Maxim Ivanov

Investigador Júnior

Interesses científicos

Main scientific activities imply:

- Scanning Probe microscopy and SPM-based spectroscopy;

- Linear and nonlinear optics and photonics;

- Solid and soft condensed matter physics;

- Advanced multifunctional materials (single-crystal, polycrystalline, nanostructures, and thin films):

  • Ferroelectric (organic/inorganic), ferro(ferri)magnetic, and multiferroics;
  • Bioinspired, supramolecular, and hybrid (MOF, single-ion magnets etc.);
  • Energy storage (ion conductors, super-capacitors, porous polymer matrices);
  • Graphene and graphene-based composites.

Present scientific activity performs:

1) Theoretical and experimental (software/hardware) development of SPM technique:

  • SPM mode operated at the nanoscale level in static and ultrafast dynamic modes (combination with laser methods) and aimed for direct imaging, manipulating and analyzing of nanodynamics both on the surface and inside of the objects;
  • Non-destructive Hybrid Piezoresponse Force Microscopy mode applied to the study of fragile bio- and organic materials;
  • A very local electrical (c-AFM, Spreading Resistance) and electrophysical (EFM, KPFM) measurements applied to the study of organic/inorganic system in order to allow investigate the impact of molecular/grain boundaries, molecular cluster/domain size, layer thickness, composition, crystallinity, defectivity, conductivity, carrier concentration, etc. on the final material performance;
  • Single- and multi-frequency SPM mode for detection of reversible/irreversible surface displacements at the nanoscale owing to electrochemical strain nature.

2) Study of origins (mechanical, electromechanical, electrochemical, etc.) of polar nature (piezo- and ferroelectricity) as measured in biological and bioinspired materials (amino acids, peptides,   nucleobases, cells, tissues, bones, etc.) at the micro- and nanoscale levels:

  • Investigation of morphology and functional changes under external stimuli (electric/magnetic field, temperature pressure, humidity, etc.) and via a combination of an organic matrix with inorganic nanocomposites;
  • Investigation of mechanical properties, conductivity, dielectric permittivity, electrostatic force, and work function in cells and decellularized cell-matrix, phospholipids in cell membranes, lipids, and liposomes (empty and filled);
  • Investigation of cell proliferation mechanisms under electrically charged surfaces and prototyping of multiferroic devices to promote in-situ bone tissue regeneration and reduce bone-implant rejection rates.

Supervising and mentoring activities:

2 M.Sc. and 2 Ph.D. students at MSTU MIREA, Russia;

4 M.Sc. and 2 Ph.D. students at University of Aveiro, Portugal;

One Erasmus student at the University of Coimbra, Portugal.

Teaching activity:

2008 – 2013         Linear and nonlinear optics and Photonics, practical classes (MSTU MIREA, Russia);

2013 – 2016         Scanning Probe Microscopy, practical classes (University of Aveiro, Portugal);

2017 – 2020         Course “Força atômica microscópica” as a part of lectures "Caracterização de Materiais" and practical classes on Scanning Probe Microscopy (University of Coimbra Portugal);

2020 – present time           Scanning Probe Microscopy, practical classes (University of Aveiro, Portugal).

Memberships in scientific societies:

Federation of the European Materials Societies (FEMS) / Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais (SPM) / #1041;

Materials Research Society (MRS) / ID #11079677;

Marie Curie Alumni Association / Spain-Portugal chapter;

DAAD Alumni Association /«Michail Lomonosov Forschungsstipendien und aufenthalte» chapter.

Publicações seleccionadas

 Publications: (over 40, h-10) the 5 selected are:

1)     M.S. Ivanov, V.A. Khomchenko, M.V. Silibin, D.V. Karpinsky, C. Blawert, M. Serdechnova, J.A. Paixão. Investigation of Local Conduction Mechanisms in Ca and Ti-Doped BiFeO3 Using Scanning Probe Microscopy Approach. Nanomaterials 10, 940, 2020.

2)     J. Long, M.S. Ivanov, V.A. Khomchenko, E. Mamontova, J.-M. Thibaud, J. Rouquette, M. Beaudhuin, D. Granier, R.A.S. Ferreira, L.D. Carlos, B. Donnadieu, M.S.C. Henriques, J.A. Paixão, Y. Guari, J. Larionova. Room temperature magnetoelectric coupling in a molecular ferroelectric Ytterbium(III) complex. Science 367 (6478), 671-676, 2020.

3)     M.S. Ivanov, M.V. Silibin, V.A. Khomchenko, T. Nikitin, A.S. Kalinin, D.V. Karpinsky, I. Bdikin, V.V. Polyakov, R. Fausto, J.A. Paixão. Strong impact of LiNbO3 fillers on local electromechanical and electrochemical properties of P(VDF-TrFe) polymer disclosed via scanning probe microscopy. Appl. Surf. Sci. 470, 1093–1100, 2019

4)     M.S. Ivanov, V.A. Khomchenko, M. Salimian, T. Nikitin, S. Kopyl, A.M. Buryakov, E.D. Mishina, F. Salehli, P.A.A.P. Marques, G. Goncalves, R. Fausto, J.A. Paixão, A.L. Kholkin. Self-assembled diphenylalanine peptide microtubes covered by reduced graphene oxide/spiky nickel nanocomposite: An integrated nanobiomaterial for multifunctional applications. Mater. Des. 142, 149–157, 2018

5)     V.A. Khomchenko, M.S. Ivanov, D.V. Karpinsky, and J.A. Paixão. Composition-driven magnetic and structural phase transitions in Bi1−xPrxFe1−xMnxO3 multiferroics. Editor's Pick of J. Appl. Phys. 122 (124103) 2017.

