The single crystal X-ray diffractometer equipped with an area detector (CCD) is installed in the Department of Chemistry / CICECO since September 2006. In this period of time, the equipment was used extensively for collecting X-ray structural data collection of small molecules and framework solids prepared by members of associated laboratories CICECO and REQUIMTE, some in joint collaboration or with researchers from other national or internacional centres. Additionally, the equipment was also used to provide single crystal X-ray diffraction structure determination to the national and international scientific community. Thus, the crystal data of 670 compounds were measured and their structures solved. At present, the upgrade of the powder and films diffractometers allows the study of some 4000 samples per year in almost 3500 hours of activity. These facilities are used by over 60 researchers of Aveiro University, researchers from 8 other universities and research centres, and about 10 companies. The FCT equipment programme resulted in the publication, in 2 years, of over 70 SCI papers. It also contributed for the improving the quality of the research and undergraduate and graduate formation of the University of Aveiro and other national centres, contributing decisively for some 20 post-doctoral and 30 doctoral or M.Sc. programmes.
Universidade de Aveiro (UA)