Characterization of cement-bonded particleboards manufactured with maritime pine, blue gum and cork grown in Portugal


Wood-cement panels were manufactured using three lignocellulosic materials of Portuguese origin: blue gum (Eucalyptus globulus Labil.), maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) and cork (the bark of cork oak, Quercus suber L.). Portland cement was used as a binder in the ratio of either 8/1 or 4/1 (cement/lignocellulose on a weight basis). Experimental panels had a target density of 1500 kg/m(3). Particles were used either as received or after water washing, or with the addition of CaCl2 as a setting accelerator. The following properties were determined: density, moisture content, thickness swelling, internal bond, modulus of elasticity and modulus of rupture. In general terms, the panels fulfill the requirements of the EN 634-1 and EN 634-2 standards. The only exception was the modulus of rupture which was lower than required. Unlike organic resin bonded panels, adding more binder does not necessarily result in better panels.



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Forestry; Materials Science


Pereira, C; Caldeira, F; Ferreira, JMF; Irle, MA

our authors


Thanks are due to FCT-Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (Foundation for Science and Technology), Lisbon, Portugal, for the financial support in the frame of the project POCTI/1999/CTM/35480; and to Corticeira Amorim S.A., Instituto Raiz, Jomar-Madeiras e Derivados, S. A and Secil-Companhia Geral de Cal e Cimento S.A., for providing the cork granules, the blue gum chips, the pine particles and the cement, respectively.

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