 601 (34 pp.).


151.   “Enhancement of Maximum Energy Product in Exchange-Coupled BaFe12O19/Fe3O4 Core-Shell-Like Nanocomposites”.

Farzin Mohseni, Robert C. Pullar, Joaquim M. Vieira and João S. Amaral, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 806 (2019) 120-126.


150.   “Octylamine as a novel fuel for the preparation of magnetic iron oxide particles by an aqueous auto–ignition method”.

Basam A. E. Ben‎–‎Arfa, Farzin Mohseni, Isabel M. Miranda Salvado, José M. F. Ferreira, João. S. Amaral and Robert C. Pullar, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 805 (2019) 545-550.


149.   “In-depth investigation of the long-term strength and leaching behaviour of inorganic polymer mortars containing green liquor dregs”.

Rui M. Novais, João. Carvalheiras, Luis Senff, Maria P. Seabra, Robert C. Pullar and João A. Labrincha, Journal of Cleaner Production 220 (2019) 630-641.


148.   “The effects of Cu2+ and La3+ doping on the ‎sintering ability of sol-gel derived high silica bioglasses‎”.

Basam A. E. Ben-Arfa, Isabel M. Miranda Salvado, José M. Ferreira and Robert C. Pullar, Ceramics International 45 (2019) 10269-10278.


147.   “Red mud-based inorganic polymer spheres bulk-type adsorbents and pH regulators”, cover article.

Rui M. Novais, João Carvalheiras, Maria P. Seabra, Robert C. Pullar and João A. Labrincha, Materials Today 23 (2019) 105-106.



146.   “A sustainable multi-function biomorphic material for pollution remediation or UV absorption: Aerosol assisted preparation of highly porous ZnO-based materials from cork templates”.

Alessandra Quarta, Rui M. Novais, Simona Bettini, Michele Iafisco, Robert C. Pullar and Clara Piccirillo, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7 (2019) 102936.


145.   “Robocasting of Cu2+ & La3+ doped sol-gel glass scaffolds with greatly enhanced mechanical properties: compressive strength up to 14 MPa”.

Basam A. E. Ben-Arfa, Ana S. Neto, Isabel M. Miranda Salvado, Robert C. Pullar and José M. F. Ferreira, Acta Biomaterialia 87 (2019) 265-272.


144.   “Clove & cinnamon: Novel anti-oxidant eco-fuels for preparing magnetic iron oxide particles by the sol-gel auto‎-‎ignition method”.

Basam A. E. Ben-Arfa, Isabel M. Miranda Salvado, José M. F. Ferreira and Robert C. Pullar, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 786 (2019) 71-76.


143.   “Robocasting: prediction of ink printability in sol-gel bioactive glass”.

Basam A. E. Ben-Arfa, Ana S. Neto, Isabel M. Miranda Salvado, Robert C. Pullar and José M. F. Ferreira, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 102 (2019) 1608-1618.


142.   “Robocasting of ceramic glass scaffolds: Sol-gel glass, new horizons”.

Basam A. E. Ben-Arfa, Ana S. Neto, Ilaria E. Palamá,Isabel M. Miranda Salvado, Robert C. Pullar and José M. F. Ferreira, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 39 (2019) 1625-1634.


141.   “Comparison of low and high pressure infiltration regimes on the density and highly porous microstructure of ceria ecoceramics made from sustainable cork templates”.

Rui M. Novais and Robert C. Pullar, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 39 (2019) 1287-1296.


140.   “Sustainable and efficient cork - inorganic polymer composites: An innovative and eco-friendly approach to produce ultra-lightweight and low thermal conductivity materials”.

Rui M. Novais, Luciano Senff, João Carvalheiras, Maria P. Seabra, Robert C. Pullar, João A. Labrincha, Cement and Concrete Composites 97 (2019) 107-117.


139.   “Guidelines to adjust particle size distributions by wet comminution of a bioactive glass determined by Taguchi and multivariate analysis”.

Basam A. E. Ben-Arfa, Isabel M. Miranda Salvado, Jorge R. Frade and Robert C. Pullar, Ceramics International 45 (2019) 3857-3863.


138.     “Effect of surfactants on the optical and magnetic properties of cobalt-zinc ferrite Co0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4”.

A.-H. El Foulani, A. Aamouche, F. Mohseni, J. S. Amaral, D. M. Tobaldi and R. C. Pullar, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 774 (2019) 1250-1259.


137.     “Synthesis of porous biomass fly ash-based geopolymer spheres for efficient removal of methylene blue from waste waters”.

Rui M. Novais, João Carvalheiras, David M. Tobaldi, Maria P. Seabra, Robert C. Pullar and João A. Labrincha, Journal of Cleaner Production 207 (2019) 350-362.


136.     “One-Step Synthesis, Structure, and Band Gap Properties of SnO2 Nanoparticles Made by a Low Temperature Nonaqueous Sol–Gel Technique”.

Mohamed Karmaoui, Ana Belen Jorge, Paul F. McMillan, Abil E. Aliev, Robert C. Pullar, João António Labrincha and David Maria Tobaldi, ACS Omega 3 (2018) 13227-13238.


135.     “Biotechnology for preventive conservation: development of bionanomaterials for anti-microbial coating of outdoor sculptures”.

N. C. Silva, R. C. Pullar, M. Pintado, E. Vieira and P. R. Moreira, Studies in Conservation 63 (2018) 230-233.


134.     “Incorporation of glass fibre fabrics waste into geopolymer matrices: an eco-friendly solution for off-cuts coming from wind turbine blade production”.

R. M. Novais, J. Carvalheiras, M. N. Capela, M. P. Seabra, R. C. Pullar and J. A. Labrincha, Construction and Building Materials 187 (2018) 876-883.


133.     “Extremely fast and efficient methylene blue adsorption using eco-friendly cork and paper waste-based activated carbon adsorbents”.

Rui M. Novais, Ana P.F. Caetano, Maria P. Seabra, João A. Labrincha and Robert C. Pullar, Journal of Cleaner Production 197 (2018) 1137-1147.


132.     “Innovative application for bauxite residue: red mud-based inorganic polymer spheres as pH regulators”.

Rui M. Novais, João Carvalheiras, Maria P. Seabra, Robert .C. Pullar and João A. Labrincha, Journal of Hazardous Materials 358 (2018) 69-81.


