Enhancement of Bi-2223 phase formation by electrical assisted laser floating zone technique


Application of the electrical assisted laser floating zone (EALFZ) technique to the growth of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O superconducting fibres modifies the crystallization path during solidification. Under the electrical current, strong grain alignment in pull direction is obtained and the primary phase to crystallize is the equilibrium phase (SrxCa1-x)(14)CU24O41 (14/24) instead of the metastable SixCa1-xCuO2 (1/1) cuprate that appears in the conventional LFZ process. Also, the superconducting phase development kinetics of EALFZ fibres during heat treatment differs from that of LFZ processed ones. An outstanding increase in the amount of the high critical temperature phase Bi2Sr2Ca2CU3O10 (2223) takes place as a result of interdiffusion across the interface between reactant phases 14/24 and Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 (2212). The 2223 new crystals grow in bulk form in a perpendicular direction to the fibre axis. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.




Chemistry; Physics


Carrasco, MF; Lopes, AB; Silva, RF; Vieira, JM; Costa, FM

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