Thermo-mechanical behaviour of alkali free bioactive glass-ceramics co-doped with strontium and zinc


We report on the influence of SrO and ZnO co-doping on thermo-mechanical behaviour of alkali free bioactive glass-ceramics in system: (mol%) (36.07 - x) CaO-x SrO-(19.24 - y) MgO-y ZnO-5.61 P2O5-38.49 SiO2-0.59 CaF2 (x = 2-10, y = 2-10). Hot-stage microscopy and differential thermal analysis revealed that densification of all the glass powders occurs before the onset of crystallization, resulting in well sintered and mechanically strong glasses/glass-ceramics after heat treating for 1 h under non-isothermal conditions at 800, 850 and 900 degrees C. The crystalline phase assemblage in the sintered compacts included diopside (CaMgSi2O6) and fluorapatite [Ca-5(PO4)(3)F] with partial replacement of Ca for Sr with increasing strontium contents. The effect of heat treatment temperature on mechanical reliability was assessed by Weibull statistical analysis applied to the flexural strength data. The results obtained revealed that a better balance of properties was achieved for the samples sintered at 850 degrees C These results provide an insight into the choice of final material/experimental conditions for the development of three-dimensional porous scaffolds for bone tissue engineering. (c) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



subject category

Materials Science


Kapoor, S; Goel, A; Pascual, MJ; Ferreira, JMF

our authors


Saurabh Kapoor is indebted to CICECO and the University of Aveiro for the research grant. The authors also thank FCT for financial support under the project PTDC/CTM/099489/2008.

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