131.     “Solar thermochemical CO2 splitting using cork-templated ceria ecoceramics”.

Fernando C. Oliveira, M. Alexandra Barreiros, S. Abanades, Ana P. F. Caetano, Rui M. Novais and Robert C. Pullar, Journal of CO2 Utilization 26 (2018) 552-563.


130.     “Sequential Piezoresponse Force Microscopy and the ‘Small-Data’ Problem”.

Harsh Trivedi, Vladimir V. Shvartsman, Marco S. A. Medeiros, Robert C. Pullar and Doru C. Lupascu, NPJ Computational Materials 4 (2018) 28.


129.     “BIONANOSCULP, an ongoing project in biotechnology applications for preventive conservation of outdoor sculptures”.

P. R. Moreira, N. Silva, R. C. Pullar, B. A. E. Ben-Arfa, J. G. Abreu, F. Henriques, M. M. E. Pintado and E. Vieira, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 364 (2018) 012075.


128.     “A sustainable replacement for TiO2 in photocatalyst construction materials: hydroxyapatite-based photocatalytic additives, made from the valorisation of food wastes of marine origin”.

Manfredi Saeli, Clara Piccirillo, David M. Tobaldi, Russell Binions, Paula M. L. Castro and Robert C. Pullar, Journal of Cleaner Production 193 (2018) 115-127.


127.     “Enhanced bioactivity of a rapidly-dried sol-gel derived quaternary bioglass”.

Basam A. E. Ben-Arfa, Isabel M. Miranda Salvado, José M. F. Ferreira and Robert C. Pullar, Materials Science and Engineering C 91 (2018) 36-43.


126.     “The influence of processing parameters on morphology, granulometry and sintering of a wet-milled sol-gel glass powder”.

Basam A. E. Ben-Arfa, Isabel M. Miranda Salvado, Robert C. Pullar and José M. F Ferreira, Ceramics International 44 (2018) 12754-12762.


125.     “Extraction and characterisation of cellulose nanocrystals from pineapple peel”.

Ana Raquel Madureira, Tuğba Atatoprak, Duygu Çabuk, Flávia Sousa, Robert C. Pullar, and Manuela Pintado, International Journal of Food Studies 7 (2018) 24-33.


124.     “Stress induced magnetic-domain evolution in magnetoelectric composites”.

Harsh Trivedi, Vladimir V. Shvartsman, Doru C. Lupascu, Marco S. A. Medieros and Robert C. Pullar, Nanotechnology 29 (2018) 255702.


123.     “Effects of catalysts on polymerisation and microstructure of sol-gel derived bioglasses”.

Basam A. E. Ben-Arfa, Hugo R. Fernandes, Isabel M. Miranda Salvado, José M. F. Ferreira and Robert C. Pullar, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 101 (2018) 2831-2839.


122.     “Influence of Mg Substitution on Structural, Magnetic and Dielectric Properties of X-type Barium-Zinc Hexaferrites Ba2Zn2-xMgxFe28O46”.

Amrin R. Kagdi, Neha P. Solanki, Francisco E. Carvalho, Sher Singh Meena, Pramod Bhatt, Robert C. Pullar and Rajshree B. Jotania, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 741 (2018) 377-391.


121.     “Structural and complex electromagnetic properties of cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4) with an addition of niobium pentoxide”.

F. E. Carvalho, L. V. Lemos, A. C. C. Migliano, J. P. B. Machado and R. C. Pullar, Ceramics International 44 (2018) 915-921.


120.     “Synthesis and bioactivity assessment of high silica content quaternary sol-gel glasses with Ca:P ratios of 1.5 and 1.67”.

Basam A. E. Ben-Arfa, Hugo R. Fernandes, Isabel M. Miranda Salvado, José M. F. Ferreira and Robert C. Pullar, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part A 106 (2018) 510-520.


119.     “Biphasic apatite-carbon materials derived from pyrolysed fish bones for effective adsorption of persistent pollutants and heavy metals”.

C. Piccirillo, I. S. Moreira, R. M. Novais, A. J. S. Fernandes, R. C. Pullar, P. M. L. Castro, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 5 (2017) 4884-4894.


118.     “Effective mechanical reinforcement of inorganic polymers using glass fibre waste”.

Rui M. Novais, J. Carvalheiras, M. P. Seabra, R. C. Pullar, J. A. Labrincha, Journal of Cleaner Production 166 (2017) 343-349.


117.     “Photocatalytic nano-composite architectural lime mortar for degradation of urban pollutants under solar and visible (interior) light”.

Manfredi Saeli, David M. Tobaldi, Nejc Rozman, Andrijana Sever Škapin, João A. Labrincha and Robert C. Pullar, Construction and Building Materials 152 (2017) 206-213.


116.     “Purely visible-light induced photochromism in Ag-TiO2 nano-heterostructures”.

David Maria Tobaldi, María Jésus Hortigüela, Gonzalo Otero Irurueta, Manoj Kumar Singh, Robert C. Pullar, Maria Paula Seabra, and João António Labrincha, Langmuir 33 (2017) 4890-4902.


115.     “Surface modified hydroxyapatites with various functionalized nanostructures: Computational studies of the vacancies in HAp”.

V. S. Bystrov, E. V. Paramonova, Yu. D. Dekhtyar, A. V. Bystrova, R. C. Pullar, S. Kopyl, D. M. Tobaldi, C. Piccirillo, L. A. Avakyan and J. Coutinho, Ferroelectrics 509 (2017) 105-112.


114.     “Production of silica gel from Tunisian sands and its adsorptive properties”.

K. Lazaar, W. Hajjaji, R. C. Pullar, J. A. Labrincha, F. Rocha and F. Jamoussi, Journal of African Earth Sciences 130 (2017) 238-251.


113.     “Ecoceramics - Cork-based Biomimetic Ceramic 3-DOM Foams”.

 R. C. Pullar and R. M. Novais, cover article, Materials Today 20 (2017) 45-46.


112.     "A hundred times faster: novel, rapid sol-gel synthesis of bio-glass nanopowders (Si-Na-Ca-P system, Ca:P = 1.67) without ageing”.

Basam A. E. Ben-Arfa, Isabel M. Miranda Salvado, José M. F. Ferreira and Robert C. Pullar, International Journal of Applied Glass Science 8 (2017) 337-343.


111.     “Effect of preparation and processing conditions on UV absorbing properties of hydroxyapatite-Fe2O3 sunscreen”.

