Phase Transitions, Magnetic and Piezoelectric Properties of Rare-Earth-Substituted BiFeO3 Ceramics


The concentration range of the stability of polar (R3c) and antipolar phases in the Bi1-xRExFeO3 (RELa - Dy) solid solutions has been determined by X-ray study of the polycrystalline samples. Both polar and antipolar phases become less stable with a decrease of the rare earth ionic radii. It is stimulated by a reduction of the rare-earth ions polarizability with a decrease in ionic radii. The antipolar phase is characterized by a weak ferromagnetic state, whereas the polar one exhibits dominantly antiferromagnetic behavior near the polar-antipolar morphotropic boundary. The local piezoelectric response decreases with increase in antipolar phase content in the mixed polar-antipolar structural state. It is suggested that the piezoelectric activity is associated with polar (R3c) phase.



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Materials Science


Troyanchuk, IO; Karpinsky, DV; Bushinsky, MV; Mantytskaya, OS; Tereshko, NV; Shut, VN

our authors



Dr. G. N. Kakazei from the University of Porto (Portugal) is acknowledged for the magnetization measurements. The authors acknowledge the financial support from the BRFFI (grants # F11K-046, T10P-119) and from FCT (SFRH/BPD/42506/2007).

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