Ana Maria de Oliveira e Rocha Senos


Short CV

Personal Data

Name: Ana Maria Oliveira Rocha Senos

Nationality: Portuguese

Address: Department of Materials and Ceramic Engineering,

Centre for Research Ceramics and Composites, CICECO, University of

Aveiro, 3810 -193 Aveiro, Portugal


Telephone: 351-234-370354/257; Fax: 351-234-370204



Graduated in Ceramic and Glass Engineering from University of Aveiro (UA) in 1981 and got the PhD degree in Materials Science and Engineering, UA, in 1994 (Thematic: Oxides sintering kinetics).


Work Experience

Associate Professor at the Department of Materials and Ceramic Engineering, University of Aveiro, since August 2009.

Vice President of the Microscopy Society of Portugal, 2010-11.

Director of the Master course in Ceramics and Glass Engineering of the University of Aveiro, 2008-13.


Teaching Activities

She is involved in teaching topics of processing and characterization of materials for undergraduate, master and doctoral studies, such as Microstructure Development, Microstructure and Interfaces, and Kinetic of Advanced Materials Processing.


Research Experience and Scientific Interests

Ana Senos has been involved in the investigation of ceramics and nanocomposites processing, on the topics of sintering kinetics, microstructural development, grain boundary design, constrained sintering, and the relation with the electrical answer and mechanical behavior of materials.

Current interests are focused on development of nanostructured materials for structural, electrical and nuclear applications and on the study of grain boundary phenomena in electronic functional materials (2D, 3D), for microwave and energy applications.


Scientific Supervision

Has (is) supervising 18 Master students, 12 PhD students and 5 Post-docs.  


Publications and Scientific Track Record

Is author (co-authored) of 126 publications, including 3 Book Chapters, 101 papers (90 from SCI), 19 proceedings and 2 patents, with ca. 1300 citations (h-index=22).

She has about 130 communications as oral and poster presentations or as invited speaker.


R&D Projects

She has being coordinator and collaborator of 20research and development projects, some of them including industrial partners.

Has national and international collaborations with European, Brazilian, Korean, Indian and USA groups and participates/d in 6 cooperation projects.


Other synergetic activities (from 1996 till 2016)

She has been acting as referee in the selection of European R&D projects (4 project panels) and is referee of more than 30 international journals. 

Been involved in the organization of 2 national and 4 international scientific meetings, various seminars and workshops

Member of Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais, Sociedade Portuguesa de Microscopia

Sociedade Portuguesa de Cerâmica e Vidro, Associação dos Engenheiros de Cerâmica e Vidro e American Ceramic Society.


10 selected publications

 “Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Titanate-Mullite Composites”, Y.X. Huang, A.M.R. Senos, J.L. Baptista, J. Mater. Res., 15 (2), 357-63 (2000).

“Densification and Grain Growth of Al-doped ZnO”, J.Han, P.Q. Mantas, A.M.R.Senos, J. Mater. Res., 16 (2), 459-68, (2001).

 “Microstructural Design of PZT Ceramics”, J. Perez, M.R. Soares, P.Q. Mantas, A.M.R. Senos, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 25, 2207-210 (2005).

“Ferroelectric domain structure of PbZr0.35Ti0.65O3 single crystals by Piezoresponse Force Microscopy”, I. K. Bdikin, J. A. Perez, I. Coondoo, A. M. R. Senos, P. Q. Mantas, A. L. Kholkin, J. Appl. Phys., 110, 052003-1-7 (2011).

“Origin of microcracking in YMnO3 ceramics”, Monika Tomczy, Ana Maria Senos, Paula Maria Vilarinho, Ian M. Reaney, Scripta Materialia, 66 (5), 288-91 (2012).

 “ Grain Growth Anomaly and Dielectric Response in Ti-rich Strontium Titanate Ceramics”, Luís Amaral, Manuela Fernandes, Ian M. Reaney, Martin P. Harmer, Ana M. R. Senos and Paula M. Vilarinho, J. Phys. Chem. C, 117 (47), 24787–95 (2013). DOI: 10.1017/S143192761201327X

 Intense 31-35 Ar beams produced with a nanostructured CaO target at ISOLDE”,  J.P. Ramos, A. Gottberg,  T.M. Mendonça, C. Seiffert,  A.M.R. Senos, H.O.U. Fynbo, O. Tengblad, J.A. Briz, M.V. Lund, G.T. Koldste, M. Carmona-Gallardo, V. Pesudo, T. Stora,  Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 320 83–88 (2014). DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2013.12.009

 Mechanical characterization of WC-10 wt% AISI 304 cemented carbides“, C.M. Fernandes,L.M. Vilhena, C.M.S. Pinho, F.J. Oliveira,E. Soares, J. Sacramento, A.M.R. Senos, Materials Science & Engineering A, 618, 629-36 (2014). DOI 10.1016/j.msea.2014.09.064

 Sintering kinetics of nanometric calcium oxide in vacuum atmosphere", J.P. Ramos, C.M. Fernandes, T. Stora, A.M.R. Senos, Ceramics International, 41 (6), 8093-99 (2015). DOI 10.1016/j.ceramint.2015.03.007

 Abrasive wear resistance of WC-Co and WC-AISI 304 composites by ball-cratering method”, L.M. Vilhena, C.M. Fernandes, E. Soares, J. Sacramento, A.M.R. Senos, A. Ramalho, Wear, 346, 99-107 (2016). Doi: 10.1016/j.wear.2015.11.005

Scientific Interests

- Ceramic processing and properties (structural, electronic, nuclear and biomedical applications).
- Grain boundary engineering applied to the grain growth control during sintering and related electrical properties.
- Constrained sintering of thick films for electronic applications.
- Innovation in industrial processing.

