Copper foam coated with CPO-27(Ni) metal-organic framework for adsorption heat pump: Simulation study using OpenFOAM


The performance of the metal-organic framework (MOF) CPO-27(Ni) for adsorption heat pumps using water as adsorbate was investigated through modeling and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations. A customized solver and methodology to simulate adsorption cycles were developed in OpenFOAM and strictly validated using literature data, since OpenFoam lacks specific tools for these processes and applications. Due to the potential of adsorbent coatings and metal fibers and foams for improving the performance of such processes, a metal tube of copper surrounded by a composite of copper foam and CPO-27(Ni) coating, was considered in this study. For evaporation, condensation and bed regeneration temperatures of 278.15 K, 308.15 K and 368.15 K, respectively, the obtained coefficients of performance and specific heating powers for the composite coating CPO-27(Ni)/copper foam were in the range 1.16-1.39 and 1922-5130 W kg(-1). Under similar conditions, the MOF was outperformed by the well-known adsorbent AQSOA (TM) FAM-Z02, essentially due to the faster intraparticle mass transfer kinetics for the latter.




Thermodynamics; Energy & Fuels; Engineering; Mechanics


Pinheiro, JM; Salustio, S; Geraldes, V; Valente, AA; Silva, CM

nossos autores


This work was developed within the scope of the project CICECO-Aveiro Institute of Materials, FCT Ref. UID/CTM/50011/2019, financed by national funds through the FCT/MCTES, and also within the scope of the Smart Green Homes Project [POCI-01-0247 FEDER-007678], a co-promotion between Bosch Termotecnologia S.A. and the University of Aveiro. It is financed by Portugal 2020, under the Competitiveness and Internationalization Operational Program, and by the European Regional Development Fund. The authors are grateful to Doctoral Program EngIQ, Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT) and Bosch Thermotechnology for a PhD grant (PD/BDE/113538/2015) to Joana M. Pinheiro.

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