In this paper, we investigate the effects of doping in the local structure of SnO2 by measuring the hyperfine interactions at impurity nuclei using the Time Differential Perturbed Gamma-Gamma Angular Correlation (TDPAC) method in addition to density functional theory simulations. The hyperfine field parameters have been probed as a function of the temperature in thin film samples. The experimental results reveal that Cd-117/In and In-111/Cd are incorporated and stabilized in the SnO2 lattice replacing the cationic site. Significant differences in the electric field gradient were observed from TDPAC measurements with both the probe nuclei. Furthermore, the absence of strongly damped spectra further indicates that implanted Cd atoms (for Cd-117/In probe nuclei measurements) easily occupy regular substitutional Sn sites with good stability. The simulated value for the electric field gradient obtained with the first oxygen neighbor removed is closer to the experimental value observed for Cd-117, which also indicates this configuration as stable and present in the sample. Published by AIP Publishing.
Schell, J; Lupascu, DC; Carbonari, AW; Mansano, RD; Freitas, RS; Goncalves, JN; Dang, TT; Vianden, R
nossos autores
The research leading to these results is related to the ISOLDE experiment LOI144 and has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 654002, from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, BMBF, through grants 05K13TSA and 05K16PGA, and from Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, FCT project CERN-FIS-NUC-0004-2015. In particular, J. Schell extends her thanks to the German Academic Exchange Service, DAAD, in collaboration with Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico, CNPq, through the fellowship Grant No. 290102/2011-1. We thank very much Ms. Noll and the BONIS team of the HISKP, Bonn, for the implantations and the warm hospitality. Dr. J. G. Martins Correia and the ISOLDE in-house group, in particular the RILIS team, are thankfully acknowledged for great discussions and technical support during the beam time.