Present Research Group

Actually the group includes the following researchers:

Post-Docs: Dr. Cristina Fernandes and Dr. Nivas Babu Selvaraj
PhD students: Alexandre Pires and João Pedro Ramos
MSc students: Vera Fernandes, Joel Almeida, Joel Puga, Carla Pinho and Manuela Fernandes

Main present collaborators


-Prof. Dr. Pedro Mantas, Department of Materials and Ceramic Engineering/ CICECO, University of Aveiro.

-Prof. Dr. Paula Vilarinho, Department of Materials and Ceramic Engineering/ CICECO, University of Aveiro.

- Prof. Dr Maria Helena Fernandes, Department of Materials and Ceramic Engineering/ CICECO, University of Aveiro.International:

- Prof. Olivier Guillon, Institute of Materials Science and Technology, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany 

- Doutor Andrei Kholkine, CICECO, University of Aveiro.

- Prof. Dr. Teresa Gomes, Chemistry Department, University of Aveiro

- Prof. Dr. João Mota, Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro.

- Prof. Dr. Teresa Vieira, Mechanical Engineering Department, CEMUC, University of Coimbra.

- Prof. Dr. José Castanho, Mechanical Engineering Department, CEMUC, University of Coimbra

- Prof. Dr. Baranda Ribeiro, Mechanical Engineering Department, CEMUC, University of Coimbra

-Prof. Dr. José Luís Silva, Center of professional formation for Ceramics Industry (CENCAL)..- Dr. José Ribeiro, Physics Department, University of Minho.

- MSc. Carlos Aguiar, Faculty of Engineering, University of O’Porto.


- Prof. Martin Harmer, University of Lehigh, US

- Prof. Ian Reaney, University of Sheffield, England 

- Dr. Eric Boillat, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, EPFL, Switzerland

- Dr. Thierry Stora, CERN, Genéve, Switzerland 

- Prof. Sílvio Rainho Teixeira, Faculdade de Ciência e Tecnologia-FCT, Universidade Estadual Paulista-UNESP, Brasil.

- Prof. Dr. Leinig Perazolli, Instituto de Química, Campus de Araraquara,Universidade Estadual Paulista-UNESP, Brasil.


Teaching Activity

- Microstructure and Interfaces

- Microstructural Development

- Kinetics of Advanced Materials Processing

- Materials and Technology I, II

- Design of Multifunctional Composite Structures. 

- Thesis Supervisions

Present projects

“Grain Boundary Complexions in Electronic Ceramics: Proof of Concept”, FLAD,  refª 91-08/10
"Multiferroics and magnetoelectrics for spintronic: barriers and interfaces”/PTDC/CTM/099415/2008
"Developement of nanostructured targets materials for isotope diffusion "
"New binders for tungsten carbide composites- Inovaligantes"/ Co-Promoção-SI I&DT/11428/2009
"Explosive consolidation of WC composites"

Selected Publications

Publications (in SCI Journals):

  "Atmosphere Effects in the Grain Boundary Region of ZnO Varistors", A.M.R. Senos, J.L. Baptista, J. Mat. Sci. Letters, 3, 213-16 (1984).

  "Barrier Parameters and Electrical Properties of Annealed and Quenched ZnO Varistors", A.M.R. Senos, P.Q. Mantas, J.L. Baptista, Sil. Ind., 50 (11-12), 161 (1985).
 "Varistor-Capacitor Characteristics of ZnO Ceramics", P.Q. Mantas, A.M.R. Senos, J.L. Baptista, J. Mat. Sci., 21 (2), 679-86 (1986).

 "Wet Synthesis and Characterization of Modified Hydroxyapatite Powders", R.N. Correia, M.C.F. Magalhães, P.A.A.P. Marques, A.M.R. Senos, J. Mat. Sci.: Mats in Medicine 7, 501-05 (1996).

"Gel Formation in Mullite Precursors Obtained via Tetraethilorthosilicate (TEOS) Prehydrolysis", Y.X. Huang, A.M.R. Senos, J. Rocha, J.L. Baptista, J.Mat. Sci., 32, 105-10 (1997).

"Preparation of an Aluminium Titanate - 25 vol% Mullite Composite by Sintering of Gel-Coated Powders", Y.X. Huang, A.M.R. Senos, J.L. Baptista, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 17 (10), 1239-46 (1997).

 “Aluminium Titanate-25 vol% Mullite Composite Powder Obtained by Different Processing Methods”, Y.X. Huang, A.M.R. Senos, J.L. Baptista, Key Engineering Materials, vols. 132-136, 41-44 (1997).

"Effect of Excess SiO2 on the Reaction Sintering of Aluminium Titanate - 25 vol% Mullite Composites", Y.X. Huang, A.M.R. Senos, J.L. Baptista, Ceramics International, 24, 223-28 (1998).

“Engineering Properties of Aluminium Titanate-Mullite Composites Prepared by a Gel Coating Powder Processing”, Y.X.Huang, A.M.R.Senos, J.L.Baptista, Silicates Industriels, 63 (3-4), 51 (1998).

