X-ray characterization and domain structure of high-quality SrBi2Ta2O9 single-crystals grown by self-flux solution method


High-quality SrBi2Ta2O9 single crystals were grown by self-flux solution method. According to x-ray topography the crystals with layered habitus and typical dimensions up to similar to7 x 5 x 0.05 mm(3) show perfect (001)-orientation with the edges directed along [110] axes. The quality of the crystals was also confirmed by high-field measurements, which did not detect any ferroelectric hysteresis along the c-axis crystallographic direction thus confirming that the polarization vector lies entirely in the a-b plane. Sharp phase transition (T-c = 350degreesC) with well-defined Curie-Weiss behavior above the transition was found. Examination of the domain structure revealed well-faceted 90degrees domains forming due to mechanical twinning above the transition to ferroelectric phase.




Engineering; Physics


Amorin, H; Bdikin, IK; Shvartsman, VV; Costa, MEV; Kholkin, AL

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