Ongoing Supervisions
From Fossil To Forest (FF2F (Paper with barrier properties))

Local CoordinatorIndustry National
This Innovation Pact is aimed at developing cellulose-based packaging and products to replace fossil-based plastics. In this context, it comprises the following six work packages: (1) high yield pulp and brown paper; (2) paper with increased mechanical strength; (3) paper with barrier properties; (4) biocomposites; (5) paper sensors for...Transform - Transformação digital do setor florestal para uma economia resiliente e hipocarbónica (TRANSFORM (P4.5. Moldes para embalagens sustentáveis e biodegradáveis))
Local CoordinatorIndustry National
Transform Agenda is a unique national initiative whose main aim is to trigger the structural transformation of the Portuguese forestry sector, intervening in a concerted manner throughout the value chain towards digital transition, economic resilience and carbon neutrality, driving the sustainability of the forest and contributing to increased b...2Glam - Desenvolvimento de Laminados de Segunda Geração (2Glam)
Local CoordinatorIndustry National
A Sonae Indústria é líder mundial na produção de derivados de madeira e papel e utiliza um recurso renovável que é a madeira para a produção de aglomerado de partículas e fibras e HPL (termolaminados decorativos de alta pressão). O HPL, produzido pela SONAE Indústria Revestimentos SA, é um produto indicado para superfícies horizontais de mobiliá...Avaliação de desempenhe dos componentes de cartão em embalagens (CARTIG)
Local CoordinatorIndustry National
BIIPP - Biorefinaria Integrada na Indústria da Pasta e Papel (BIIPP)
PartnerIndustry National
O objectivo do projecto tem como aspecto central o desenvolvimento de conhecimento e de processos que possibilitem a produção de biocombustíveis e bioprodutos a partir das correntes processuais e/ou residuais do processo de produção de pasta kraft, visando o aumento do valor acrescentado, através da síntese de produtos de origem renovável, e a r...Bioeconomia para Têxtil e Vestuário (BE@T)
PartnerIndustry National
Apoiada pelo Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência (PRR), a indústria têxtil nacional vai investir 138 milhões de euros na bioeconomia sustentável, procurando a mudança de paradigma para o setor e a criação de produtos de alto valor ...BIOTEX - Bioactive Textiles using functional biopolymers (POCI/CTM/58312/2004)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Polyester and polypropylene fibres Chitosan Anti-microbial activity Textile dyeingCharacterization of Heteropolysaccharides using Mass Spectrometry (POCI/QUI/59337/2004)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Mass Spectrometry Heteropolysaccharides Electrospray LC-MSCork as a sustainable and added value in the development of multifunctional coatings (PTDC/CTM-MAT/2502/2012)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
multifunctional coating cork sustainable anticorrosionEnabling the Next Generation of Smarter Transformers (NEXTRA)
PartnerIndustry National
Evaluation of grape stalks and skins residues in chemical processing for valuable products (CHEMGRAPE) (PTDC/AGR-AAM/104911/2008)
Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Grape (skins and stalks) Oxidative Cooking Biocomposite materials Ecotoxicological essayImproving the yield of Eucalyptus globulus Kraft Pulp Production: Strategies, Mecanisms and Impact on Pulp Economy (POCTI/EQU/46124/2002)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Cellulosic pulp Eucalyptus globulus Kraft process yieldInnovative Products and Technologies from Eucalyptus Project (InPacTus)
PartnerIndustry National
Inpactus, to be developed by the Consortium, aims to develop new solutions, such as cellulosic pulps with innovative features, new paper products with different specificities and functions, tissue paper with innovative properties, new bioproducts, biofuels and other materials obtained from the deconstruction and conversion of forest biomass and ...Inovadores Adesivos Texteis Condutores (CONDAD)
PartnerIndustry National
More details hereNanoBarrier - Extended shelf-life biopolymers for sustainable and multifunctional food packaging solutions (NanoBarrier)
PartnerEuropean Comission
The overall concept of NanoBarrier is to develop a new nanotechnology platform based on inorganic-organic hybrid polymers, microfibrillated cellulose, nanocapsules with controlled permeability and additive technology and combine this with resource-efficient processing technologies to realize safe and extended shelf-life and multifunctional biopo...NMC - Novos Materiais Celulósicos (NMC)
Local CoordinatorIndustry National
