Physical Properties of Self-polarized PZT Thin Films at Compositions around the Morphotropic Phase Boundary


The physical properties of self-polarized PbZr1-xTixO3 thin films with no preferential orientation in a range of compositions 0.46 <= x <= 0.50 were investigated. Structural analysis revealed the coexistence of monoclinic-tetragonal and monoclinic-rhombohedral phases at compositions 0.46 <= x <= 0.49, where the monoclinic phase was in the majority and both the tetragonal and the rhombohedral phases in the minority. The dielectric permittivity (epsilon' = 447) reached its maximum at around composition x = 0.48. Asymmetries in the macroscopic and local hysteresis loops confirmed the existence of the self-polarization effect in the studied films.




Materials Science; Physics


Araujo, EB; Lima, EC; Bdikin, IK; Kholkin, AL

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