 “Nonisothermal Sintering of Mn doped ZnO”, J.Han, A.M.R.Senos, P.Q.Mantas, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 19, 1003 (1999).

“Phase Coexistence in PZT Ceramics”, M.R.Soares, A.M.R.Senos, P.Q.Mantas, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 19, 1865-71 (1999).

“Phase Coexistence Region and Dielectric Properties of PZT Ceramics”, M.R.Soares, A.M.R.Senos, P.Q.Mantas, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 20, 321-34 (2000).

“Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Titanate-Mullite Composites”, Y.X. Huang, A.M.R. Senos, J.L. Baptista, J. Mater. Res., 15 (2), 357-63 (2000).

“Grain Growth in Mn-Doped ZnO”, J.Han, P.Q. Mantas, A.M.R.Senos, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 20, 2753-58 (2000).

 “Densification and Grain Growth of Al-doped ZnO”, J.Han, P.Q. Mantas, A.M.R.Senos, J. Mater. Res., 16 (2), 459-68, (2001).

“Effect of Al and Mn Doping on the Electrical Conductivity of ZnO”, J.Han, P.Q. Mantas, A.M.R.Senos,  J. Eur Ceram. Soc., 21, 1883-86 (2001).

 “Defect Chemistry and Electrical Characteristics of Undoped and Mn-doped ZnO”, J.Han, P.Q. Mantas, A.M.R.Senos, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 22, 49-59 (2002).

“Dilatometric Based Analysis of the Synthesis of Al2TiO5”, Y.X. Huang, A.M.R. Senos, J.L. Baptista, Key Engineering Materials, vols. 206-213, 175-78 (2002).

“Effect of the Powder Precursor Characteristics in the Reaction Sintering of Aluminium Titanate”, Y.X. Huang, A.M.R. Senos, Mats. Res. Bull., 37(1), 99-111(2002).

 “Deep Donors in Polycrystalline Mn-doped ZnO”, J.Han, A.M.R.Senos, P.Q. Mantas, Mats. Chem. Phys., 75, 117-20 (2002).

“Varistor Behaviour of Mn-doped ZnO Ceramics”, J. Han, A.M.R.Senos, P.Q. Mantas, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 22, 1653-60 (2002).

“Rheological Behaviour of Aqueous Suspensions of Hydroxyapatite (HAP)”, Y. Bao, A.M.R. Senos, M. Almeida, Ludwig J. Gauckler, J. Mat. Sci: Mat. Medicine, 13 (7), 639-43 (2002).

“Stainless Steel Coatings Sputter-deposited on Tungsten Carbide Powder Particles”, C.M. Fernandes, V.M. Ferreira, A.M.R. Senos, M.T. Vieira, Surface & Coatings Techn., 176 (1), 103-08 (2003).

“Sintering of Tungsten Carbide Powder Particles Sputter-deposited with Stainless Steel”, C.M. Fernandes, A.M.R. Senos, M.T. Vieira, Int. J. Refrac. Metals and Hard Mats, 21, 147-54 (2003).

“Hopping Conduction in  Mn-doped ZnO”, J Han , M. Shen, W. Cao, A M R Senos, P.Q. Mantas, Appl. Phys. Lett., 82 (1), 67-69 (2003).

 “Dielectric Relaxation of Shallow Donor in Polycrystalline Mn-doped ZnO”, J. Han, A.m.R. Senos, P.Q. Mantas, w. Cao, J. Appl. Phys., 93 (7), 4097-103 (2003).

“Synthesis and Dielectric Properties of Tungsten-Based Complex Perovskites”, D.D. Khalyavin, J. Han, A.M.R. Senos, P.Q.  Mantas, J. Mat. Res, 18 (11), 2600-607 (2003).

“Suitability of pzt Ceramics for Mass Sensors versus Widespread used Quartz Crystals”, M.I.S. Verissimo, A.M.R. Senos, P.Q. Mantas, J.A.B.P. Oliveira, M.T.S.R. Gomes, Sensors and Actuators-B, 95, 25-31 (2003).

 “Study of Sintering Variables of Tungsten Carbide Particles Sputter-deposited with Stainless Steel”, C.M. Fernandes, A.M.R. Senos, M.T. Vieira, Mats. Sci. Forum, vols. 445-456, 295-98 (2004).

“Structural and Dielectric Characteristics of Ba2MeWO6 (Me=Mg, Ni, Zn) Double Perovskites”, D.D. Khalyavin, J. Han, A.m.R. Senos, P.Q. Mantas, Mats. Sci. Forum, vols. 445-456, 30-34 (2004).

 “Effect of the Enzyme Concentration on the Direct Coagulation Casting of Hydroxyapatite-Alumina Bodies”, A. Rolo, A.M.R. Senos, M. Almeida, Mats. Sci. Forum, vols. 445-456, 366-69 (2004).

“Crystal Structure of Sr2MgWO6 and Ba2SrWO6 Detemined by X-ray Diffraction”, D.D. Khalyavin, A.M.R. Senos, P.Q. Mantas, Powder Diffraction, 19 (3), 280-83 (2004).

“Effect of Nonstoichiometry on the Microstructure and Dielectric Properties of Strontium Titanate Ceramics”, A. Tkach, P.M. Vilarinho, A.M.R. Senos, A.L. Kholkin, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 25, 2769-72 (2005).

