Incorporation of sludges in light expanded clay aggregates


Sludges generated from paper-pulp production and water filtration/cleaning operations had been tested in the formulation of light expanded clay aggregates. Both residues are classified as non-hazardous but high daily-producing amounts (up to 100 ton. per unit) and the difficulties in reducing their volume, by suitable filter-pressing methods, require high transportation costs for disposal. The complete characterization of both residues is reported, including physical and compositional parameters and their thermal behaviour. From this knowledge, major technological constraints are identified and sludge pre-treatment requirements can be defined. Inducing effects of the sludge addition both in technological changes on the normal processing conditions of light expanded clay aggregates and in the final characteristics of the granules are discussed. Incorporation levels of about 30 wt.% in the case of paper-pulp sludge and 10 for the water filtration residue were found feasible.

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Materials Science


Pinto, S; Rosenbom, K; Machado, L; Labrincha, JA; Ferreira, VM

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