A investigação internacional sobre celulose, o biopolímero mais abundante na natureza, tem revelado possibilidades muito promissoras de criação de novas aplicações de elevado valor acrescentado e consequentemente de valorização da fileira florestal. Acresce que o aumento dos preços do petróleo e uma maior apetência dos consumidores por produtos ...Novas Abordagens na desinfecção e branqueamento de rolhas de cortiça. (NEWASHCORK)
Local CoordinatorIndustry National
Desenvolver um inovador sistema de lavação para obtenção de rolhas de cortiça com características distintivas, ao nível do engarrafamento de vinhos tranquilos e espirituosos, que permita ultrapassar o estado da arte ao nível do aspeto visual das rolhas, bem c...PADIS - Papéis de Alto Desempenho à Impressão (PADIS)
Local CoordinatorIndustry National
O objectivo do projecto vai centrar-se no desenvolvimento de novos papéis não revestidos, com um desempenho funcional superior nos processos de impressão digital (inkjet e laser) e offset. Os novos papéis terão de responder a requisitos especiais no sentido de garantirem maiores velocidades de impressão e em simultâneo melhoria da qualidade da i...PAPERBRIGHT - High Performance Bleached Pulps: From Basic Knowledge to Advanced Technology (PTDC/EQU-EQU/113547/2009)
Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Chemical Pulp Brightening Brightness Reversion Chromophores Pulp degradationProduct-Service Development for the Circular Economy and Sustainability Knowledge Alliance (Knowledge Alliance Erasmus+ KATCH_e)
PartnerEuropean Comission
The consortium has chosen the topic of circular economy (CE) as the focus of this project, because it concerns the transition from a take – make – use – dispose model that depletes natural resources and destroys ecosystems to a circular model where the value of products, materials and resources is maintained in the economy for as long as possibl...RENOVA PAPTIS - Desenvolvimento de papéis tissue de nova geração (PAPTIS-RENOVA)
Local CoordinatorIndustry National
Os prod. de papel tissue têm vindo a adquirir 1 importância crescente nas sociedades modernas. Assim, as empresas produtoras de papel tissue para se manterem no mercado e crescerem apostam no desenvolvimento e optimização de processos para dar origem a produtos inovadores, q se diferenciem e q ofereçam ao consumidor, características valorizáveis...Study of structural modifications induced by thermal and oxidative degradation in oligo and polysaccharides by advanced mass spectrometry (PTDC/QUI-QUI/100044/2008)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Mass Spectrometry polysaccharides oxidation thermal degradationTransferência de competências integradas e geradoras de inovação empresarial na Região Centro (INTEGRA@TEC)
Local CoordinatorOther National
Chemical composition and structural features of cellolignin from steam explosion followed by enzymatic hydrolysis of Eucalyptus globulus bark
Sandra Magina, Susana Marques, Francisco Gírio, Ana Lourenço, Ana Barros-immons, Dmitry V. Etuguin
2024, Industrial Crops & Products, 211, 118217.
Effect of alkali charge on the performance of Eucalyptus globulus kraft pulps for tissue applications
Henriques, A; Evtuguin, DV
2023, HOLZFORSCHUNG, 77, 8, 610-617.
Improved bleached eucalyptus kraft pulp-based tissue papers incorporating wet-strength resins
Matos, M; Carta, AM; Pinto, PC; Evtuguin, DV
2023, HOLZFORSCHUNG, 77, 9, 743-751.
Microwaves and Ultrasound as Emerging Techniques for Lignocellulosic Materials
Fernandes, A; Cruz-Lopes, L; Esteves, B; Evtuguin, DV
2023, MATERIALS, 16, 23.
Nanotechnology Applied to Cellulosic Materials
Fernandes, A; Cruz-Lopes, L; Esteves, B; Evtuguin, D
2023, MATERIALS, 16, 8.
Bio-Based Polyurethane Foams from Kraft Lignin with Improved Fire Resistance
Vieira, FR; Gama, NV; Evtuguin, DV; Amorim, CO; Amaral, VS; Pinto, PCOR; Barros-Timmons, A
2023, POLYMERS, 15, 5.
Advances and Challenges in Plant Sterol Research: Fundamentals, Analysis, Applications and Production
Evtyugin, DD; Evtuguin, DV; Casal, S; Domingues, MR
2023, MOLECULES, 28, 18.
Effect of Xylanase-Assisted Treatment of Oxygen-Delignified Eucalypt Kraft Pulp on ECF Bleaching
Matos, JMS; Evtuguin, DV; Sousa, APM; Carvalho, MGVS
2023, FORESTS, 14, 2.
Toward Valorization of the Effluent from Xylanase Prebleaching of Eucalypt Kraft Pulp Using a Nanofiltration Purification Step
Matos, JMS; Evtuguin, DV; Sousa, APM; Almeida, N; Oliveira, RJ; Pereira, SR; Pinto, PCR; Carvalho, MDVS
Partial Replacement of Cationic Starch by Cationic Hardwood Kraft Lignin Does Not Compromise Key Paper Properties
Pinto, PIF; Pinto, PCR; Evtuguin, DV; Liebner, F
2023, SUSTAINABILITY, 15, 6.
Application of analytical techniques to study chemical structure of degraded wood components