M. A. C. Teixeira, C. Piccirillo, D. Tobaldi, R. C. Pullar, J. A. Labrincha, M. O. Ferreira, P. M. L. Castro and M. M. E. Pintado, Materials Science and Engineering C 71 (2017) 141-149.  


110.     “Novel fast route for rapid sol-gel synthesis of hydroxyapatite, avoiding ageing and using fast drying with a 200-fold reduction in process time”.

Basam A. E. Ben-Arfa, Isabel M. Miranda Salvado, José M.F. Ferreira and Robert C. Pullar, Materials Science and Engineering C 70 (2017) 796-804.


109.     “Aerosol assisted chemical vapour deposition of hydroxyapatite-embedded titanium dioxide composite thin films”.

C. Piccirillo, C. J. Denis, R. C. Pullar, R. Binions, I. P. Parkin, J. A. Darr and P. M. L. Castro, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 332 (2017) 45-53.


108.     “The Smallest Bimetallic CoPt3 Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles”.

Mohamed Karmaoui, Joao Amaral, Luc Lajaunie, Harinarayanan Puliyalil, David Maria Tobaldi, Robert C. Pullar, João Labrincha, Raul Arenal and Uros Cvelbar, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 7 (2016) 4039-4046.


107.     “Biomimetic cork-based CeO2 ecoceramics for hydrogen generation using concentrated solar energy”.

R. C. Pullar, L. Gil and F. A. C. Oliveira, Ciência & Tecnologia dos Materiais 28 (2016) 23-28.


106.     “Effective removal of anionic and cationic dyes by kaolinite and TiO2/kaolinite composites”.

W. Hajjaji, S. Andrejkovičová, R. C. Pullar, D. M. Tobaldi, A. Lopez-Galindo, F. Rocha and J. A. Labrincha, Clay Minerals 51 (2016) 19–27.


105.     “Optimised novel fast route for synthesis of stoichiometric hydroxyapatite by employing the Taguchi method”.

Basam A. E. Ben-Arfa, Isabel M. Miranda Salvado, Jorge R. Frade and Robert C. Pullar, Materials and Design 109 (2016) 547-555.


104.  “Effects of Cu, Zn and Cu-Zn addition on the microstructure and antibacterial and photocatalytic functional properties of Cu-Zn modified TiO2 nano-heterostructures”.

D. M. Tobaldi, C. Piccirillo, N. Rozman, R. C. Pullar, M. P. Seabra, A.S. Škapin, P. M. L.Castro and J. A. Labrincha, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A 330 (2016) 44-55.


103. “The influence of Cu2+ and Mn2+ ions on the structure and crystallization of diopside-calcium pyrophosphate bioglasses”.

Basam A. E. Ben-Arfa, Isabel M. Miranda Salvado, José M. F. Ferreira and Robert C. Pullar, International Journal of Applied Glass Science 7 (2016) 345-354.



102. “Sensing properties and photochromism of Ag-TiO2 nano-heterostructures”.

D. M. Tobaldi, S. G Leonardi, R. C Pullar, M. P. Seabra, G. Neri and J. A. Labrincha, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 4 (2016) 9600-9613.


101.     “High dielectric constant and capacitance in ultrasmall (2.5 nm) SrHfO3 perovskite nanoparticles produced from a low temperature non-aqueous sol-gel route”.

Mohamed Karmaoui, E.Venkata Ramana, David M. Tobaldi, Luc Lajaunie, Manuel. P. Graça, Raul Arenal, Maria P. Seabra, João A. Labrincha and Robert C. Pullar, RSC Advances 6 (2016) 51493-51502.


100.     “Quantification of the effects of oxygen vacancies on the optical band gap (Eg) and photocatalysis of hydroxyapatite: comparing modelling with measured data”.

V. S. Bystrov, C. Piccirillo, D. M. Tobaldi, P. M. L. Castro, J. Coutinho, S. Kopyl and R. C. Pullar, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 196 (2016) 100-107.


99. “Aqueous Acid Orange 7 dye removal by clay and red mud mixes”.

W. Hajjaji, R. C. Pullar, J. A. Labrincha and F. Rocha, Applied Clay Science 126 (2016) 197-206.


98.  “The effect of functional ions (Y3+, F-, Ti4+) on the structure, sintering and crystallization of diopside-calcium pyrophosphate bioglasses”.

Basam A. E. Ben-Arfa, Isabel M. Miranda Salvado, José M. F. Ferreira and Robert C. Pullar, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 443 (2016) 162-171.


97.  “Valorisation of industrial iron oxide wastes to produce magnetic barium hexaferrite”.

Robert C. Pullar, Manfredi Saeli, Rui M. Novais, João S. Amaral and João A. Labrincha, ChemistrySelect 1 (2016) 819-825.


96.  “Hidden value in low-cost inorganic pigments as potentially valuable magnetic materials”.

Rui M. Novais , M. P. Seabra , João S. Amaral and Robert C. Pullar, Ceramics International 42 (2016) 819-825.


95.  “Pt-decorated In2O3 nanoparticles and their ability as a highly sensitive (<10 ppb) acetone sensor for biomedical applications”.

Mohamed Karmaoui,Salvatore G. Leonardi, Mariangela Latino, David M. Tobaldi, Nicola Donato, Robert C. Pullar, Maria P. Seabra, João A. Labrincha and Giovanni Neri, Sensors and Actuators B 230 (2016) 697-705.


94.  “Truncated tetragonal bipyramidal anatase nanocrystals formed without use of capping agents from the supercritical drying of a TiO2 sol”.

D. M. Tobaldi, R. C. Pullar, L. Durães, T. Matias, M. P. Seabra and J. A. Labrincha, CrystEngComm 18 (2016) 164-176.


93.  “Quantitative XRD characterisation and gas-phase photocatalytic activity testing for visible-light (indoor applications) of KRONOClean 7000®”.

D. M. Tobaldi, M. P. Seabra, G. Otero-Irurueta, Y. R. de Miguel, R. J. Ball, M. K. Singh, R. C. Pullar and J. A. Labrincha, RSC Advances 5 (2015) 102911-102918.


92.  “Cu-TiO2 Hybrid Nanoparticles Exhibiting Tuneable Photochromic Behaviour”.

David Maria Tobaldi, Nejc Rozman, Matteo Leoni, Maria Paula Seabra, Andrijana S. Škapin, Robert C. Pullar and João A. Labrincha, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (2015) 23568-23668.