“Microstructural Design of PZT Ceramics”, J. Perez, M.R. Soares, P.Q. Mantas, A.M.R. Senos, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 25, 2207-2210 (2005).

“Sintering Kinetics of Undoped and Mn-doped Zinc Oxide in the Intermediate State”, J. Han, P.Q. Mantas, A.M.R. Senos, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 88 (7), 1773-1778 (2005).

“Crystal Structure of La4Mg3W3O18 Layered Oxide”, D.D. Khalyavin, A.M.R. Senos, P.Q. Mantas, J. Phys. Cond. Matter, 17 (17), 2585-2595 (2005).

“Structure-Dependent Microwave Dielectric Properties of (1-x)La(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3-xLa2/3TiO3 ceramics”, A.N.Salak , D.D. Khalyavin, P.Q. Mantas, A.M.R. Senos, V. M. Ferreira, J. Appl. Phys., 98 (3), (2005).

“Structure Evolution in the La2MgTiO6-Ba2MgWO6 System”, D.D. Khalyavin, A.N. Salak, M.P. Seabra, A.M.R.Senos, P.Q.Mantas, V.M. Ferreira, Mats. Res. Bull., 41, 167-76 (2006).

 “Growth of Lead Zirconate Titanate Single Crystals by the High Temperature Solution Method”, J. Perez, M.R. Soares, P.Q. Mantas, H. Amorin, M.E.V. Costa, A.M.R. Senos, Mats. Sci. Forum, vols. 514-516, 184-87 (2006).

“Effect of the Ni Chemical Distribution on the Reactivity and Densification of WC-(Fe/Ni/Cr) composite powders”, C.M. Fernandes, A.M.R. Senos, M.T. Vieira, Mats. Sci. Forum, vols. 514-516, 633-37 (2006).

“Microstructure Characterization and Dielectric Properties of La4Mg3W3O18 Layered Oxide, D.D. Khalyavin”, A.M.R. Senos, P.Q. Mantas, Mats. Sci. Forum, vols. 514-516, 255-58 (2006).

“Structure Sequence in CaTiO3-LaAlO3 Microwave Ceramics”, A.N. Salak, D.D. Khalyavin, A.M.R. Senos, P.Q. Mantas, V.M. Ferreira, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 89, 1721-23 (2006).

“Particle Surface Properties of Stainless Steel-Coated Tungsten Carbide Powders”, C.M. Fernandes, A.M.R. Senos, M.T. Vieira, Powder Technol., 164, 124-29 (2006).

 “Structure and Dielectric Behavior of the (1-x)La(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3-xBa(Mg1/2W1/2)O3 Microwave Ceramics”, A.N. Salak, D.D. Khalyavin, A.M.R. Senos, P.Q. Mantas, V.M. Ferreira, Ferroelectrics, 333,  213-219 (2006).

“Crystal Structure of La6Mg4Ta2W2O24 Oxide: a Representative of Novel Homologous Series A3nB/2nB//2nO12n with n=2”, D.D. Khalyavin, A.M.R. Senos, P.Q. Mantas, Chemistry of Materials, 18, 3834-3849 (2006).

"Structure and Dielectric Characterization of a New A-site Deficient La5/3MgTaO6 Perovskite, D.D. Khalyavin, A.M.R. Senos, P.Q. Mantas, D.N. Argyou, I. Tarroso Gomes, L.G. Vieira, J. Ribeiro, J. Solid State Chem., 180, 41-48 (2007).

 6H Hexagonal Structure of Low Loss Ba3MTiWO9 (M = Mg, Zn) Dielectrics, D.D. Khalyavin, A.M.R. Senos, P.Q. Mantas, Mats. Res. Bull., 42, 126-30 (2007).

 “Control of Eta Carbide Formation in Tungsten Carbide Powders Sputter-Deposited with (Fe/Ni/Cr)”, C.M. Fernandes, A.M.R. Senos, M.T. Vieira, Int. J. Refrac. Metals and Hard Mats, 25, 310-17 (2007).

"Mechanical characterization of composites prepared from WC powders coated with Ni rich binders” C.M. Fernandes, A.M.R. Senos, M.T. Vieira, J.M. Antunes, Int. J. Refrac. Metals and Hard Mat.s, 26, 491-98 (2008).

 “Coated WC powders by sputtered nanostructured Ni and stainless steel”, J.M. Castanho, M.T. Vieira, C.M. Fernandes, A.M.R. Senos, M. Matos, Vacuum, 82, 1404-406 (2008).

“Nonstoichiometry effects in SrTiO3 ceramics assessed by Transmission Electron Microscopy”, L. Amaral, A.M.R. Senos, P.M. Vilarinho, Microscopy and Microanalysis-online Journal, 14, 5-6 (2008).

“Microscopic Characterization of the Thermal Evolution of Stainless Steel Coatings Sputter-deposited onto WC Particles”, C.M. Fernandes, A.M.R. Senos, M.T. Vieira, Microscopy and Microanalysis-online Journal, 14, 39-40 (2008).

“Preparation of Porous Glass Scaffolds by Salt Sintering Technique”, E.J.C. Davim, M.H.V. Fernandes, A.M.R. Senos, Mats. Sci. Forum, vols. 587-588, 52-56 (2008).

