Last week the University of Aveiro (UA) hosted the meeting that marked the start of three projects financed by European Union under the program Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange Programme (RISE) of Horizon 2020. The projects are coordinated by members of the research group Surface Engineering and Corrosion Protection (SECOP), CICECO-DeMac (AU), led by Mário Ferreira, also director of the Department of Materials and Ceramic Engineering (DeMac) and CICECO researcher. The projects, signed in the presence of the different European partners, are:
- "SMARCOAT - Development of Smart and Nano Microcapsulated Sensing Coatings for Improving Durability of Material / Performance" in the field of Engineering, led by the researcher João Tedim, CICECO-DeMac;
- "TUMOCS - Tuneable Multiferroics Based on Oxygen Octahedral Structures", in physics, led by the researcher Andrei Salak, CICECO-DeMac;
- "MULTISURF - Multi-functional Metallic Surfaces Layered Double Hydroxide via Active Treatments", Chemistry, led by Mikhail Zheludkevich, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht researcher (Germany) and UA (CICECO-DeMac);
These projects finance the international and intersectoral mobility of researchers, on a total of EUR 2.4M for the period 2015 to 2018 and involve several academic institutions and companies from Portugal, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Belarus and Ukraine.
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