91. “Nitrogen-modified nano-titania: True phase composition, microstructure and visible-light induced photocatalytic NOx abatement”.

D. M. Tobaldi, R. C. Pullar, A. F. Gualtieri, G. Otero-Irurueta, M. K. Singh, M. P. Seabra and J. A. Labrincha, Journal of Solid State Chemistry 231 (2015) 87-100.


90.       “Nano-titania doped with europium and neodymium showing simultaneous photoluminescent and photocatalytic behaviour”.

D. M. Tobaldi, R. A. S. Ferreira, R. C. Pullar, M. P. Seabra, L. D. Carlos and J. A. Labrincha, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 3 (2015) 4970-4986.


89.  “Silver-containing calcium phosphate materials of marine origin with antibacterial activity”.

C. Piccirillo, R. C. Pullar, D. M. Tobaldi, P. M. Lima Castro and M. M. Estevez Pintado, Ceramics International 41 (2015) 10152-10159.


88.       “Magnetic wood-based biomorphic Sr3Co2Fe24O41 Z-type hexaferrite ecoceramics made from cork templates”.

Robert C. Pullar, Pedro Marques, João Amaral and João A. Labrincha, Materials and Design 82 (2015) 297-303.


87.       “Computational study of the hydroxyapatite structures, properties and defects”.

V. S. Bystrov, J. Coutinho, A. V. Bystrova and Yu. D. Dekhtyar, R. C. Pullar, A. Poronin, E. Palcevskis, A. Dindune, B. Alkan, C. Durucan and E. V. Paramonova, Journal of Physics D 48 (2015) 195302.  


86.       “Hydroxyapatite-based materials of marine origin: a bioactivity and sintering study”.

C. Piccirillo, R. C. Pullar, E. Costa, M. M. E. Pintado and P. M. L. Castro, Materials Science and Engineering C 51 (2015) 309-315.


85.       “Local manifestations of static magnetoelectric effect in nanostructured BaTiO3 –BaFe12O9 composite multiferroic”.

Harsh Trivedi, Vladimir V. Shvartsman, Doru C. Lupascu, Marco S. A. Medeiros, Robert C. Pullar, Andrei L. Kholkin, Pavel Zelenovskiy, Andrey Sosnovskikh and Vladimir Ya. Shur, Nanoscale 7 (2015) 4489-4496.


84.       “Influence of sol counter-ions on the anatase-to-rutile phase transformation and microstructure of nanocrystalline TiO2”.

D. M. Tobaldi, R. C. Pullar, A. F. Gualtieri, A. Belen Jorge, R. Binions, P. F. McMillan, M. P. Seabra and J. A. Labrincha, CrystEngComm 17 (2015) 1813-1825.


83.       “Novel Nanosynthesis of In2O3 and its Application as a Resistive Gas Sensor for Sevoflurane Anesthetic”.

M. Karmaoui, S. G. Leonardi, D. M. Tobaldi, N. Donato, R. C. Pullar, M. P. Seabra, J. A. Labrincha, and G. Neri, Journal of Materials Chemistry B 3 (2015) 399-407.


82.       “Light induced antibacterial activity and photocatalytic properties of Ag/Ag3PO4-based material of marine origin”.

C. Piccirillo,R. A. Pinto, D. M. Tobaldi, R. C. Pullar, J. A. Labrincha, M. M. E. Pintado, P. M. L. Castro, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology 296 (2015) 40-47.


81.       “Non-aqueous sol-gel synthesis through a low-temperature solvothermal process of anatase showing visible-light photocatalytic activity”.

M. Karmaoui, D. M. Tobaldi, A. Sever Škapin, R. C. Pullar, M. P. Seabra, J. A. Labrincha and V. S. Amaral, RSC Advances 4 (2014) 46762-46770.


80.       “Hydroxyapatite-Fe2O3 based material of natural origin as an active sunscreen filter”

C. Piccirillo, C. Rocha, D.M. Tobaldi, R.C. Pullar, J.A. Labrincha, M.O. Ferreira, P.M.L. Castro, M.M.E. Pintado, Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2 (2014) 5999-6009. 


79.       “Hydroxyapatite and chloroapatite derived from sardine by-products”.

C. Piccirillo, R. C. Pullar, D. M. Tobaldi, P. M. L. Castro, M. M. E. Pintado, Ceramics International 40 (2014) 13231-13240.


78.       “Influence of sol counter-ions on the visible-light induced photocatalytic behaviour of TiO2 nanoparticles”

D.M. Tobaldi, R.C. Pullar, R. Binions, A- Belen.-Jorge-Sobrido, P.F.McMillan, M. Saeli, M.P. Seabra and J.A. Labrincha, Catalysis Science and Technology 4 (2014) 2134-2146.


77.       “Fully Quantitative X-ray Characterisation of Evonik Aeroxide TiO2 P25®

D. M. Tobaldi, R. C. Pullar, M. P. Seabra, J. A. Labrincha, Materials Letters 122 (2014) 345-347.


76.       “Silver-Modified Nano-Titania as an Antibacterial Agent and Photocatalyst”

            D. M. Tobaldi, C. Piccirillo, R. C. Pullar, A. F. Gualtieri, M. P. Seabra, P. M. L. Castro, J. A. Labrincha, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (2014) 4751-4766.


75.       “Magnetic Properties of Ferrite Ceramics made from Wastes”

R. C. Pullar, W. Hajjaji, J. Amaral, M. P. Seabra and J. A. Labrincha, Waste and Biomass Valorization 5 (2014) 133-138.


74.       “Characterization and antimicrobial properties of food packaging methylcellulose films containing stem extract of Ginja cherry”

D. Campos, C. Piccirillo, R. C. Pullar, P. M. L. Castro, M. M. E. Pintado, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 94 (2014) 2097-2103.


73.       “Magnetic Properties of Aligned Co2Z Hexagonal Z-Ferrite Fibers”

            Robert C. Pullar, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology 11 (2014) 451-456.


72.       “Visible light activated photocatalytic behaviour of rare earth modified commercial TiO2

D. M. Tobaldi, R. C. Pullar, A. Sever Škapin, M. P. Seabra and J. A. Labrincha, Materials Research Bulletin 50 (2014) 183-190.


