Unraveling sugar based bio-polyethylene
A study led by Andreia Sousa and Catarina Araújo explains the relationship between structure and properties of polyethylene 2,5-furanedicarboxylate (PEF).

Andrei Salak awarded with the Honorary Diploma of the Belarus Academy of Sciences
Considerable contribution to the scientific and technological cooperation between Portugal and Belarus highlighted by the President of the Belarus Academy of Sciences.

Inês Martins awarded with Ludo Frevel Crystallography Scholarship
International Center for Diffraction Data (ICDD) highlights the PhD student as a promising young researcher in crystallography.

Maksim Starykevich wins the Young Researcher 2017 Prize from SPE
Portuguese Electrochemistry Society recognizes his research contribution in the field of Electrochemistry.

Paula Vilarinho joins the Executive Committee of FEMS
Leader of the Electroceramics Group was elected as executive officer of the Federation of European Materials Societies.

FET-Open proposal led by Luís Carlos was financed
Nanoparticles-based 2D thermal bioimaging technology (NanoTBTech) was one of the 27 successful projects that have been selected and will be funded with 3 million euros.

João Mano receives the grant Proof of Concept from European Research Council
The approved project associated to this ERC-PoC will allow the development of tumoral micro-tissues to test drugs targeting bone diseases.

The longest graphene nanoribbon ever made
Manuel Mello-Franco and Karol Strutyński, in collaboration with the 2D-INK project team, synthesized and characterized a graphene nanoribbon with 7.7 nm in length.

José Maria Ferreira is the new Main Editor of JACerS
Journal of the American Ceramic Society recognizes the work developed as Associate Editor over the last 10 years.