Ruthenium solubility and its impact on the crystallization behavior and electrical conductivity of MoO3-containing borosilicate-based model high-level nuclear waste glasses


The present study focuses on investigating the solubility of RuO2 in a borosilicate-based model high-level waste glass and understanding its impact on the crystallization behavior and electrical conductivity of the resulting vitrified waste forms. The solubility limit of RuO2 in the investigated glass composition has been determined to be 460 ppm by weight. The higher concentration of RuO2 results in sub-micron sized Ru-rich inclusions in the glassy matrix, which eventually agglomerate to form needle-like and polyhedral RuO2 crystals. It is observed that RuO2 selectively promotes the crystallization of the rare-earth apatite phase over the powellite phase. The as-synthesized RuO2-containing glasses exhibit semiconducting behavior with a similar level of electrical conductivity below the glass transition. The percolation of non-uniformly distributed RuO2 inclusions may result in a formation of short-range low-resistive conduction pathways in the host glass matrix leading to an apparent metallic-like behavior of selected thin samples with the highest ruthenium content.



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Materials Science


Kamat, H; Arias-Serrano, BI; Yaremchenko, A; Goel, A

our authors


This research was performed using funding received from the DOE Offices of Nuclear Energy (Nuclear Energy University Program) and Environmental Management (Office of River Projection), contract No. DE-NE0008597 and DE-NE0008431. The authors, B.I.A.S. and A.Y., gratefully acknowledge financial support from the FCT, Portugal (project CICECO -Aveiro Institute of Materials, UIDB/50011/2020 & UIDP/50011/2020, financed by national funds through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology/MCTES). The author, H.K., is thankful to Ms. Xinyi Xu, Mr. Yingcheng Zheng, and Dr. Nicholas StoneWeiss for the help in collecting the XRD and SEM-EDS data.

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