
19 December 2023

CICECO YOUNG RESEARCHER AWARDS 2023: Nicolas Schaeffer talks about his journey

CICECO YOUNG RESEARCHER AWARDS 2023: Nicolas Schaeffer talks about his journey

The CICECO YOUNG RESEARCHER AWARDS (YRA) is a series of Aveiro Institute of Materials that highlights the excellence of the CICECO junior researchers. More than that, it explores that being a scientist goes beyond the research itself.

Let's learn a little more about each winner of the 2023 edition.

Nicolas Schaeffer is the second participant. He has always been curious and "Why'" was his favorite question when he was a child. For Nicolas Chemistry is the science of the XXI century and, now, he was awarded an ERC starting grant to set up a research group to design and implement a new class of solvent to improve the selectivity of lanthanide separation compared to traditional solvent extraction.


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