71.       “Nanosized Titania Modified with Tungsten and Silver: Microstructural Characterisation of a Multifunctional Material”

D. M. Tobaldi, R. C. Pullar, M. Leoni, M. P. Seabra and J. A. Labrincha, Applied Surface Science 287 (2013) 276-281.


70.       “Computational study of hydroxyapatite properties and its surface interactions”.

V. S. Bystrov, E. V. Paramonova, E. Costa, C. Santos, M. Almeida, S. Kopyl, Yu. Dekhtyar, A. V. Bystrova, E. I. Maevsky, R. C. Pullar, and A. L. Kholkin, Ferroelectrics 449 (2013) 94-101.  


69.       “Guest Editorial - Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Applications of Polar Dielectrics (ECAPD-11)”.

Robert C. Pullar, Andrei L. Kholkin, Vladimir S. Bystrov, Brahim Dhkil, Senentxu lanceros-Mendez and Jan Pokorny, Ferroelectrics 446 (2013) vii-viii.



68.       "Natural Portuguese clayey materials and derived TiO2-containing composites used for decolouring Methylene blue and orange II solutions".

W. Hajjaji, S. Ganiyu; D. M. Tobaldi; S. Andrejkovičová; R. C. Pullar; F. Rocha and J. A. Labrincha, Applied Clay Sciences 83-84 (2013) 91-98.


67.       “Introduction to the special issue for ISAF-ECAPD-PFM 2012”.

       R. C. Pullar, A. L. Kholkin and S. Lanceros-Méndez, IEEE Trans. UFFC 60 (2013) 1549-1550.


66.       “Phase composition, crystal structure and microstructure of silver and tungsten doped TiO2 nanopowders, with tuneable photochromic behaviour”.

            David M. Tobaldi, Robert C. Pullar, Alessandro F. Gualtieri, Maria Paula Seabra and João A. Labrincha, Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 5571-5585.


65.       “Molecular modeling of the piezoelectric effect in the ferroelectric polymer poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF)”.

V. S. Bystrov, E. V. Paramonova, I. K. Bdikin, R. C. Pullar and A. L. Kholkin, Journal of Molecular Modeling 19 (2013) 3591-3602.


64.       “Calcium phosphate-based materials of natural origin showing photocatalytic activity”.

C. Piccirillo, C. W. Dunnill, R. C. Pullar, D. M. Tobaldi, J. A. Labrincha, I. P. Parkin,M. M. Pintado, P. M. L. Castro, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1 (2013) 6452-6461.


63.       “Bacteria immobilisation on hydroxyapatite surface for heavy metals removal”.

C. Piccirillo, S. I. A. Pereira, A. P. Marques, R. C. Pullar, D. M. Tobaldi and P. M. L. Castro, Journal of Environmental Management 121 (2013) 87-95.


62.       “Titanium dioxide modified with transition metals and rare earth elements: phase composition, optical properties, and photocatalytic activity”

D. M. Tobaldi, A. Sever Škapin, R. C. Pullar, M. P. Seabra and J. A. Labrincha, Ceramics International 39 (2013) 2619-2629.


61.       “Compositional and chromatic properties of strontium hexaferrite as pigment for ceramic bodies and alternative synthesis from wiredrawing sludge”

W. Hajjaji, R. C. Pullar, C. Zanelli, M. P. Seabra, M. Dondi and J. A. Labrincha, Dyes and Pigments 96 (2013) 659-664.


60.       “Sol-gel Synthesis and Characterisation of Pure, W-, Ag-, and W/Ag co-Doped TiO2 Nanopowders”

D. M. Tobaldi, R. C. Pullar, A. F. Gualtieri, M. P. Seabra and J. A. Labrincha, Chemical Engineering Journal 214 (2013) 364-375.


59.       “Extraction and characterisation of apatites- and tricalcium phosphate-based materials from cod fish bones”

            C. Piccirillo, M. F. Silva, R. C. Pullar, I. Braga da Cruz, R. Jorge, M. M. E. Pintado and P. M. L. Castro, Materials Science and Engineering C 33 (2013) 103-110.


58.       “BioFerroelectricity: Diphenylalanine peptide nanotubes computational modeling and ferroelectric properties at the nanoscale”

V. S. Bystrov, E. Paramonova, I. Bdikin, S. Kopyl, A. Heredia, R. C. Pullar and A. L. Kholkin, Ferroelectrics 440 (2012) 3-24.


57.       “Chromatic properties of industrial solid waste based ferrites”

W. Hajjaji, R. Pullar, M. P. Seabra, M. Dondi and J. A. Labrincha, Waste and Biomass Valorization 3 (2012) 375-378.


56.       “Hexagonal Ferrites: a Review of the Synthesis, Properties and Applications of Hexaferrite Ceramics”

Robert C. Pullar, invited review, Progress in Materials Science 57 (2012) 1191-1334.


55.       “Combinatorial bulk ceramic magnetoelectric composite libraries of strontium hexaferrite and barium titanate”

            R. C. Pullar, ACS Combinatorial Science 14 (2012) 425-433.


54.       “Polarization of PVDF and P(VDF-TrFE) thin films revealed by emission spectroscopy with computational simulation during phase transition”

Vladimir S. Bystrov, Ekaterina V. Paramonova, Yuri Dekhtyar, Robert  C. Pullar, Aleksey Katashev, Natalie Polyaka, Anna V.  Bystrova, Alla V. Sapronova, Vladimir M. Fridkin, Herbert Kliem, Andrei L. Kholkin, Journal of Applied Physics 111 (2012) 104113.


53.       “Magnetic properties of randomly oriented BaM, SrM, Co2Y, Co2Z and Co2W hexagonal ferrite fibres”.

Robert C. Pullar, Igor K. Bdikin and Ashok K. Bhattacharya, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 32 (2012) 905-913.


52.       “Local scale probe of magnetoelectric coupling in BaFe12O19-BaTiO3 multiferroics”.

D. V. Karpinsky, R. C. Pullar, Y. K. Fetisov, K. E. Kamentsev and A. L  Kholkin, Journal of Applied Physics 108 (2010) 042012.


51.       “Development of Novel Multiferroic Composites Based on BaTiO3 and Hexagonal Ferrites”.

D. V. Karpinsky, E. K. Selezneva, I. K. Bdikin, F. Figueiras, K. E. Kamentsev, Y. K. Fetisov, R. C. Pullar, J. Krebbs, N. M. Alford, and A. L. Kholkin, Proceedings of the Materials Research Society 1161 (2009) I01-06, pp. 7-12.


