Curcumin is a hydrophobic drug gaining growing attention because of its high availability, its innocuity, and its anticancer, antitumoral, and antioxidative activity. However, its poor left-to-right markleft-to-right markbioavailability in the human body, caused by its low aqueous solubility and fast degradation, left-to-right markleft-to-right markpresents a big hurdle for its oral administration. Here, we used nano-vesicles made of left-to-right markleft-to-right markphospholipids to carry and protect curcumin in its membrane. Various curcumin amounts were left-to-right markleft-to-right markencapsulated in the produced phospholipid system to form drug-loaded liposomes. left-to-right markCurcumin's left-to-right markconcentration was evaluated using UV-visible measurements. The maximal left-to-right markamount of curcumin left-to-right markthat could be added to liposomes was assessed. Nuclear magnetic left-to-right markresonance (NMR) analyses left-to-right markwere used to determine curcumin's interactions and localization left-to-right markwithin the phospholipid left-to-right markmembrane of the liposomes. X-ray scattering (SAXS) and atomic left-to-right markforce microscopy (AFM) left-to-right markexperiments were performed to characterize the membrane structure left-to-right markand organization, as well as its left-to-right markmechanical properties at the nanoscale. Conservation of the membrane's properties is found with left-to-right markthe addition of curcumin in various left-to-right markamounts before saturation, allowing the preparation of a left-to-right markdefined nanocarrier with desired left-to-right markamounts of the drug.
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology; Chemistry
Arab-Tehrany, E; Elkhoury, K; Francius, G; Jierry, L; Mano, JF; Kahn, C; Linder, M
nossos autores
K.E. acknowledges support from the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. This work was also developed within the scope of the project CICECO-Aveiro Institute of Materials, UIDB/50011/2020 & UIDP/50011/2020, financed by national funds through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology/MCTES.