Tribulová, T., František, K., Evtuguin, D.V., Čabalová, I.
2017, Zvolen, Technical University of Zvolen Publ..
Evaluation of Chemically Degraded Wood and Cellulose Using the Spectroscopic Methods

Tribulová, T., František, K., Evtuguin, D.V., Čabalová, I.
2016, 85, Technical University of Zvolen Publ..
Sulphite Pulping

In Naceur Belgacem, Antonio Pizzi (Eds.), Lignocellulosic Fibers and Wood Handbook: Renewable Materials for Today's Environment
Dmitry V. Evtuguin
2016, 225-244, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Chapter 22 - Biotechnology Applications in Pulp and Paper Industry

Biotechnology Volume 12: Bioprocess Engineering
Ana P.M. Tavares, Ana M.R.B. Xavier and Dmitry Evtuguin
2014, Houston (USA), STUDIUM PRESS LLC.
Lignin applications in chemical sensing

In Larisa Lvova (University of Rome (Eds.), Multisensor systems for chemical analysis: materials and sensors
Rudnitskaya A, Evtuguin DV
2012, Singapore, Pan Stanford Publishing.
Second Generation Bioethanol from Lignocellulosics: Processing of Hardwood Sulphite Spent Liquor

Fernandes DLA, Pereira SR, Serafim LS, Evtuguin DV, Xavier AMRB
2011, Rijeka, InTech.
Chemical composition and lignin structural features of banana plant leaf sheaths and rachis

In Thomas Q. Hu, Blackwell (Eds.), Characterization of Lignocellulosic Materials
Oliveira L, Evtuguin DV, Cordeiro N, Silvestre AJD, Silva MAS
2008, 171-188, Oxford, UK, Blackwell Publishing Ltd..
Transition Metal Complexes in the Delignification Catalysis

In Varga B,Kis L (Eds.), Transition Metal Chemistry: New Research
Gamelas J, Evtuguin DV, Gaspar A
2008, 15-57, Huntington NY , Nova Publishers.
Cellulose-Silica Hybrid Materials Obtained by Heteropolyacid Catalyzed Sol-Gel Synthesis

Materials, Chemicals, and Energy from Forest Biomass
Sequeira S, Evtuguin DV
2007, 121-136, American Chemical Society.
Nanoscale Structure of Cellulosic Materials: Challenges and Opportunities for AFM

In Mendez-Vilas A, Dias J (Eds.), Modern Research and Educational Topics in Microscopy
Paiva AT , Sequeira SM, Evtuguin DV, Kholkin AL, Portugal I
2007, 1, 726-733, Formatex.
Química de Polímeros

In Melo JS, Moreno MJ, Burrows HD, Gil M (Eds.), Química de Polímeros
Pascoal Neto C, Evtuguin DV
2004, 545-570, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.
Application of analytical techniques to study chemical structure of degraded wood components

Tribulová, T., František, K., Evtuguin, D.V., Čabalová, I.
2017, Zvolen, Technical University of Zvolen Publ..
Evaluation of Chemically Degraded Wood and Cellulose Using the Spectroscopic Methods

Tribulová, T., František, K., Evtuguin, D.V., Čabalová, I.
2016, 85, Technical University of Zvolen Publ..