50.       “The Synthesis, Properties and Applications of Columbite Niobates (M2+Nb2O6): A Critical Review”.

            Robert C. Pullar, invited review, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 92 (2009) 563-577.


49.       “Phase Diagram and Microwave Dielectric Properties of the 6H Perovskites Ba3BSb2O9, B = Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba”.

Chris D. Ling, Budwy Rowda, Maxim Avdeev and Robert Pullar, Journal of Solid State Chemistry 182 (2009) 479-483.


48.       “Dielectric Measurements on a  Novel Ba1-xCaxTiO3 (BCT) Bulk Ceramic Combinatorial Library”.

Robert C. Pullar, Yong Zhang, Lifeng Chen, Shoufeng Yang, Julian R. G. Evans, Andrei N. Salak, Dmitry A. Kiselev, Andrei L. Kholkin, Victor M. Ferreira and Neil McN. Alford, Journal of Electroceramics 22 (2009) 245-251.


47.       “Dielectric Loss caused by Oxygen Deficiency in Titania Ceramics”.

Robert C. Pullar, Stuart J. Penn, Xiaoru Wang, I. M. Reaney and Neil McN. Alford, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 29 (2009) 419-424.


46.       “The effects of dielectric loss and tip resistance on resonator Q of the SEMM probe”.

            D. P. Kimber, R. C. Pullar and N. McN. Alford, Measurement Science and Technology 19 (2008) 115502.


45.       “Bismuth-induced dielectric relaxation in the (1-x)La(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3xBi(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3 perovskite system”.

            Andrei N. Salak, Victor M. Ferreira, Jose L. Ribeiro, Luis G. Vieira, Robert C. Pullar and Neil McN. Alford, Journal of Applied Physics 104 (2008) 014105.


44.       “Functional Ceramic Materials Database: An online resource for materials research”.

            D. J. Scott, S. Manos, P. V. Coveney, J. C. H. Rossiny, S. Fearn, J. A. Kilner, R. C. Pullar, N. McN. Alford, A-K Axelsson, Y. Zhang, L. Chen, S. Yang, J. R. G. Evans and M. T. Sebastian,  Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 48 (2008) 449-455.


43.       “Dielectric relaxation and microwave loss in the La(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3 – (Na1/2Bi1/2)TiO3 perovskite ceramics”.

            A. N. Salak, V. M. Ferreira, L. G. Vieira, J. L. Ribeiro, R. C. Pullar and N. McN. Alford, Journal of Materials Research 22 (2007) 2676-2684.


42.       “Broadband microwave-to-terahertz near-field imaging”.

Serhiy Danylyuk, Ulrich Poppe, Fillip Kadec, Peter Kužel, Milan Berta, Norbert Klein, Robert C. Pullar and Henry Romanus,    Microwave Symposium, 2007, IEEE/Microwave Theory and Techniques (MTT-S) International (2007) 1383-1386.


41.       “Manufacture and Measurement of Combinatorial Libraries of Dielectric Ceramics, part II: Dielectric Measurements of Ba1-xSrxTiO3 Libraries”.

Robert C. Pullar, Yong Zhang, Lifeng Chen, Shoufeng Yang, Julian R. G. Evans, Peter Kr. Petrov,Andrei N. Salak, Dmitry A. Kiselev, Andrei L. Kholkin, Victor M. Ferreira and Neil McN. Alford, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 27 (2007) 4437-4443.


40.       “Manufacture and Measurement of Combinatorial Libraries of Dielectric Ceramics, part I: Physical Characterisation of Ba1-xSrxTiO3 Libraries”.

Robert C. Pullar, Yong Zhang, Lifeng Chen, Shoufeng Yang, Julian R. G. Evans and Neil McN. Alford, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 27 (2007) 3861-3865.


39.       “MgWO4, ZnWO4, NiWO4 and CoWO4 microwave dielectric ceramics”.

R. C. Pullar, S. Farrah and N. McN. Alford, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 27 (2007) 1059-1063.


38.       “A mechanism for low-temperature sintering”.

Matjaz Valant, Danilo Suvorov, Robert C. Pullar, Kumaravinothan Sarma and Neil McN. Alford, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 26 (2006) 2777-2783.


37.       “Novel microwave dielectric LTCCs based upon V2O5 doped M2+Cu2Nb2O8 compounds (M2+ = Zn, Co, Ni, Mg and Ca)”.

R. C. Pullar, C. Lai, F. Azough, R. Freer and N. McN. Alford, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 26 (2006) 1943-1946.


36.       “Evaluating the Properties of Dielectric Materials for Microwave Integrated Circuits”.

A. Centeno, J. D. Breeze, J. Krupka, R. A. Walters, K. Sarma, H. Chien, R. C. Pullar, P. K. Petrov and N. McN. Alford, IET Seminar Digest 11614 (2006), 21-26.


35.       “Low-temperature microwave and THz dielectric response in novel microwave ceramics”.

            S. Kamba, D. Noujni, A. Pashkin, J. Petzelt, R. C. Pullar, A-K. Axelsson and N. McN. Alford, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 26 (2006) 1845-1851.


34.       “V2O5-doped M2+Cu2Nb2O8 compounds (M2+ = Zn, Co, Ni, Mg & Ca) for microwave dielectric LTCCs”.

R. C. Pullar, C. Lai and N. McN. Alford, Materials Science Forum514-516 (2006) 264-268.


33.       “The magnetic properties of aligned M hexa-ferrite fibres”.

R. C. Pullar and A. K. Bhattacharya, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 300 (2006) 490-499.


32.       “Effect of sodium on the creep resistance of yttrium aluminium garnet (YAG) fibres”.

R. C. Pullar, M. D. Taylor and A. K. Bhattacharya, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 26 (2006) 1577-1583.


31.       “Characterization and microwave dielectric properties of M2+Nb2O6 ceramics”.

Robert C. Pullar, Jonathan D. Breeze and Neil McN. Alford, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 88 (2005) 2466-2471.


30.       “Sintering Behaviour of BaxSr1-xTiO3”.

Kumaravinothan Sarma, Rehan Farooq, Katy Jarman, Robert C. Pullar, Peter K. Petrov and Neil McN. Alford, Integrated Ferroelectrics 62 (2004) 249-252.


