Lipase Production and Purification from Fermentation Broth Using Ionic Liquids


The downstream processing of biotechnological products consists of different unit operations, which depend on the product characteristics, the required level of purification, and whether the product is intracellular (formed inside the cell) or extracellular (secreted into the surrounding medium). If biological cells are not involved in the production stage, the reaction medium can be directly concentrated and the target product purified; otherwise, a first step of cellular lysis may be required to release the target product followed by a cell, or cell debris, separation. This chapter focuses on the description and critical analysis of the most recommended techniques already employed in lipase production and mainly in its purification. Associated or not with the utilization of the vulgar technologies, the common liquid–liquid extraction techniques normally applied in the lipase purification and their suitability will be assessed and properly discussed. This chapter then discusses the improvements in the performance of the liquid–liquid technologies by including ILs as separation and extraction agents. Finally, a critical analysis based on the main conclusions is presented and future perspectives and challenges are addressed.


Sónia P.M. Ventura, João A.P. Coutinho

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