“Carbide phases formed in WC-M (M=Fe/Ni/Cr) systems”, C. M. Fernandes, V. Popovich, M. Matos, A.M.R. Senos, M. T. Vieira, Ceramics International, 35, 369-72 (2009).

  "Preparation of PZT Discs for Use in Acoustic Wave Sensor", M.I.S. Veríssimo, P.Q. Mantas, A.M.R. Senos, J.A.B.P. Oliveira, M.T.S.R. Gomes,Ceramics International, 35, 617-22 (2009).

 “Sintering Kinetic Studies in Nonstoichiometric Strontium Titanate Ceramics", L. Amaral, A.M.R. Senos, P.M. Vilarinho, Mats. Res. Bull., 44, 263-70 (2009).

  “Composites from WC powders sputter-deposited with iron rich binders, C.M. Fernandes, A.M.R. Senos, M.T. Vieira, J.V. Fernandes, Ceramics International,  35 (4) 1617-23 (2009).

 “Annealing of nanocrystalline Ni on WC-Co” by C. M. Fernandes, G. Guisbiers, S. Pereira, N. P. Barradas, E. Alves, A. M. R. Senos, M. T. Vieira, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 482 (1-2), 131-36(2009).

 “Digital tools for material selection in product design”, P.M.Ramalhete, A.M.R. Senos, C. Aguiar, Materials & Design, 31 (5), 2276-87 (2010),  DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2009.12.013

“Cemented carbide phase diagrams: a review”, C. M. Fernandes, A. M. R. Senos, Int. J. Refrac. Metals and Hard Mat.s, 29, 405-18 (2011)

 “Ferroelectric domain structure of PbZr0.35Ti0.65O3 single crystals by Piezoresponse Force Microscopy”, I. K. Bdikin, J. A. Perez, I. Coondoo, A. M. R. Senos, P. Q. Mantas, A. L. Kholkin,J. Appl. Phys., 110, 052003-1-7 (2011).

 “Origin of microcracking in YMnO3 ceramics”, Monika Tomczy, Ana Maria Senos, Paula Maria Vilarinho, Ian M. Reaney, Scripta Materialia, 66 (5), 288-91 (2012).

“Reduction of microcracking in YMnO3 ceramics by Ti substitution”,  Scripta Materialia, 67, 427–430 (2012). 

“Photoluminescence of SrTiO3: Influence of particle size and morphology”, Souza  AE, Santos  GTA, Barra BC, Macedo Jr. WD, Teixeira SR, Santos CM, Senos AMOR, Amaral L, Longo E,  Crystal Growth & Design, 12 (11), 5671–5679 (2012). DOI:10.1021/cg301168k 

“Effect of the substrate on the constrained sintering of BaLa4Ti4O15 thick films”, Amaral L, Jamin C, Senos AMR, Vilarinho PM, Guillon O,  Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 95 (12), 3781–3787(2012). doi: 10.1111/j.1551-2916.2012.05466.x

 “Interface exploring of tungsten carbide-stainless steel composites through HR-TEM”, C. M. Fernandes, M.-G. Willinger, M. T. Vieira, A. M. R. Senos, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 18 (S5), 109-110(2012). DOI: 10.1017/S1431927612013207

 “Effect of the grain size on the magnetic phase separation in La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 by magnetic force microscopy”, P. De Sousa, N. Panwar,  I. Bdikin, A. L. Kholkin, C.M. Fernandes, A.M.R. Senos, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 18 (S5), 101-102 (2012). DOI: 10.1017/S1431927612013165

Grain growth anomaly in Ti-rich strontium titanate as revealed by electron microscopy” L Amaral, M Fernandes, AMR Senos, PM Vilarinho, M Harmer, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 18 (S5), 123-124 (2012). DOI: 10.1017/S143192761201327X

67. “Versatility of the sputtering technique in the processing of WC-Fe-Ni-Cr composites”,Fernandes, C.M., Senos A.M.R., Vieira, M.T., Surface and Coatings Technology (2012)

“Constrained sintering of BaLa4Ti4O15 thick films: pore and grain anisotropy”, Luís Amaral, Christine Jamin, Ana M. R. Senos, Paula M. Vilarinho, Olivier Guillon, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 33, 1801-08 (2013).

 “Morphological characterization by scanning electron microscopy of WC powder particles coated with Cu”, J.B. Puga, C.M. Fernandes, M.T. Vieira and A.M.R. Senos,

Microsc. Microanal. 19-20, Suppl 4 (2013). 

“Sintering, microstructure and properties of WC-AISI304 powder composites”, B.J. Marques, C.M. Fernandes, A.M.R. Senos, J. Alloys and Compounds, 562, 164-70 (2013).

 “Grain Growth Anomaly and Dielectric Response in Ti-rich Strontium Titanate Ceramics”, Luís Amaral, Manuela Fernandes, Ian M. Reaney, Martin P. Harmer, Ana M. R. Senos and Paula M. Vilarinho, J. Phys. Chem. C, 117 (47), pp 24787–24795 (2013).

 “Intense 31-35 Ar beams produced with a nanostructured CaO target at ISOLDE”,  J.P. Ramos, A. Gottberg,  T.M. Mendonça, C. Seiffert,  A.M.R. Senos, H.O.U. Fynbo, O. Tengblad, J.A. Briz, M.V. Lund, G.T. Koldste, M. Carmona-Gallardo, V. Pesudo, T. Stora,  Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 320 83–88 (2014).

