Combining eutectic solvents and pressurized liquid extraction coupled in-line with solid-phase extraction to recover, purify and stabilize anthocyanins from Brazilian berry waste


Pressurized techniques are straightforward for high-scale applications and highly controllable, which seems an excellent strategy for recovering unstable natural compounds. In this work, the main advance was the development of a platform based on the pressurized liquid extraction coupled in-line with a solid-phase extraction step (PLE-SPE) combined with the use of eutectic mixtures as solvents to promote an efficient extraction and purification of natural pigments from food wastes. Eutectic mixtures, conventionally known as (deep) eutectic solvents - (D)ES, are combinations of two or more substances with a lower melting point than any of their components. (D)ES are often referred as "green solvents" because they can potentially be more environmentally friendly than other solvents, especially volatile organic solvents (VOSs). Overall, (D)ES have the potential to contribute to the achievement of several of the SDGs (especially 3, 13, and 14) through their positive impacts on health, environment, and sustainable production and consumption practices. Thus, in this work, (D)ES were used as solvents to valorize Brazilian berry waste (Plinia cauliflora). Anthocyanins are the biomass's main compounds of commercial interest, mainly for food and cosmetic applications. However, there are several technological issues regarding color control due to their high sensitivity to light, heat, oxygen, and pH variations. Thus, the data achieved in this work highlighted the high efficiency and low environmental footprint of the PLE-SPE-(D)ES platform developed. The success of the downstream process here developed was proved by the high extraction efficiency and the purity level of the anthocyanins obtained. Besides, thermal stability analysis was evaluated, demonstrating that (D)ES are not only solvents but also stabilizing agents, improving the shelf-life of the extracted colorants.



subject category

Chemistry; Science & Technology - Other Topics


Mesquita, LD; Contieri, LS; Sosa, FHB; Pizani, RS; Chaves, J; Viganó, J; Ventura, SPM; Rostagno, MA

our authors


This work was supported by "Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo - FAPESP" through the projects (2018/14582-5 and 2019/13496-0) and fellowships (L. M. de S. M.: 2020/08421-9, 2021/11022-1; L. C. S.: 2020/03623-2, 2021/11023-8; R. S. P.: 2020/04067-6 and J. V.: 2020/15774-5). This work was supported by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq, Brazil) (productivity grant 302610/2021-9) and Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES, Brazil) [grant number 88887.310558/2018-00 and Finance Code 001]. This work was developed within the scope of the project CICECO-Aveiro Institute of Materials, UIDB/50011/2020, UIDP/50011/2020 & LA/P/0006/2020, financed by national funds through the FCT/MEC (PIDDAC).

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