29.       “Effect of doping on the dielectric properties of CeO2 in the microwave and far-infrared frequency range”.

Narayana Iyer Santha, Mailadil Thomas Sebastian, Pezholil Mohanan,   Neil McN. Alford, Kumaravinothan Sarma, Robert C. Pullar, Stanislav Kamba, Alexej Pashkin, Polina Samukhina and Jan Petzelt, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 87 (2004) 1233-1237.



28.       “Effect of sintering aids upon dielectric microwave properties of ZnNb2O6, CoNb2O6, MgNb2O6 and CaNb2O6 columbite niobates”.

R. C. Pullar, C. Vaughan  and N. McN. Alford, Key Engineering Materials 264-268 (2004) 1157-1160.


27.       “Relationship between microwave and lattice vibration properties in Ba(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3-based microwave dielectric ceramics”.

Stanislav Kamba, Hana Hughes, Dmitri Noujni, Santhi Surendran , Robert C. Pullar, Polina Samoukhina, Jan Petzelt, Robert Freer, Neil McN. Alford and David M. Iddles, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 37 (2004) 1980-1986.


26.       “Structure Property Relations in xBaTiO3 – (1-x)La(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3 Solid Solutions”.

M. P. Seabra, M. Avdeev, V. M. Ferreira, R. C. Pullar, N. McN. Alford and I. M. Reaney, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 87 (2004) 584-590.


25.       “The effects of sintering aids upon dielectric microwave properties of columbite niobates, M2+Nb2O6”.

R. C. Pullar, C. Vaughan and N. McN. Alford, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 37 (2004) 348-352.


24.       “Temperature Compensated Niobate Microwave Ceramics based upon the Columbite Structure, M2+Nb2O6”.

Robert C. Pullar, Ken Okeneme and Neil McN. Alford, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 23 (2003) 2479-2483.


23.       “Structure and microwave dielectric properties of La(Mg0.5Ti0.5)O3 – CaTiO3 System”.

M. P. Seabra, M. Avdeev, V. M. Ferreira, R. C. Pullar and N. McN. Alford, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 23 (2003) 2403-2408.


22.       “Near-zero tf doped-niobate ceramics for dielectric resonator applications”.

            R. C. Pullar, A. K. Axelsson and N. M. Alford, in “Morphotrophic Phase Boundary Perovskites, High Strain Piezoelectrics, and Dielectric Ceramics”, Ceramic Transactions 136 (2003) 287-304.


21.       “Crystallisation of hexagonal M ferrites from a stoichiometric sol-gel precursor, without formation of the a-BaFe2O4 intermediate phase”.

R. C. Pullar and A. K. Bhattacharya, Materials Letters 57 (2002) 537-542.


20.       “A halide free route to the manufacture of microstructurally improved M ferrite (BaFe12O19 & SrFe12O19) fibres”.

R. C. Pullar, M. D. Taylor and A. K. Bhattacharya, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 22 (2002) 2039-2045.


19.       “Microwave dielectric properties of columbite-structure niobate ceramics, M2+Nb2O6”.

R. C. Pullar, J. D. Breeze and N. McN. Alford, Key Engineering Materials 224-6 (2002) 1-4.


18.       “Decomposition, shrinkage and evolution with temperature of aligned hexagonal ferrite fibres”.

R. C. Pullar, M. H. Stacey, M. D. Taylor and A. K. Bhattacharya, Acta Materialia 49 (2001) 4241-4250.


17.       “Halide removal from BaM (BaFe12O19) and SrM (SrFe12O19) ferrite fibres via a steaming process”.

R. C. Pullar, M. D. Taylor and A. K. Bhattacharya, Journal of Materials Research 16 (2001) 3162-3169.


16.       “The synthesis and characterisation of Co2X (Ba2Co2 Fe28O46) and Co2U (Ba4Co2Fe36­O60) ferrite fibres, manufactured from a sol-gel process”.

R. C. Pullar and A. K. Bhattacharya, Journal of Materials Science 36 (2001) 4805-4812.


15.       “Magnetic properties of nanocrystalline CoFe2O4 powders prepared at room temperature: variation with crystallite size”.

M. Rajendran, R. C. Pullar, A. K. Bhattacharya, D. Das, S. N. Chintalapudi and C. K. Majumdar, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 232 (2001) 71-83.


14.       “The synthesis and characterization of the hexagonal Z ferrite, Sr3Co2Fe24O41, from a sol-gel precursor”.

            R. C. Pullar and A. K. Bhattacharya, Materials Research Bulletin 36 (2001) 1531-1538.


13.       “The manufacture of partially-stabilised and fully-stabilised zirconia fibres blow spun from an alkoxide derived aqueous sol-gel precursor.”

R. C. Pullar, M. D. Taylor and A. K. Bhattacharya, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 21 (2001) 19-27.


12.       “A method for the preparation of aligned fibre samples for magnetic measurement using VSM”.

R. C. Pullar, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 218 (2000) 1-4.


11.       “The sintering behaviour, mechanical properties and creep resistance of aligned polycrystalline yttrium aluminium garnet (YAG) fibres, produced from an aqueous sol-gel precursor”.

R. C. Pullar, M. D. Taylor and A. K. Bhattacharya, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 19 (1999) 1747-1758.


10.       “Polycrystalline yttrium aluminium garnet (YAG) fibres produced from the steaming of an aqueous sol-gel precursor”.

R. C. Pullar and A. K. Bhattacharya, Materials Letters 39 (1999) 173-8.


9.         “The manufacture and characterisation of single phase magnetite and haematite aligned fibres from an aqueous sol-gel process”.

R. C. Pullar, D. R. Pyke, M. D. Taylor and A. K. Bhattacharya, Journal of Materials Science 33 (1998) 5229-5235.


8.         “The manufacture of yttrium aluminium garnet (YAG) fibres by blow spinning from a sol-gel precursor”.

R. C. Pullar, M. D. Taylor and A. K. Bhattacharya, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 18 (1998) 1759-1764.


7.         “The manufacture, characterisation and microwave properties of aligned M ferrite fibres”.

R. C. Pullar, S. G. Appleton and A. K. Bhattacharya, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 186 (1998) 326-332.


6.         “The synthesis and characterisation of aligned fibres of the ferroxplana ferrites Co2Z, 0.67% CaO-doped Co2Z, Co2Y and Co2W”.

