Daniel António Cunha Pereira

PhD Student


Valorization of Crab Shells as Potential Sorbent Materials for CO2 Capture

Daniel Pereira, Marina Ilkaeva, Francisco Vicente, Ricardo Vieira, Mariana Sardo, Mirtha A. O. Lourenço*, Armando Silvestre, Ildefonso Marin-Montesinos*, and Luís Mafra*
2024, ACS Omega, 9, 16.

Combined thermodynamic and time-resolved structural analysis of interactions between AP2 and biomimetic plasma membranes provides insights into clathrin-mediated endocytosis

Armando Maestro, Nathan R. Zaccai, J.F. Gonzalez-Martinez, P. Sanchez-Puga, J. Tajuelo, M. A. Rubio, Andreas Santamaria, J. Carrascosa-Tejedor, D. Pereira, I. Marín-Montesinos, P. Gutfreund, Richard Campbell, J. Kotar, Bernard T. Kelly, Pietro Cicuta, David J. Owen
2024, bioRxiv.

Untangling structural molecular details of the endocytic adaptor protein CALM upon binding with phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate-containing model membranes

Andreas Santamaria, Daniel Pereira, Nisha Pawar, Bernard T. Kelly, Javier Carrascosa-Tejedor, Mariana Sardo, Luís Mafra, Giovanna Fragneto, David J. Owen, Ildefonso Marín-Montesinos, Eduardo Guzmán, Nathan R. Zaccai, Armando Maestro
2024, bioRxiv.

Engineering phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate model membranes enriched in endocytic cargo: A neutron reflectometry, AFM and QCM-D structural study

Pereiraa, D; Santamaria, A; Pawar, N; Carrascosa-Tejedor, J; Sardo, M; Mafra, L; Guzmán, E; Owen, DJ; Zaccai, NR; Maestro, A; Marín-Montesinos, I

One-Shot Resin 3D-Printed Stators for Low-Cost Fabrication of Magic-Angle Spinning NMR Probeheads

Pereira, D; Sardo, M; Marín-Montesinos, I; Mafra, L
2023, ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 95, 27, 10384-10389.

Understanding CO2 adsorption mechanisms in porous adsorbents: A solid-state NMR survey

Pereira, D; Fonseca, R; Marin-Montesinos, I; Sardo, M; Mafra, L

Structure of DPPC Monolayers at the Air/Buffer Interface: A Neutron Reflectometry and Ellipsometry Study

Javier Carrascosa-Tejedor: Andreas Santamaria; Daniel Pereira; Armando Maestro
2020, Coatings, 10, 6.

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