Book chapters:

Book: Electrically Active Materials for Medical Devices (ISBN: 978-1-78326-986-0)

Chapter 11: M. Ivanov, S. Kopyl, S.A.M. Tofail, K. Ryan, B.J. Rodriguez, V.Ya. Shur, A.L. Kholkin. Ferroelectricity in synthetic biomaterials: hydroxyapatite and polypeptides, 150-166;

Chapter 21: I. Coondoo, S. Kopyl, M. Ivanov, V.Ya. Shur, A.L. Kholkin. Energy harvesting with biomaterials, 297-313.


  1. In collaborations with NT-MDT Spectrum Instruments ( and Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH ( participation in the development of the patents for 1. Non-destructive Hybrid Piezoresponse Force Microscopy mode ( applied to the study of fragile bio- and organic materials (the certificate is available as required); and 2. Single- and multi-frequency SPM mode for detection of reversible/irreversible surface displacements due to the electrochemical strain signal measured at the nanoscale level in manufactured LiMn2O4 battery cathode materials;
  2. RU2012106735-A: Two-photon pump integrated bio-laser, has biological organism peptide nano-tube isolated from organism that is obtained from monomers through nano-structure, and harmonic whose emission reinforcement is provided with active medium;
  3. RU2010151517-A: Method for measuring local magneto-electric coefficient in multi-ferroide materials and hetero-structures, involves recording emission of electrodes on optical unit for subsequent measurement of magneto-electric coefficient.

Communications in scientific meetings: more than 30 including 1 invited(M.A. van der Veen, M. Ivanov, S. Vancleuvenbergen, I. Stassen, Y. Zhang, B. Champagne, and A. Kholkin. A piezoelectric metal-organic framework: ZIF-8. INVITED on 2017 Joint IEEE ISAF-IWATMD-PFM Conference. Atlanta. Canada (2017)).

Supervisões em Curso


Nanoscale Study of the Polar and Electronic Properties of a Molecular Erbium(III) Complex Observed via Scanning Probe Microscopy

Ivanov, M; Grempka, A; Buryakov, A; Nikitin, T; Justino, LLG; Fausto, R; Vilarinho, PM; Paixao, JA
2023, CRYSTALS, 13, 9.

Advanced Cellulose-Nanocarbon Composite Films for High-Performance Triboelectric and Piezoelectric Nanogenerators

González, J; Ghaffarinejad, A; Ivanov, M; Ferreira, P; Vilarinho, PM; Borrás, A; Amorín, H; Wicklein, B
2023, NANOMATERIALS, 13, 7.

Local piezo- and ferroelectric properties of γ-glycine single crystal observed via piezoresponse force microscopy

Ivanov, M; Buryakov, A; Khusyainov, D; Silibin, M; Vilarinho, PM; Paixao, JA
2023, PHYSICA SCRIPTA, 98, 8.

Low-temperature solution processing route for potassium sodium niobate (KNN) thin films

Pinho, R; Bretos, I; Jimenez, R; Calzada, ML; Hortigüela, MJ; Otero-Irurueta, G; Ivanov, M; Tkach, A; Costa, ME; Vilarinho, PM

Stress induced effects on piezoelectric polycrystalline potassium sodium niobate thin films

Pinho, R; Vilarinho, R; Moreira, JA; Zorro, F; Ferreira, P; Ivanov, M; Tkach, A; Costa, ME; Vilarinho, PM
2023, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C, 11, 23, 7758-7771.

Influence of UV degradation of bioplastics on the amplification of mercury bioavailability in aquatic environments

Pinto, J; Dias, M; Amaral, J; Ivanov, M; Paixao, JA; Coimbra, MA; Ferreira, P; Pereira, E; Goncalves, I

Investigations on the structural and magnetic properties of Ba1-xGdxFe12O19 (0 <= x <= 0.15) nanoparticles

Buzinaro, MAP; Costa, BFO; Ivanov, MS; Cunha, GC; Macedo, MA; Angelica, RS; Ferreira, NS

Thickness-Dependent High-Temperature Piezo- and Ferro-Electricity in a Fluorenone-Based Molecular Crystal

Ivanov, M; Nikitin, T; Lopes, S; Duan, YL; Xu, JL; Fausto, R; Paixao, JA; Vilarinho, PM; Rasing, T; Semin, S

Impact of compressive and tensile epitaxial strain on transport and nonlinear optical properties of magnetoelectric BaTiO3-(LaCa)MnO3 tunnel junction

Ivanov, MS; Buryakov, AM; Vilarinho, PM; Mishina, ED
ISBN: 1361-6463

Effects of Crystallographic Orientation of GaAs Substrate and the Period of Plasmon Grid on THz Antenna Performance

Buryakov, AM; Ivanov, MS; Khusyainov, DI; Gorbatova, AV; Bilyk, VR; Klimov, EA; Galiev, GB; Vilarinho, PM; Mishina, ED
2021, ANNALEN DER PHYSIK, 533, 8.
ISBN: 1521-3889

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