“Non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of a Si-Ca-P-Mg bioactive glass”, E.J.C. Davim, A.M.R. Senos, M.H.V. Fernandes,J Therm Anal Calorim, 117 (2), 643-51 (2014).

DOI 10.1007/s10973-014-3786-3 

“Mechanical characterization of WC-10 wt% AISI 304 cemented carbides“, C.M. Fernandes,L.M. Vilhena, C.M.S. Pinho, F.J. Oliveira,E. Soares, J. Sacramento, A.M.R. Senos, Materials Science & Engineering A, 618, 629-36 (2014).

DOI 10.1016/j.msea.2014.09.064

“Unravelling the effect of SrTiO3 antiferrodistortive phase transition on the magnetic properties of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films”, D. A. Mota, Y. Romaguera Barcelay, , A. M. R. Senos, C. M. Fernandes, P. B. Tavares, I. T. Gomes, P. Sá, L. Fernandes, B. G. Almeida, F. Figueiras, P. Mirzadeh Vaghefi, V. S. Amaral, A. Almeida, J. Perez De La Cruz,  J. Agostinho Moreira, J. Physics D: Applied Physics, 47 (43) nº 435002 (2014).

 “Increased surface area during sintering of calcium phosphate glass and sodium chloride mixtures”, E.J.C. Davim, M.H.V. Fernandes, A.M.R. Senos, J. Europ. Ceram. Soc., 35 (1), 329-36 (2015).

 “Electrophoretic deposition and constrained sintering of strontium titanate thick films“, Amaral, L., Senos, A.M.R., Vilarinho, P.M., Mats. Chem. and Phys., 149, 445-52 (2015).

  "Sintering kinetics of nanometric calcium oxide in vacuum atmosphere", J.P. Ramos, C.M. Fernandes, T. Stora, A.M.R. Senos, Ceramics International, 41 (6), 8093-99 (2015).

  "Structural and electrical characteristics of rhombohedral lead zirconate titanate single crystals", J. A. Pérez,M. R. Soares, F. A. A. Paz,J. Klinowski, A. M. R. Senos, P. Q. Mantas,  Journal of Materials Science, 50 (12), 4232-43 (2015).

“Microstructure evaluation of titanate based layered perovskites: constrained vs. free sintering”, Senos, A.M.R., Amaral, L., Selvaraj, N.B, Fernandes, M., Jamin, C., Guillon, O., Reaney, I., Vilarinho, P.M., Microsc. Microanal., 21(Suppl. 6), 92-3 (2015).

Doi: 10.1017/S1431927614014160

“Microstructural characterization of WC-AISI304 composites obtained by selective laser sintering”, Fernandes, C.M., Cavaleiro, A, Gestel, C.V., Jhabvala, J., Boillat, E., Vieira, M.T., Senos, A.M.R., Microsc. Microanal. 21(Suppl. 6), 104-5 (2015).

Doi: 10.1017/S1431927614014226

 “Microstructural inspection of the M6C phase in heat-treated WC-AISI304 stainless steel powders", Fernandes, C.M., Vieira, M.T., Senos, A.M.R., Microsc. Microanal. 21(Suppl. 6), 110-11 (2015).

Doi: 10.1017/S1431927614014251

“EBSD Characterization of WC-AISI304 Cemented Carbides”, Fernandes, C.M., Vieira, M.T., Senos, A.M.R., Microsc. Microanal., 21(Suppl.5), 25-6 (2015).

Doi: 10.1017/S1431927615013938 

“HRTEM Studies of Stress Assisted Sintered BaLa4Ti4O15”, N. B. Selvaraj, M. Fernandes, T. Denneulin, E. Snoeck, P. M. Vilarinho, A. M. R. Senos, Microsc. Microanal., 21(Suppl.5), 47-8 (2015).

Doi: 10.1017/S143192761501404X

 “Corrosion behaviour of WC-10% AISI 304 cemented carbides”, A.B. Oliveira, A.C. Bastos, C.M. Fernandes, C.M.S. Pinho, A.M.R. Senos, E. Soares, J. Sacramento, M.L. Zheludkevich, M.G.S. Ferreira, Corrosion Science, 100, 322-31 (2015).

Doi: 10.1016/j.corsci.2015.08.006

 “Abrasive wear resistance of WC-Co and WC-AISI 304 composites by ball-cratering method”, L.M. Vilhena, C.M. Fernandes, E. Soares, J. Sacramento, A.M.R. Senos, A. Ramalho, Wear, 346, 99-107 (2016).

Doi: 10.1016/j.wear.2015.11.005

 “Copper wettability on tungsten carbide surfaces”, V.L. Silva, C.M. Fernandes, A.M.R. Senos, Ceram. Int., 42 (1), 1191-96 (2016).

