Susana Cristina dos Santos Pinto

Junior Researcher

Short CV

Susana holds a Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering (2005) and a Master's degree in Inks and Coatings - Chemical Engineering (2009), both from the Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Coimbra. In 2020, Susana completed a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Aveiro.

Her research interests encompass the fabrication and characterization of multifunctional lightweight structures, the functionalization and modification of materials, and the processing of polymer-based composites. She has been involved in FCT projects, R&D projects in collaboration with companies, and two European projects.

Currently, Susana is a researcher in the Department of Chemistry at CICECO – Institute of Materials, University of Aveiro, working on the PRR, Agenda transForm - Digital transformation of the forestry sector for a resilient and low-carbon economy (P4.5. Moulds for Eco-Packaging).


PT2021070155B - Metais e estruturas metálicas porosos e celulares de porosidade aberta impregnados com cortiça, seus processos de produção e suas utilizações. Inventores: Maria Alexandrino Duarte Isabel, Alexandrina De Aguiar Pereira Marques Paula and Cristina Dos Santos Pinto Susana. Publication 2022-12-23.

EP4043125A1 - Porous and cellular metals and metal structures of open porosity impregnated with cork, production processes thereof and uses of same. Inventores: Maria Alexandrino Duarte Isabel, Alexandrina De Aguiar Pereira Marques Paula and Cristina Dos Santos Pinto Susana. Pending


Fabrication of Customizable and Reproducible 3D Chondrocyte-Laden Nanofibrous Architectures: Effect of Specific Fiber Alignments and Porosities on Chondrocyte Response under Cyclic Compression

Semitela, Ângela; Pinto, Susana C.; Capitão, Ana; Marques, Paula A. A. P.; Completo, António
2023, ACS Applied Bio Materials.

Decellularized extracellular matrix-based 3D nanofibrous scaffolds functionalized with polydopamine-reduced graphene oxide for neural tissue engineering

Silva, Daniela M. da; Barroca, Nathalie; Pinto, Susana C.; Semitela, Ângela; de Sousa, Bárbara M.; Martins, Patrícia A.D.; Nero, Luís; et al.
2023, Chemical Engineering Journal.

Interfacing reduced graphene oxide with an adipose-derived extracellular matrix as a regulating milieu for neural tissue engineering

Barroca, Nathalie; da Silva, Daniela M.; Pinto, Susana C.; Sousa, Joana P.M.; Verstappen, Kest; Klymov, Alexey; Fernández-San-Argimiro, Francisco-Javier; et al.
2023, Biomaterials Advances.

Multiscale Sensing of Bone-Implant Loosening for Multifunctional Smart Bone Implants: Using Capacitive Technologies for Precision Controllability

Inês Peres; Pedro Rolo; Jorge A. F. Ferreira; Susana Pinto; Marques PAAP; Ramos, A.; Marco P. Soares dos Santos
2022, Sensors.

Biomimetic Graphene/Spongin Scaffolds for Improved Osteoblasts Bioactivity via Dynamic Mechanical Stimulation

Semitela, A; Carvalho, S; Fernandes, C; Pinto, S; Fateixa, S; Nogueira, HIS; Bdikin, I; Completo, A; Marques, PAAP; Goncalves, G

Boosting in vitro cartilage tissue engineering through the fabrication of polycaprolactone-gelatin 3D scaffolds with specific depth-dependent fiber alignments and mechanical stimulation

Semitela, Ângela; Girão, André F.; Fernandes, Carla; Ramalho, Gonçalo; Pinto, Susana C.; Completo, António; Marques, Paula A.A.P.
2021, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials.

Hybrid Structures Made of Polyurethane/Graphene Nanocomposite Foams Embedded within Aluminum Open-Cell Foam

Pinto, Susana C.; Marques, Paula A. A. P.; Vicente, Romeu; Godinho, Luís; Duarte, Isabel
2020, Metals.

Multifunctional hybrid structures made of open-cell aluminum foam impregnated with cellulose/graphene nanocomposites

Pinto, SC; Silva, NHCS; Pinto, RJB; Freire, CSR; Duarte, I; Vicente, R; Vesenjak, M; Marques, PAAP
ISBN: 1879-1344

Development of polyurethane foam incorporating phase change material for thermal energy storage

Amaral, C; Pinto, SC; Silva, T; Mohseni, F; Amaral, JS; Amaral, VS; Marques, PAAP; Barros-Timmons, A; Vicente, R

Bacterial cellulose/graphene oxide aerogels with enhanced dimensional and thermal stability

Pinto, Susana C.; Gonçalves, Gil; Sandoval, Stefania; López-Periago, Ana M.; Borras, Alejandro; Domingo, Concepción; Tobias, Gerard; et al.
2019, Carbohydrate Polymers.

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