R. C. Pullar, S. G. Appleton, M. H. Stacey, M. D. Taylor and A. K. Bhattacharya, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 186 (1998) 313-325.


5.         “Blow spun strontium zirconate fibres produced from a sol-gel precursor”.

R. C. Pullar, M. D. Taylor and A. K. Bhattacharya, Journal of Materials Science 33 (1998) 3229-3232.


4.         “The microwave properties of aligned hexagonal ferrite fibers”.

R. C. Pullar, S. G. Appleton and A. K. Bhattacharya, Journal of Materials Science Letters 17  (1998) 973-975.


3.         “Aligned hexagonal Co2W ferrite fibres, BaCo2Fe16O27 produced from an aqueous sol-gel process”.

R. C. Pullar, M. D. Taylor and A. K. Bhattacharya, Journal of Materials Science 32 (1997) 873-877.


2.         “Magnetic Co2Y ferrite, Ba2Co2Fe12O22 fibres produced by a blow spun process”.

R. C. Pullar, M. D. Taylor and A. K. Bhattacharya, Journal of Materials Science 32 (1997) 365-368.


1.         “Novel aqueous sol-gel preparation and characterisation of barium M ferrite, BaFe12O19 fibres”.

R. C. Pullar, M. D. Taylor and A. K. Bhattacharya, Journal of Materials Science 32 (1997) 349-352.



Local probing of magnetoelectric coupling in multiferroic composites of BaFe12O19-BaTiO3

Karpinsky, DV; Pullar, RC; Fetisov, YK; Kamentsev, KE; Kholkin, AL

Dielectric measurements on a novel Ba1-xCaxTiO3 (BCT) bulk ceramic combinatorial library

Pullar, R; Zhang, Y; Chen, LF; Yang, SF; Evans, J; Salak, A; Kiselev, D; Kholkin, A; Ferreira, V; Alford, NM
2009, JOURNAL OF ELECTROCERAMICS, 22, 1-3, 245-251.

Bismuth-induced dielectric relaxation in the (1-x)La(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O-3-xBi(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O-3 perovskite system

Salak, AN; Ferreira, VM; Ribeiro, JL; Vieira, LG; Pullar, RC; Alford, NM

Manufacture and measurement of combinatorial libraries of dielectric ceramics - Part II. Dielectric measurements of Ba1-xSrxTiO3 libraries

Pullar, RC; Zhang, Y; Chen, LF; Yang, SF; Evans, JRG; Petrov, PK; Salak, AN; Kiselev, DA; Kholkin, AL; Ferreira, VM; Alford, NM

Dielectric relaxation anal microwave loss in the La(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O-3-(Na1/2Bi1/2)TiO3 perovskite ceramics

Salak, AN; Ferreira, VM; Vieira, LG; Ribeiro, JL; Pullar, RC; Alford, NM
2007, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH, 22, 10, 2676-2684.

Structure-property relations in xBaTiO(3)-(1-x)La(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O-3 solid solutions

Seabra, MP; Avdeev, M; Ferreira, VM; Pullar, RC; Alford, NM; Reaney, IM

Structure and microwave dielectric properties of La(Mg0.5Ti0.5)O-3-CaTiO3 system

Seabra, MP; Avdeev, M; Ferreira, VM; Pullar, RC; Alford, NM

Novel Route for Rapid Sol-Gel Synthesis of Bioglass & Bioceramics, Using Fast Drying with a 100-Fold to 200-Fold Reduction in Processing Time

In Maryann C. Wythers (Eds.), Advances in Materials Science Research: Volume 32
Basam A. E. Ben-Arfa and Robert C. Pullar
2018, 171-200, New York, Nova.
ISBN: 978-1-53613-329-5

Magnetic and Nanostructural Properties of Cobalt–Zinc Ferrite for Environmental Sensors

In C. M. Hussain (Eds.), Handbook of Environmental Materials Management
A.-H. El Foulani, R. C. Pullar, M. Amjoud, K. Ouzaouit and A. Aamouche
2018, 1-18, Cham, Springer.
ISBN: 978-3-319-58538-3

Synthesis and Characterisation of Magnetoelectric Ceramic Composites based on M-type Strontium and Barium Hexagonal Ferrites and Barium Titanate

Medeiros, MSA; Amaral, JS; Pullar, RC
ISBN: 00433396700001

Other Important Materials

In Mailadil T. Sebastian, Heli Jantunen, Rick Ubic (Eds.), Microwave Materials and Applications
M.T. Sebastian, R.C. Pullar
2017, 267-344, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
ISBN: 978-1-119-20852-5

Hexagonal Ferrite Fibres and Nanofibres

In R. B. Jotania and H. S. Virk (Eds.), Solid State Phenomenon – Ferrites and Ceramic Composites Vol II
Robert C. Pullar
2016, 1-68, Zurich, Trans Tech.
ISBN: 978-3-03835-618-9

Combinatorial Materials Science, and a Perspective on Challenges in Data Acquisition, Analysis and Presentation

In Turab Lookman, Francis J. Alexander, Krishna Rajan (Eds.), Information Science for Materials Discovery and Design
Robert C. Pullar
2016, 241-270, Springer International Publishing.
ISBN: 978-3-319-23870-8

Ch 7: Multiferroic and Magnetoelectric Hexagonal Ferrites

In A. Saxena and A. Planes (Eds.), Mesoscopic Phenomena in Multifunctional Materials
Robert C. Pullar
2014, 198, 159-200, Heidelberg, Springer.
ISBN: 978-3-642-55374-5

Ch 4: Titania nanostructures for environmental remediation

In Mahmood Aliofkhazraei (Eds.), Handbook of Functional Nanomaterials; Vol. 4: Properties and Commercialization
D. M. Tobaldi, R. C. Pullar, C. Piccirillo, P. M. L. Castro, M. M. Pintado, M. P. Seabra and J. A. Labrincha
2013, 4, 69-91, New York, Nova.
ISBN: 978-1-62948-232-3

Piezoelectricity and Ferroelectricity in Biomaterials: From Proteins to Self-assembled Peptide Nanotubes

In Ciofani, Gianni; Menciassi, Arianna (Eds.), Piezoelectric Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications
Bystrov, VS; Bdikin, IK; Heredia, A; Pullar, RC; Mishina, ED; Sigov, AS; Kholkin, AL
2012, New York, Springer.
ISBN: 978-3-642-28044-3

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