Doi: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2015.09.050

Publications (in non-SCI Journals):

68.   “Design Management in the Utilitarian and Decorative Portuguese Ceramic Industry”, Raquel J. Antunes, A.M.R. Senos, João A. Mota, José Luís Silva, Design Principles and Practices: an International Journal, 3 (2), 71-84 (2009).
69. “A Dinâmica do Design na Indústria da Cerâmica Utilitária e Decorativa Nacional”, Raquel J. Antunes, José Luís Silva, A.M.R. Senos, João A. Mota, Revista Kéramika, nº 297, 6-15, 2009. 
70. “O aço inoxidável como ligante no metal duro”, B.J. Marques, C.M. Fernandes, A.M.R. Senos, Ciência & Tecnologia dos Materiais, revista da SPM (Sociedade Portuguesa dos Materiais) Vol. 23 N.º1/2 Janeiro-Junho 2011 pp 103-112. (clicar em Revista)/ (
Book Chapters:
    C.M. Fernandes, A.M.R. Senos and M.T. Vieira (2011) “WC Powder’s Coating Processes for Hard Materials Applications: Sputtering” In Maryann C. Wytherst (ed.) In Advances in Materials Science Research, Volume 8, Chapter 11, New York, Nova Science Publishers, pp. 363-378. ISBN: 978-1-61209-822-7.

    M.H. Fernandes, A.M.R. Senos, JM Oliveira, “Vidrios e Vitrocerâmicos Bioactivos: Nuevos retos hacia la medicina regenerativa”, Cap. 5, pp. 87- 108, 2012. DOI: 0.4272/978-84-9745-176-5 (


1. "Effects of Particle Morphology and Rearrangement on Sintering of ZnO Fine Powders", A.M.R. Senos, M.R.A. Santos, J.M. Vieira, Science of Ceramics 14, Ed. D. Taylor, The Institute of Ceramics, Stoke-on-Trent, U.K., pg. 265-271, 1988.
2. "Grain Boundary Phenomena in the Early Stages of Sintering of MO Oxides", A.M.R. Senos, M.R.A. Santos, A.P. Moreira, J.M. Vieira, Surfaces and Interfaces of Ceramic Materials, Ed. L.C. Dufour, C. Monty, G. Petot-Ervas, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pg.553-563, 1989.
3. "Synthesis, Sintering and Dielectric Characterization of Lead Tungstate Perovskite Ceramics", P.M. Vilarinho, A.M.R. Senos, J.L. Baptista, Material Science Monographs, vol.66B, Ed. P. Vicenzini, Elsevier, pg. 2047-2056, 1991.
4. "Pore Size Distribution and Particle Rearrangement During Sintering", A.M.R. Senos, J.M. Vieira, 3th Euro-Ceramics, vol.1, Ed. P. Duran, J.F. Fernandez, Faenza Editrice Iberica, S.L., Itália, pg. 821-826, 1993.
5. "Effect of WO3 Additions on the Microstruture and Electrical Properties of PZT Ceramics", M.R. Soares, F. Coimbra, A.M.R. Senos, P.Q. Mantas, J.L. Baptista, Electroceramics IV, vol. I, Ed. R. Waser, S. Hoffmann, D. Bonnenberg, Ch. Hoffmann, Becker-Kuns, Aachen, pg.403-406, 1994.
6. "Processing Effects on Morphological Evolution of ZnO during Sintering", A.M.R. Senos, J.M. Vieira, Advances in Science and Technology, 3c, Ed. P. Vicenzini, Techna, Faenza, pg. 1777-1784, 1995.
7. "Synthesis of Aluminium Titanate Powder by Different Processing Methods", Y.X. Huang, A.M.R. Senos, J.L. Baptista, 4th Euro-Ceramics, vol. 1, Ed. C. Galassi, grupo editoriale faenza editrice, Itália, pg.187-194, 1995.
8. "Efeito da Velocidade de Aquecimento na Sinterização Reactiva do Titanato de Alumínio", M.R.A. Santos, A.M.R. Senos, J.L. Baptista, Anais do 7º  Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais, vol. 2, Ed. Ana M. Segadães, Aveiro, pg. 331-338, 1995.
9. "Influence of Tetragonal to Rhombhoedral Phases Ratio on the Electrical Properties of PZT Ceramics", M.R. Soares, A.M.R. Senos, P.Q. Mantas, "Electroceramics V", vol.1, Ed. J.L. Baptista, A. Labrincha, P.M. Vilarinho, Aveiro, pg. 181-184, 1996.
10. “Engineering Properties of Aluminium Titanate-Mullite Composites Prepared by a Gel Coating Powder Processing”, Y.X.Huang, A.M.R.Senos, J.L.Baptista, Extended Abstracts of the 4th International Conference on Ceramics Composites, Ed. A. Leriche et al., Silicates Industriels, pg. 75-78, 1997.
11. “Mn and Al Doping Effect on the Grain Growth of ZnO”, J.Han, A.M.R.Senos, P.Q.Mantas, 6th Euro-Ceramics, vol.1, Ed. IOM Communications Ltd, UK, pg. 115-116, 1999.
12. “Hydroxyapatite-Alumina Composites Produced by Direct Coagulation Casting”, Y. Bao, A. M. R. Senos, M. Almeida, 6th Euro-Ceramics, vol.2, Ed. IOM Communications Ltd, UK, pg. 551-552, 1999.
13. “Optical and Electrical Characterisation of Iron Doped ZnO”, C. Gaspar, L. Pereira, F.M. Costa, T. Monteiro, J.Han, A.M.R. Senos, P.Q. Mantas, SIMC-XI, Ed. C. Jagadish, N.J. Welham, IEEE Publishing, pg. 326-329, 2001.
14. “Critical Assessment of the Performance of PZT Ceramics vs. Quartz Crystal as Piezoelectric Substrates for Mass Sensors”, M.I.S. Veríssimo, P.Q. Mantas, A.M.R. Senos, J.A.B.P. Oliveira, M.T.S.R. Gomes, Actas do EUROSENSORS XVI, Praga, República Checa, 150-153, 2002.
15. “Mechanical Characterization of a WC--Ni Composite Prepared from Sputter-deposited Powder”, C.M. Fernandes, A.M.R. Senos, J.M. Castanho, M.T. Vieira, J.M. Antunes, Proceedings of EuroPM2006, Vol. 1, Hard Materials, 2006. 
16. “Application of the qualitative isotopic analysis of the design impact in the utilitarian and ornamental Portuguese ceramic industry”, Raquel J. Antunes, João A. Mota, A.M.R. Senos, José Luís Silva, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Integration of Design, Engineering and Management for innovation IDEMI09, 2009.
17. “The design process and the needed digital tools for material selection”, P. Ramalhete, A.M.R. Senos, C. Aguiar, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Integration of Design, Engineering and Management for innovation IDEMI09, 2009.
18. “Understanding the design process and the materials selection methods used by portuguese designers“, P. Ramalhete, A.M.R. Senos, C. Aguiar, Proceedings of the 2nd International Forum Design as a Process, Aveiro, Portugal, Outubro 2010.
19. Reactive Sintering of Tungsten Carbide-Stainless Steel Hardmetals Assessed by Dilatometry, C.M. Fernandes, F.J. Oliveira, A.M.R. Senos, EUROPM2011 Powder Metallurgy Congress and Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain, 9-12 October 2011. Proceedings Volume 3, pp 93-98.
20. Stress Assisted Grain Growth and Dielectric Properties of BaLa4Ti4O15 Thick Films, L. Amaral; A.M.R.Senos; C. Jamin; O. Guillon, P.M. Vilarinho, Proceedings CICMT 2012.

