Many chemicals are used to prolong wood lifetime and protect wood against wooddestroying organisms and fire but there is not sufficient information about their possible corrosive effects on wood and its structural components from the perspective of long-Term exposition in unsuitable condition. This study evaluated the combined effects of inorganic chemicals (borates, phosphates containing ammonia, sulphates with metal cations, chlorides) and wet-Thermal accelerated ageing at temperature 80 C and relative humidity 65% for 30 days on chemical composition of treated wood. Used analyses indicated that selected chemicals cause a decomposition of all wood constituents in varying degrees. Cellulose was degraded in the greatest extent due to acidic sulphates (Fe3+, Cu2+) and almost no deterioration of polysaccharides was caused with H3BO3 and NH4Cl. A negative effect on lignin had Na2B4O7.10H2O, NaCl and Fe2 (SO4)3. At the same time the amount of extractives in hot water and acetone and ash content were compared at all samples. The wet-Thermal ageing played an important role in wood degradation, but the effect of chemical treatment was certainly stronger. © 2016 Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.
Acetone; Boric acid; Chemicals; Degradation; Indicators (chemical); Inorganic chemicals; Lignin; Polysaccharides; Wood; Accelerated ageing; Ash contents; Extractives; Fir wood; Inorganic salts; Wood chemicals; Abies; Chemical Treatment; Inorganic Salts; Lignins; Polysaccharides; Wood
Tribulova T; Kacik F; Evtuguin DV; Cabalova I