Ongoing Supervisions
Alternative SuperConducting Superlattice (SuperSuper)
Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Moiré materials have emerged as a two-dimensional platform with a broad range of states between superconducting and insulating. Despite the remarkable scientific progress, an important bottleneck is the lack of a general and facile approach for the production of moiré materials. SuperSuper is targeted at developing a disruptive straightforward b...Engineered Conductive Proteins for Bioelectronics (E-PROT)

Local CoordinatorEuropean Comission
Proteins demonstrate exceptional structural and electrical conduction properties for designing functional materials. The goal of the EU-funded e-Prot project is to rationally design efficient conductive protein systems and produce protein-based conductive structures and materials. This breakthrough relies on a multidisciplinary scientific approa...FantastiCOF: Fabricating and Implementing Exotic Moiré Materials from Covalent Organic Frameworks (FantastiCOF)

Local CoordinatorEuropean Comission
Superconducting devices based on Josephson Junctions (JJs) are among the most versatile devices in superconducting electronics. Yet challenges remain because conventional JJs are created using a variety of materials that have been identified as a source of noise, dissipation and dephasing, and also, that raise compatibility problems dur...Functionalized graphene for quantum technologies (PTDC/FIS-NAN/4662/2014)
Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Grafeno; tecnología quânticas; defeitos pontuais paramagnéticas; spin interactionsProjeto de Investigação Exploratória: Manuel Melle (IF Manuel Melle)
CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Redesigning 2D Materials for the Formulation of Semiconducting Inks (2D INK)
Local CoordinatorEuropean Comission
2D-INK is targeted at developing inks of novel 2D semiconducting materials for low-cost large-area fabrication processes on insulating substrates through a new methodology, which will exceed the properties of state-of-the-art graphene- and graphene oxide based inks. Achieving this would represent an important step forward in the processing of 2D...Redox-active Metal-Organic Frameworks as Electrode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries (RedoxMOFs)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
One of the main concerns of modern society is reducing its dependence on fossil fuels. Due to their low cost and low environmental impact, electrical energy storage devices are among the most promising alternatives to conventional fossil fuels, as the electricity generated from renewable sources may be efficiently stored. In particular, lithium-...Publications
Monodisperse N-Doped Graphene Nanoribbons Reaching 7.7 Nanometers in Length
Cortizo-Lacalle, D; Mora-Fuentes, JP; Strutynski, K; Saeki, A; Melle-Franco, M; Mateo-Alonso, A
Selective G-quadruplex binding by oligoarginine-Ru(dppz) metallopeptides
Bouzada, D; Salvado, I; Barka, G; Rama, G; Martinez-Costas, J; Lorca, R; Somoza, A; Melle-Franco, M; Vazquez, ME; Lopez, MV
2018, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 54, 6, 658-661.
Three-dimensional C-60 polymers with ordered binary-alloy-type structures
Laranjeira, J; Marques, L; Fortunato, NM; Melle-Franco, M; Strutynski, K; Barroso, M
2018, CARBON, 137, 511-518.
Water Dispersible Few-Layer Graphene Stabilized by a Novel Pyrene Derivative at Micromolar Concentration
Cunha, E; Proenca, MF; Pereira, MG; Fernandes, MJ; Young, RJ; Strutynski, K; Melle-Franco, M; Gonzalez-Debs, M; Lopes, PE; Paiva, MD
2018, NANOMATERIALS, 8, 9.
TiO2/graphene and TiO2/graphene oxide nanocomposites for photocatalytic applications: A computer modeling and experimental study
Martins, PM; Ferreira, CG; Silva, AR; Magalhaes, B; Alves, MM; Pereira, L; Marques, PAAP; Melle-Franco, M; Lanceros-Mendez, S
A thiadiazole-capped nanoribbon with 18 linearly fused rings
Cortizo-Lacalle, D; Gozalvez, C; Franco, MM; Mateo-Alonso, A
2018, NANOSCALE, 10, 24, 11297-11301.
Oxidized Nanocarbons-Tripeptide Supramolecular Hydrogels: Shape Matters!
Iglesias, D; Melle-Franco, M; Kurbasic, M; Melchionna, M; Abrami, M; Grassi, M; Prato, M; Marchesan, S
2018, ACS NANO, 12, 6, 5530-5538.
High conductance values in pi-folded molecular junctions
Carini, M; Ruiz, MP; Usabiaga, I; Fernandez, JA; Cocinero, EJ; Melle-Franco, M; Diez-Perez, I; Mateo-Alonso, A
Twisted Aromatic Frameworks: Readily Exfoliable and Solution-Processable Two-Dimensional Conjugated Microporous Polymers
Marco, AB; Cortizo-Lacalle, D; Perez-Miqueo, I; Valenti, G; Boni, A; Plas, J; Strutynski, K; De Feyter, S; Paolucci, F; Montes, M; Khlobystov, AN; Melle-Franco, M; Mateo-Alonso, A
Permeation of skin with (C-60) fullerene dispersions
Martins, M; Azoia, NG; Melle-Franco, M; Ribeiro, A; Cavaco-Paulo, A
2017, ENGINEERING IN LIFE SCIENCES, 17, 7, 732-738.