Ongoing Supervisions


Desenvolvimento Sustentável de porcelânico técnico por via seca (ReviDry)

PartnerIndustry National
Desenvolver um novo processo de produção de pavimento e revestimento cerâmico em grés porcelânico, recorrendo ao método de preparação de pasta por via seca, tornando o processo ambientalmente mais sustentável é o objetivo deste projeto promovido pela Revigrés com o apoio do COMPETE 2020.

Estudo da sinterização constrangida de filmes espessos dieléctricos com elevado Q e baixas perdas para aplicação nas microondas (Acção Integrada Luso-Alemã)

CoordinatorOther National

Exploring stresses to develop functional nanoceramics by in-situ TEM sintering (UTAP-EXPL/CTM-NAN/0018/2014)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Stresses In situ-TEM Nanoceramics Sintering

Grain Boundary Complexions in Electronic Ceramics: Proof of Concept (FLAD 91-08/10)

CoordinatorOther National

GREENPEC - Desenvolvimento de um plastificante primário para PVC, de origem animal e livre de ftalatos (GREENPEC )

PartnerIndustry National
O objetivo principal deste projeto, levado a cabo pelo consórcio entre a Sapec Química e a Universidade de Aveiro, consiste no desenvolvimento de um plastificante primário para PVC originado a partir de óleos vegetais, os quais são considerados recursos renováveis e agentes de crescimento sustentável. Com o cumprimento destes objetivos, prevê-se...

HARDCorr - Desenvolvimento de metal duro com elevada resistência ao desgaste e à corrosão (HardCorr)

Local CoordinatorIndustry National
O Projeto HARDCorr tem como principal objetivo a investigação e o desenvolvimento de novas composições de metal duro para a produção de componentes com elevada resistência ao desgaste e à corrosão, bem como o desenvolvimento da tecnologia pulverometalúrgica necessária à produção industrial na empresa DURIT ? Metalurgia Portuguesa do Tungsténio L...

INOVALIGANTES - Novos ligantes para compósitos de carboneto de tunsténio (INOVALIGANTES)

Local CoordinatorIndustry National
Desenvolvimento do processo pulverometalurgico de compósitos constituídos por WC e diferentes aços inoxidáveis, em detrimento do Co. Investigação das propriedades.Desenvolvimento de compósitos de WC, aço inoxidável e alumínio. Investigação das condições de síntese, do processo pulverometalúrgico e das propriedades.Desenvolvimento de protótipos i...

Multiferroics and magnetoelectrics for spintronics: barriers and interfaces (PTDC/CTM/099415/2008)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Multiferroic and magnetoelectric materials Heterostructures Spin transport Tunneling

Processing, structure and dielectric properties relationships of microwave ceramics (POCTI/CTM/40187/2001)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Dielectrics Ceramics Processing Microwave

Sinterizacao FLASH de oxidos funcionais livres de chumbo para o processamento sustentavel de materiais para aplicacoes em energia e relacionadas. (FLASH)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Stainless steel coating of WC particles by sputtering (POCTI/CTM/35460/1999)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
powder coating composites sputtering tungsten carbide

Valorização de residuos de metal duro através do processamento de cilindros (ECORODS)

Local CoordinatorIndustry National
The EcoRods project aims to process a new hard metal product with a gradient of controlled properties through the processing of a bimetallic cylinder consisting of a functional part, from an original powder of controlled composition and on the other part from waste of powder.



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